Keep track of changes in OTP performance as development progresses, and catch breaking changes to input data sets by observing changes in routing results.
You will need Python and some Python libraries. For the libraries, on a Debian based system like Ubuntu you can run:
$ sudo apt-get install python-simplejson python-scipy
We also use grequests to handle multiple concurrent HTTP requests.
$ sudo pip install grequests
Generate random points with:
$ python dirname num_points
is the name of a directory with OSM and GTFS data.
Generate the request parameters and save the request endpoints with:
$ python
It takes no arguments, assumes the presence of endpoints_random.csv and endpoints_custom.csv in the same directory.
Then run the profiler with
$ python hostname
That will generate run_summary.TIMESTAMP.json and full_itins.TIMESTAMP.json That one can do with what one pleases.
To generate a report run
$ python filename1.json filename2.json
To generate an HTML report, run
$ python f1 [fn2 [fn3 ...]] > report.html