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Blacklight OAI-PMH Provider

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OAI-PMH service endpoint for Blacklight applications.


The BlacklightOaiProvider plugin provides an Open Archives Initiative Protocolo for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) data provider endpoint, using the ruby-oai gem, that let serice providers harvest that metadata.


A Rails 4 application using Blacklight 6.



gem 'blacklight_oai_provider', git: '', branch: 'master'

to your Gemfile and run bundle install.

Then run bundle exec rails generate blacklight_oai_provider to install the appropriate extensions into your CatalogController, SolrDocument, and routes.

After runniing the generator, config/routes.rb should contain a definition for the :oai_provider concern. You may need to add this concern to the route definition for the Blacklight catalog controller. For example:

resource :catalog, only: [:index], path: '/catalog', controller: 'catalog' do
  concerns :oai_provider

If you want to customize the installation, instead you may:

  • Extend your Solr Document model:

    include BlacklightOaiProvider::SolrDocumentBehavior
    use_extension Blacklight::Document::DublinCore
  • Extend your Controller:

    include BlacklightOaiProvider::CatalogControllerBehavior
  • Add the concern to config/routes.rb and apply it to your Blacklight catalog routes as described above:

    concern :oai_provider,


While the plugin provides some sensible (albeit generic) defaults out of the box, you probably will want to customize the OAI provider configuration. All configuration parameters are optional.

In app/controllers/catalog_controller.rb

configure_blacklight do |config|
  config.oai = {
    provider: {
      repository_name: 'My Test Repository',
      repository_url: 'http://localhost',
      record_prefix: '',
      admin_email: 'root@localhost'
    document: {
      limit: 25

The "provider" configuration is documented as part of the ruby-oai gem at


OAI-PMH requires a timestamp field for all records, so your Solr index should include an appropriate field. By default, the name of this field is simply "timestamp". The OAI SolrDocument behavior adds methods to theSolrDocument class to fetch timestamp data.

The timestamp method is expected to return a Ruby Time object. You can override this method if necessary to perform extra processing:

class SolrDocument
  def timestamp
    Time.parse message_my_data(fetch('timestamp'))

You can also explicitly configure the timestamp Solr field and SolrDocument method:

config.oai = {
  document: {
    timestamp_field: 'timestamp_dtsi',
    timestamp_method: 'date_created'

Field mapping

In order to provide metadata to the OAI-PMH emdpoint, your SolrDocument will need to map DC terms to Solr fields. See Blacklight::Document::DublinCore for more information.

class SolrDocument
  # ...
    creator:     'creator',
    date:        'date_created',
    description: 'description',
    rights:      'rights',
    title:       'title',
    type:        'resource_type')
  # ...


A basic set model is included that maps Solr fields to OAI sets. First, provide the fields to use as sets in the OAI config:

config.oai = {
  document: {
    set_fields: 'language'

This will cause the ListSets verb to query Solr for unique values of the language field and present each value as a set using a spec format of language:value. When the set parameter is supplied to the ListRecords verb, it will append a filter to the Solr query of the form fq=language:value.

Finally, your SolrDocument model must implement a sets method that returns an array of sets for each document. Ex:

def sets
  fetch('language', []).map { |l|"language:#{l}") }

You can substitute your own Set model using the set_class option. See lib/blacklight_oai_provider/set for an example implementation.

config.oai = {
  document: {
    set_fields: 'language',
    set_model: '::MySetModel'


To run the test suite, you'll need to install all development dependencies using Bundler:

$ bundle install

Then, run the tests using RSpec:

$ bundle exec rspec

The specs use VCR to play back HTTP responses from a Solr index. If you need to work directly with a live Solr instance, you will need to run solr_wrapper from the root of the dummy Rails application.

$ cd spec/dummy
$ bundle exec solr_wrapper

Then, in another terminal, seed the test data into Solr:

$ cd spec/dummy
$ bundle exec rake spec:solr:index

To view the dummy application in your browser, change to the application root and run rails from the bin script:

$ cd spec/dummy
$ bin/rails server

You can test OAI-PMH conformance against or browse the data at


OAI Provider Plugin for Blacklight







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