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Wireframing UX

Martin Van Aken edited this page Jul 7, 2021 · 2 revisions

List of pages

  • Log in

  • List of images

    • Temporally
    • On a map
    • Per tags
  • Search

    • Shared with/by
    • Location
    • Time
  • Image detail

    • Image
    • Time
    • Coordinates
    • Share actions
    • Tag actions
  • Import images from provider

    • Google photo
    • Others?
  • Tag image

    • Assign freeform labels to organize?
  • Share image with

    • Identify friend (webid???)
    • Give right (read/write/revoke)


  • Contact List
    • Map webid to human names to make sharing easier?

On the backend

  • Anything we save need to be in the solid pod one way or the other
  • Ex: tags (if we go that way) need to go in metadata
  • Sharing should work with solid ACL capability
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