Create by C0d3Bust3rs 2016 24-1-2016**
How to use the program with Eclipse********* 1- Run eclipse, File -> Import -> General -> Existing Projects into Workspace 2- Check Select root directory -> Browse -> Navigate to the folder and choose "SBuddy" and click okey - Finish
To Run the the program, you first have to 1- Start class "", wait for it to be ready for connection 2- Start class "Design", wait and here you go. Enjoy SBuddy! If you don't have account, create one.
To rerun the server and design, make sure that the previous processes are completely terminated. You can run only one server at a time but multiple Design class as the same time as the program supports multiple user at a time. To see the database, find within the project the file names "database.json" this is where the database is stored.
TEST******** To run the JUNIT test, run class "" and view coverage. All testable classes are:
-"" -"" -""
Coverage of these tests of the classes should be above 80% (Branch coverage) Classes such as "Design"and "" are not required to be tested. WARNING: BEFORE YOU RUN ANY TEST, MAKE SURE THAT ALL THE RUNNING PROGRAM LIKE SERVERS ARE ELIMINATED. FAIL OF DOING SO WILL RESULT IN TEST NOT WORKING.