This repository contains the source code for TextMate 2, a text editor for OS X 10.7+.
If you just want to run TextMate 2 then download a prebuilt binary. For 10.6 support you can try a 10.6 build (from the 10.6 fork) but it comes with no guarantee of actually working!
If you have problems building please don’t open an issue! Instead write the textmate-dev mailing list or use the #textmate IRC channel on where people might be able to help you.
To bootstrap the build you need to run ./configure
(in the root of the source tree). You can set a few (environment) variables read by this script that change the generated build file:
— location of built files. Defaults to~/build/TextMate
— for Apple’scodesign
. Defaults to ad-hoc signing, which does not use an identity at all.boostdir
— location of boost includes. By default it will search various locations including MacPorts and Homebrew.
In the simplest case you would run:
git clone
cd textmate
git submodule update --init
./configure && ninja
Please note that if you downloaded the source code (rather than cloned via git) you likely miss the submodules and the build will therefore fail.
To build the source the following must first be installed on your system:
- ninja — build system similar to
- ragel — state machine compiler
- boost — portable C++ source libraries
- multimarkdown — marked-up plain text compiler
- mercurial — distributed SCM system
To install using MacPorts run:
sudo port install ninja ragel boost multimarkdown mercurial
If port
fails with a build error then likely you need to agree (system-wide) to Apple’s Xcode license:
sudo xcodebuild -license
You can also install the above using homebrew:
brew install ragel boost multimarkdown hg ninja
In practice hg
(mercurial) is only required for the SCM library’s tests so you can skip this dependency if you don’t mind a failing test.
If you are on OS X 10.7 you need pgrep
and pkill
(used by the “relaunch” build targets). To install using MacPorts:
sudo port install proctools
Or using homebrew:
brew install proctools
You also need a recent version of clang. This should be included with Xcode 4.4+ available for both Lion and Mountain Lion.
If you have multiple versions of Xcode installed, be sure to run sudo xcode-select -switch
so that ./configure
finds the most recent.
We also require the libc++ library, so while you can install clang from MacPorts or Homebrew, you’d need to also install this library (or make it use the one from Xcode).
You should install the Ninja and CxxTest bundles. Both can be installed via Preferences → Bundles.
After this you can press ⌘B to build from within TextMate. In case you haven't already you also need to set up the PATH
variable either in Preferences → Variables or ~/.tm_properties
so it can find ninja
and related tools; an example could be $PATH:/opt/local/bin
The default target is TextMate/run
. This will relaunch TextMate but when called from within TextMate, a dialog will appear before the current instance is killed. As there is full session restore, it is safe to relaunch even with unsaved changes.
If the current file is a test file then the target to build is changed to build the library to which the test belongs (this is done by setting TM_NINJA_TARGET
in the .tm_properties
file found in the root of the source tree).
Similarly, if the current file belongs to an application target (other than
is set to build and run this application.
The build system classifies a target either as a library or an application. The latter can either be a bundled or non-bundled application. E.g. mate
is non-bundled (just a mate
executable) where
is a bundled application.
For each output there are a few symbolic targets you can build. While the examples below refer to a specific library or application, they exist for all targets of same type.
For the io
ninja io # Build the io library and run tests.
ninja io/coerce # Build the io library and skip tests.
ninja io/clean # Remove the build folder for the io library.
ninja io/headers # Copy exported headers to $builddir/include.
For the mate
(non-bundled) application:
ninja mate # Build the mate executable.
ninja mate/run # Build and run the mate executable.
ninja mate/clean # Remove the build folder for the mate executable.
For the
ninja TextMate # Build and sign
ninja TextMate/run # Build, sign, and run
ninja TextMate/clean # Remove the build folder for
ninja TextMate/dsym # Create a tarball with extracted dSYM files.
ninja TextMate/tbz # Create a tarball of Also produce the dsym tarball.
ninja TextMate/deploy # Push a nightly build. Fails without proper credentials :)
Note that ninja TextMate/clean
only cleans the TextMate build folder ($builddir/Applications/TextMate
) but all libraries and applications it depends on, are not cleaned.
To clean everything run:
ninja -t clean
You can send pull requests via GitHub. Patches should:
- Follow the style of the existing code.
- One commit should do exactly one thing.
- Commit messages should start with a summary line below 80 characters followed by a blank line, and then the reasoning/analysis for why the change was made (if appropriate).
- Commits that fix a bug in a previous commit (which has already been merged) should start with
and then the summary line of the commit it fixes. If you are writing your commit message in TextMate then typefix⇥
to get the prefix and a menu allowing you to pick the summary line from one of the last 15 commits. - Rebase your branch against the upstream’s master. We don’t want to pull redundant merge commits.
- Be clear about what license applies to your patch: The files within this repository are under the GPL 3 (or later) but (as the original creator) we are still allowed to create non-free derivatives. However, if patches are given to us under GPL then those cannot make it into any non-free derivatives we may later wish to create. So to make it easier for us (and avoid any legal issues) we prefer if patches are released as public domain.
There is both the textmate-dev mailing list and #textmate IRC channel at where this project can be discussed.
Developing patches should follow this workflow:
- Fork on GitHub (click Fork button)
- Clone to computer:
git clone [email protected]:«github account»/textmate.git
- cd into your repo:
cd textmate
- Set up remote upstream:
git remote add -f upstream git://
- Create a branch for the new feature:
git checkout -b my_new_feature
- Work on your feature, add and commit as usual
Creating a branch is not strictly necessary, but it makes it easy to delete your branch when the feature has been merged into upstream, diff your branch with the version that actually ended in upstream, and to submit pull requests for multiple features (branches).
- Push branch to GitHub:
git push origin my_new_feature
- Issue pull request: Click Pull Request button on GitHub
If a lot of changes has happened upstream you can replay your local changes on top of these, this is done with rebase
, e.g.:
git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/master
This will fetch changes and re-apply your commits on top of these.
This is generally better than merge, as it will give a clear picture of which commits are local to your branch. It will also “prune” any of your local commits if the same changes have been applied upstream.
You can use -i
with rebase
for an “interactive” rebase. This allows you to drop, re-arrange, merge, and reword commits, e.g.:
git rebase -i upstream/master
When you change a xib
file then please look at the diff before you push. If the diff seems to have a lot of changes unrelated to what actually did change, please revert back to HEAD
and open the pristine xib
in Xcode and save that (without changing anything).
Commit this saved xib
with a commit message of Save xib file with Xcode «version»
. Here version is the version of Xcode you are using, but be sure you don’t downgrade the format. To check the version that resources/English.lproj/MainMenu.xib
was last saved with, you can run (add appropriate grep if desired):
git log --oneline resources/English.lproj/MainMenu.xib
You can safely assume that all xib
files without such message are saved with Xcode 4.4 or earlier (i.e. you won’t downgrade them).
After this, re-apply your change and commit. If the change is non-trivial it is a good idea to write how you made the change in the commit body. E.g. a commit message could be:
Disable install button when we can’t install
The install button’s “enabled” property
has been bound to the “canInstall”
property of File’s Owner.
The source for TextMate is released under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
TextMate is a trademark of Allan Odgaard.