Taranis est un dieu du Ciel et de l'Orage de la mythologie celtique gauloise.
Local weather data on your PocketBook e-book reader.
Current weather
8 daily forecasts with sunrise/sunset hour, morning, day and evening temperatures, wind speed, wind gust and precipitations.
24 hourly forecasts with temperature, wind direction, wind speed, wind gust, temperature curve and precipitations histogram
Government weather alerts
Configuration editor for system of units, custom API key, etc.
History of locations, favorite locations
Generation of shutdown logo
Translations (English, Czech, French, Polish, Serbian)
Weather data is provided by OpenWeather.
Positive feedback were received for Vivilo Touch HD Plus, PocketBook Touch HD 3, InkPad 3, InkPad Color 2, InkPad Color 3, PocketBook Verse (The application should be compatible with hardware running software version ≥6).
Consult the NEWS file for notable changes between versions.
Note that the only external service called by Taranis is provided by OpenWeather and their privacy policy when one is using their APIs is quite clear:
Please note, that we do not collect or store any parameters from your API requests, such as locations/ZIP-codes/city names, units measurements, data format, etc. When you make API requests, we also do not collect or store your IP address, user agent and other API request parameters.
Download the
file from the latest release latest release. -
Copy that file to the e-book reader and open the corresponding "book" using the library application to start the installation process.
After the installation, the "book" can be safely suppressed from the library and the device.
An alternative is to download the taranis.zip
file and copy the
extracted files to the applications
directory on the e-book reader.
A custom icon can be associated to the application launch button; Instructions are given in Desktop integration.
Note that the Openweather API key distributed with the application is rate limited. A custom API key can be specified through the "Parameters…" menu item (See OpenWeather for instructions on how to register and generate API keys).
Another parameter allows to enable/disable generation of a shutdown logo. Instructions are given in Desktop integration on how to setup the device to effectively display this logo on power off.
No developer skills are required to contribute to translations or add support for new languages, thanks to the Weblate platform. More on this topic in the translations documentation.
Instructions to install an unreleased version, debug, etc. can be found in the CONTRIBUTING guide.