Dynamic login for SSH connections. Dynamically reads a flat file and generates the menu and login commands.
menu.sh [-i path/inventory_file.txt] [-t "Menu Title"] [-u username] [-m ssh|rdp] [-w n] [--nosort]
-i filename The path and name of the inventory file. Defaults to ./inventory.txt. Multiple inventory files may be used for connecting to different environments, eg prod_inv.txt & test_inv.txt -t title Title displayed at the top of the menu. -u username The username for login. Defaults to "whoami". Can be overridden in the inventory file for individual connections. -m ssh|rdp The default login method. Can be overridden in the inventory file for individual connections. -w width Change the width of the menu to "width" characters. --nosort Don't sort the output. By default, the script sorts entries in the inventory file and places break lines when the group name changes.
Run as:
./menu.sh -i inventory.txt -w 100 -t "My Server Menu"
My Server Menu
Development 1. devdb1 Dev - (dev1, dev2)
Production 2. prod-db1 Prod - RAC Node1 (prod1)
3. prod-db2 Prod - RAC Node2 (prod2)
4. prod01 Prod database host (database1, database2)
Test 5. test-db01 Test RAC Node1 (dbt01)
6. test-db02 Test RAC Node2 (dbt02)
X. Exit
Enter an option: (1 - 6 or X to exit):
When exiting a connection, the command history is preserved and displayed just about the selection line:
Command history: 1, 2, 5
Enter an option: (1 - 6 or X to exit):
This was added mainly to keep track when changing passwords on multiple hosts.