Here lies my personal Nginx template for a mixed setup. I'm trying to make this nginx configured for general use; whether it's wordpress or static html or whatever. My aim is to enable caching, SEO friendly URL's, Cloudflare support, adding h5bp, ngx_pagespeed optimizations etc. Thus trying to create a copy/paste style nginx template.
It also uses and a compilation of many tweaks.
Nginx 1.6 and above. nginx-extras or your own compilation with the following:
- ngx_pagespeed (comes with nginx extras)
- ngx_http_gunzip
Edit pagespeed settings: Edit pagespeed to add/remove filters.
Add your domains to pagespeed.conf
Create cache and log folders
Change ownership of the folders. You can run the below bash script to create and chmod all these folders.
for dir in /var/cache/nginx/ /var/cache/nginx/client /var/cache/nginx/scgi /var/cache/nginx/uwsgi /var/cache/nginx/fastcgi /var/cache/nginx/proxy /var/ngx_pagespeed_cache /var/log/nginx /var/log/pagespeed /var/ngx_pagespeed_cache /var/log/pagespeed
if [ ! -d $dir ]; then
mkdir -p $dir
chown -R www-data:www-data $dir
chown -R www-data:www-data $dir