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export class SugarWs extends WebSocket {
  // implementation

So you can see that this websocket is not complicated extension of original browser's (so and Deno's) websocket.

This package should work in browser (so you can import it from npm's sugar_ws) as same as in Deno (so you can import it both from 'npm:sugar_ws' or

Important improvements:

  • .once() this method has the same API as the original .addEventListener() with only difference that it will auto-remove listener after first call
  • .wait_for(state: 'open' | 'close') add more simple control over final states of websocket. So you can await for open or close and then do your stuff
    • important to note that this method only waiting for open or close states but not acting them
    • .wait_for('close').and_close() syntax sugar for:
      await sugar_ws.wait_for("close").and_close();
      // the same as
      await sugar_ws.wait_for("close");
      • be careful:
        // this is not the same
        (await sugar_ws.wait_for("close")).close(); // <= should not work
        // also not work
        await sugar_ws.wait_for("close");
        // last examples should not work because you started to wait
        // closing before "close" happen)))
        // and you blocked next line `.close()`
        // HOWEVER may be your simply waiting that `.close()` is happen somewhere
        // so in this situation it's ok to wait for this
        await sugar_ws.wait_for("close");
    • .wait_for('open').and(cb: (ws: SugarWs) => unknown) syntax sugar for:
      const sugar_ws = new SugarWs("ws://localhost:5432");
      sugar_ws.on("message", () => console.log("new message!"));
      sugar_ws.once("error", () => sugar_ws.send("ok, google, help me!"));
      await sugar_ws.wait_for("open");
      // the same as
      await new SugarWs("ws://localhost:5432")
        .and((s) => {
          s.on("message", () => console.log("new message!"));
          s.once("error", () => s.send("ok, google, help me!"));
      // in case your websocket is already open - the listeners for "open" event will ignored

      so it like .then() syntax in Promise... Im not sure is it really handy...

Also improvements, but not so important:

  • .send_if_open() will send only if websocket's readyState is OPEN
  • .on() alias for original's .addEventListener() this is sugar only

Example of usage:

import { SugarWs } from "";

const ws = await new SugarWs(`ws://localhost:3333`).wait_for("open");

  ({ data }) => console.log("may be FIRST but exactly LAST message:", data),

await new Promise<void>((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
await ws.wait_for("close").and_close();

ws.send_if_open("hi!"); // will not send because websocket is already closed


[x] 2023-12-09: useWs hook for react or preact: > now awailable as return value from get_useWs > // TODO add tests, documentation

  • 2023-12-02: using feature:

    implement [Symbol.asyncDispose] method so now you can create sugar_ws instance via using

    await using sugar = new SugarWs("ws://localhost:3000");


    Explanation: with using keyword instead of let or const, the sugar_ws instance will be automatically closed when you will loose reference on it (or +/- something like that... read typescript documentation about using)

  • 2023-11-15: .wait_for('open') simplicity:

    after calling .wait_for('open').and(your_callback) current version

  • 2023-11-15: .wait_for('open') update return value:

    change parameter for .and_add_event_listeners() so now this is callback that should return array of arrays (in previous version you defined this array at once) purposes: with new implementation you have access to websocket before it open example:

    const ws = await new SugarWs(`ws://localhost:${server.port}`)
      ).and_add_listeners((sugar) => [[
        () => sugar.send("client is ready!"),
  • 2023-11-14: .wait_for('open') update return value:

    change parameter for .and_add_event_listeners_for()

  • 2023-11-14: .wait_for('open') has sugar return value

    Promise<SugarWs> & { on_open(your_cb() => void) => Promise<SugarWs> }
    • description:

      So you can await open event of websocket and add onopen callbacks at once. Under the hood your listeners will be added firstly and only then open command will send (if not already sended)

      const sugar = await new SugarWs("ws://localhost:5432")
        .on_open(() => console.log("hi there!"));
  • 2023-11-13: .once() return () => void function that will remove listener if it is not already called

    • description:

      to remove simple listeners you should do nothing special - call .removeEventListener('some-event', your_cb) but in case with .once() - you can not get your_cb in terms that sugar_ws will listened not exactly for it but for it's replaced version... so if you should remove it you probably can call this new return value, it do it for you

  • 2023-11-06: add static method sugarize to upgrade already existed instance of WebSocket to SugarWs

    const constructor_sugar = new SugarWs("ws://localhost:3333");
    // the same as
    const from_static_sugar = SugarWs.sugarize(
      new WebSocket("ws://localhost:3333"),
  • 2023-11-07: .send_if_open() return boolean to indicate is message was sen


Not enough tested the behavior for situations when .wait_for(...) promises started without resolving. For example start wait on open but websocket will never do it. In future the additional under-the-hood protections, may be options should be created to handle or auto-handle such situations.

see code