Seismic Viewer for numpy arrays using pyqtgraph.
The goal is to provide an interactive seismic viewer at the python prompt.
NB: if you use ipython
use the %gui qt
magic command before !
- ctrl + A: increase display gain by +3dB
- ctrl + Z: deacrease display gain by +3dB
- ctrl + P: take screenshot to clipboard
- ctrl + P: propagates display accross all windows (same window size, same axis, same gain)
- ctrl + S: captures screenshot of the plot area in the clipboard
- up/down/right/left arrows: pan using keyboard
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal
from easyqc.gui import viewseis
ntr, ns, sr, dx, v1 = (500, 2000, 0.002, 5, 2000)
data = np.zeros((ntr, ns), np.float32)
data[:, 500:600] = scipy.signal.ricker(100, 4)
# create a record with 400 traces and 2500 samples
noise = np.random.randn(ntr, ns) / 10
# create an arbitrary layout of 2 receiver lines of 200 sensors
a, b = np.meshgrid(np.arange(ntr / 2) * 8 + 2000, np.arange(2) * 50 + 5000)
# the header is a dictionary of numpy arrays, each entry being the same length as the number of traces
header = {'receiver_line': b.flatten(), 'receiver_number': a.flatten()}
# show the array with the header
fig0 = viewseis(data, si=.002, h=header, title='clean')
fig1 = viewseis(data + noise, si=.002, h=header, title='noisy')
pip install easyqc
I suggest to use a virtual environment and install in development mode (in-place)
git clone
cd easyqc
pip install -e .
I suggest to install a conda environment and run from sources in development mode.
git clone
conda env create -f conda_easyqc.yaml
conda activate iblenv
conda develop ./easyqc
conda env update --file conda_easyqc.yaml --prune
Or for a complete clean-up:
conda env list
conda env remove -n easyqc
And follow the install instructions above.
is used to manage the dependencies and the virtual environment. pip install pdm
to install it.
Pypi Release checklist
- Update version in
- Flake
- publish on pypi:
rm -fR dist
rm -fR .pdm-build
pdm publish
- tag the commit
git tag -a 1.0.0
git push origin 1.0.0
Test wheel:
virtualenv easyqc --python=3.11
source ./easyqc/bin/activate
pip install easyqc
#pip install -i easyqc # doesnt' seem to install deps