#include <stdio.h> //
#include <math.h> // P A T H T R A C E R
#include <stdlib.h> // My living room
#define R return // $ g++ -o pt pt.cpp
#define O operator // $ ./pt > room.ppm
typedef char const* S;typedef float F;typedef int I;struct V{F x,y,z;V(F v=0){x=
y=z=v;}V(F a,F b,F c=0){x=a;y=b;z=c;}V O+(V r){R V(x+r.x,y+r.y,z+r.z);}V O*(V r)
{R V(x*r.x,y*r.y,z*r.z);}F O%(V r){R x*r.x+y*r.y+z*r.z;}V O!(){R*this*(1/sqrtf(*
this%*this));}};F A(F l,F r){R l<r?l:r;}I p,m;S w="`! \"0\"`!`!4p)(,!`#0!0 :l"
":v# 8 l 4 $xul& p-b$-alo&up4& + %$-exul& t-b$- /&up4&`+ % !xul& p-b\"1 /&u"
"wd& + % !xul&$$-b$%`xo&up4``+ %$'%xum~`p-b$- -; ( !8`' ,l2%. 1\"jq j`98d+v}h"
"56)qx#+$a>(k\"jq . 98d+p\")=6(!p#+$a> 1\"jq . &8d+p\" 2h%4 )$a>(j \"5 . !(d+p"
"\" 6(%4 )%9>(j \"q . !(k+s6l\"6)n8<-$a>y=`2q5=#ahd+*#!z#pz!zhh-,0/ e*s4t8,l$p"
"8,*!m .81l\"3<*z , .-6$3!$$\"p`$ ##4t8g.\"jl,2$1b\"j&qp2{u34rl0 9=!0',k$ &7 4#"
"+1`ls2l0b(!2*rt84l:i$%: }v;*%5}2)935a>qjd08h#w9lh6'u(ee-3:x";I C(I l=1){for(m=0
;l;)++p%8&&p%8!=2?m=(m<<1)+((128>>(p%8))&w[p/8]?1:0),l--:l;R m;}F D(I b,I e=2){R
(C(1)?-1:1)*C(b)/pow(10,C(e));}F r(){R(F)rand()/RAND_MAX;}F Q(V o,I&q){V s=o,l,j
,f,g;while(s.z>1&&s.z<16)s.z-=8;F h,u[9],v[9],a,b,c,x,y,z;I t=2,i=0,k=1;for(p=-1
;k;)if(C())a=D(10),b=D(7),c=D(7, 1),x=D(10),y=D(10),z=D(10),l=s+V(a,b,c),j=V(x,y
,z)+s*-1,u[++i]=-A(A(A(l.x,j.x),A(l.y,j.y)),A(l.z,j.z)),v[i]=t;else if(C())if(C(
))u[i]<u[--i]?u[i]=u[i+1],v[i]=v[i+1]:0;else C()?C()?C()?k=0:s=o:u[i]*=-1:C()?u[
i--]>1?C(675):0:t++;else if(C())a=D(7,1),b=D(8),c=D(7,1),l=V(a,b,c),j=s+l*-1,f=j
,g=l+V(0,D(7))+o*-1,j.y=0,u[++i]=-A(D(8)-sqrtf(j%j),A(f.y,g.y)),v[i]=t;else a=D(
R(a=11-o.x)<h?q=1,h=a:h;}I M(V o,V v,V&p,V&n){I t,c=0;for(F d,a=0;a<99;a+=d)if((
d=Q(p=o+v*a,t))<0.01||++c>99)R n=!V(Q(p+V(.01,0),c)-d,Q(p+V(0,.01),c)-d,Q(p+V(0,
0,.01),c)-d),t;R 0;}V T(V o,V d){V q,n,e,a=1,w(!V(1,1,3));for(I x=3;x--;){I t=M(
o,d,q,n);if(t==1){e=e+a*V(51,81,99);break;}F i=n%w;t>3?d=d+n*(n%d*-2),o=q+d*0.1,
F p=6.28*r(),c=r(),s=sqrtf(1-c),g=n.z<0?-1:1,u=-1/(g+n.z),v=n.x*n.y*u;d=V(v,g+n.
:V(5,4,1))*100)*i:0;}R e;}I main(){I w=160,h=90,s=9;printf("P6 %d %d 255 ",w,h);
V o(1,5,9),g=!(V(8,4,-8)+o*-1),l=!V(g.z,0,-g.x)*(1./w),u(g.y*l.z-g.z*l.y,g.z*l.x
-g.x*l.z,g.x*l.y-g.y*l.x);for(I y=h;y--;)for(I x=w;x--;){V c;for(I p=s;p--;)c=c+
T(o,!(g+l*(x-w/2+r())+u*(y-h/2+r())));c=c*(1./s)+14./241;V o=c+1;c=V(c.x/o.x,c.y
/o.y,c.z/o.z)*255;printf("%c%c%c",(I)c.x,(I)c.y,(I)c.z);}} // jhartog, curlba.sh
This program is a code golf renderer; it's a program that contains a model of my living room and generates an image of it when executed. To make things even more interesting, I decided to try my best to keep the code as short as possible (although I'm certain the size could be reduced a lot more).
For whoever is interested: this renderer does anti-aliasing and simulates a camera with focus point, although you can't really see that from the image. Please note that the code for this renderer was made to be as short as possible, so most tricks that were used to speed things up were removed to shorten the code (e.g. it used to have threading, but not anymore). It does, however, only calculate object details when it's close.
Rendering without changing the width, height and samplerate settings will take around 3-5 minutes.
I was inspired by Andrew Kensler's business card raytracer (1) to learn about renderers and create one myself. Raytracing in one weekend (2) was an excellent source which taught me everything I needed to know to write a renderer.
The renderer consists of two parts: a simple Virtual Machine which calculates the distance from a given point to the nearest object and a function which calculates the reflection of a lightray off of a certain surface. The combination of these parts is used to determine how light bounces around the room.
I chose to write a Virtual Machine as it could shorten the code necessary to describe the objects in the model of my living room. The opcodes and their arguments are smaller than a byte and the VM will read out the program bit by bit.
bits | opcode |
1 | box(down_x, down_y, down_z, up_x, up_y, up_z); |
000 | sphere(center_x, center_y, center_z, radius); |
001 | cilinder(bottom_x, bottom_y, bottom_z, height, width); |
01000 | rotate_type(); |
01001 | if_less_than_one { BLOCK } |
01010 | invert(); |
010110 | toggle_duplicate(); |
010111 | halt(); |
011 | min(); |
To save myself from writing the program bit by bit, I've written a compiler which makes sure not a bit of data is wasted as it is optimized for this specific 3D-model.
Note that you can adjust the resolution of the resulting image and the
sample rate (higher means less noise) by adjusting the values for the w
, h
and s
variables on line 35.