Transforms a list of json subnets to a heatmap png
- Visualize your aws subnets as map to get an overview of available IP ranges and ip usage of each subnet.
- Accepts input as
- Feed with output from
aws ec2 describe-subnets --output json
- Simple JSON based list for custom input
- Feed with output from
- Produces the following output:
- PNG with a heatmap like usage vizualisation
- (optional) JSON report with usage metrics of the subnets in an 'enhanced simple input format' for further processing
Based on
Find ready to run Docker images in my dockerhub repo
Run them e.g. with
aws ec2 describe-subnets --output json | docker run -i --rm -v $(pwd):/work olafrauch/ipviz:1.0.6
or with input file:
cat examples/example_1.json | docker run -i --rm -v $(pwd):/work olafrauch/ipviz -d -t simple -o examples/example_1.png
Transforms a list of subnets with allocated ips in a simple heatmap png
usage: [OPTIONS] [-c cidr_limit] [-o output_png] [-t aws|simple] input_json|STDIN
-d : Debug output
-? : This message
-t : Input format type:
AWS (default): Format as aws ec2 describe-subnets --output json
SIMPLE : Format see below
Limit the output to this CIDR
Default to /16 subnet of the lowest IP in input
-o output_png
defaults to heatmap_<baseip_of_cidr>.png
-r : Export input file as enhanced output file compatible with SIMPLE File format
file or stdin with json array and the following object structure:
"cidr": "",
"available": 5,
"name": "public az1",
"az": "eu-central-1"
"cidr": "",
"available": 2,
"name": "public az2",
"az": "eu-central-1"
Output as in aws ec2 describe-subnets ...
* each subnet is rendered as a block in the heatmap
* the allocated ips in a subnet are filled from left/top to right/down
* the free ips are rendered with a random background color in the block
Required tools:
- ipv4-heatmap "make install" from:
- jq
- imagemagick
- ipcalc
- nmap
- grepcidr
./ -r -o examples/example_1.png -t simple examples/example_1.json
cat examples/example_1.json | ./ -r -o examples/example_1.png -t simple
Input JSON: Heatmap Example 1
Report JSON: Heatmap Example 1
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