DMEBottomView is a simple view to put on bottom of other view.
Cocoapods, by podfile
platform :ios, '6.0'
pod "DMEBottomView"
or copy the contents of /DMEBottomView
into your project.
##Demo App
Navigate to /DMEBottomViewExample
and open the proyect file.
##How do I use DMEBottomView
Include the following file in your project:
You create a DMEBottomView by calling:
##Opening and Closing
You can let the user open and close the view manually, or you can control it programmatically.
-(void)toogle:(BOOL)animated withCompletionBlock:(DMEBottomViewControllerCompletionBlock)completionBlock
-(void)open:(BOOL)animated withCompletionBlock:(DMEBottomViewControllerCompletionBlock)completionBlock
-(void)close:(BOOL)animated withCompletionBlock:(DMEBottomViewControllerCompletionBlock)completionBlock
You can choose the positión of the button:
//Button align left (default)
[DMEBottomViewController sharedInstance].position = DMEBottomViewControllerPositionLeft;
//Button align center
[DMEBottomViewController sharedInstance].position = DMEBottomViewControllerPositionCenter;
//Button align right
[DMEBottomViewController sharedInstance].position = DMEBottomViewControllerPositionRight;
You can choose the colors of default button if you don't replace then.
//Background color
[DMEBottomViewController sharedInstance].buttonBackgroundColor = [UIColor darkGrayColor];
//Arrow color
[DMEBottomViewController sharedInstance].buttonArrowColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
//Border color
[DMEBottomViewController sharedInstance].buttonBorderColor = [UIColor lightGrayColor];