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ZDocs02 Docker Publish

Kevin Frey edited this page Oct 19, 2022 · 3 revisions

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Start docker then use:

.\build.cmd docker-publish

This will ask you if you have the correct version and will ask you to test the image before publishing. After testing the image, you can Ctrl + c the console and you will be asked if the image works alright and if you want to publish.


Step by step

  1. Create image
docker build -t swate -f build/Dockerfile.publish .
  1. Test image
docker run -it -p 8085:8085 swate
  1. Create tag for image
docker tag swate:latest freymaurer/swate:X.X.X
docker tag swate:latest freymaurer/swate:latest

Remember to replace "X.X.X" with the correct next SemVer version.

  1. Push the image
docker push freymaurer/swate:X.X.X
docker push freymaurer/swate:latest