Dockerfile for OpenThread Border Router with Paho MQTT-SN gateway.
docker build --pull --no-cache -t otbr-mqtt-sn -f ./Dockerfile .
git clone
cd ot-nrf528xx
git submodule update --init
# Skip the following line if you have the GNU Arm Embedded tools installed
./script/build nrf52840 USB_trans -DOT_BOOTLOADER=USB
arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O ihex build/bin/ot-rcp rcp-pca10059.hex
See here for instructions on how to program the nRF52840 dongle: nRF52840 Dongle Programming Tutorial
To run the container with the default parameters:
docker run --name otbr-mqtt-sn -p 8080:80 --dns= -it --privileged otbr-mqtt-sn
The most common network parameters can be set on the docker command line. The default values are taken from the Nordic Semiconductor border router such that it works with the examples in the nRF5 SDK for Thread and Zigbee. The command line options with default values are shown in the following table.
Parameter | Command line option | Default value |
Network Name | --network-name | OTBR-MQTT-SN |
RCP Serial Port | --radio-url | spinel+hdlc+uart:///dev/ttyACM0 |
PAN ID | --panid | 0xABCD |
Extended PAN ID | --xpanid | DEAD00BEEF00CAFE |
Channel | --channel | 11 |
Network Key | --network-key | 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF |
Network PSKc | --pskc | 5ce66d049d007088ad900dfcc2a55ee3 |
TUN Interface Name | --interface | wpan0 |
NAT64 Prefix | --nat64-prefix | 64:ff9b::/96 |
Default prefix route | --disable-default-prefix-route | Enabled |
Default prefix slaac | --disable-default-prefix-slaac | Enabled |
Backbone Interface | --backbone-interface | eth0 |
MQTT Broker | --broker | |