Git: [email protected]:ebcomalex/mobaycentre Staging: Production: Public Domain: FTP (sourcedocs): (u/n: ebfriend p/w: unshoe2lunch)
Our goal is to have a production site up at by 09/09 (Friday)
Changes to make for production (from meeting on 09/06):
- DNS config - transfer nameservers to Heroku
- SEO - anything left to do?
- Email domains - can we route these to his existing email or maybe setup the account for him?
- Main menu - add dropdowns (keep sidebar sub-menu for now)
- Replace dropdown flag with rounded rectangle buttons; also add text and image
- Increase size of the MBCC logo in the header
- Colors:
- burgundy vs. blue buttons?
- he likes the colors on the homepage, find a way to incorporate the same colors elsewhere in the site
Other general notes to keep in mind as we finalize things:
- Add emails and portraits to the staff bio page when he supplies it
- Add content, images, etc. as he supplies it
- Spelling and phrasing check (they use British English)
- He wants an image on every page (will supply more images on the FTP server)
- He likes motion/animation/flashiness - find a way to do this but keep it classy
- For now he would like to advertise upcoming events in the adspace
- Photo gallery - make sure photos can be downloaded
- Photo gallery - jQuery slideshow with thumbnails?
Rotating Banner AdsJavascript baby!- Brand Website/CMS
Drop-down flagsContent(in progress)Mobay XML link*** Set up User's account *** *** Custom Forms ***- TEST. EVERYTHING.
definitely not finished
add content from sourcedocs- spruce up the frontpage with jQuery (SLIDESHOW?)
- add more pages for the flags, see powerpoints
set up /dev/ database- FINAL STEP: register as the DNS server
add "featured events" to front page
tweak the styling --- remember to usesass --watch public/stylesheets/scss/custom.scss:public/stylesheets/custom.css
add favicon(DONE)- rebrand refinery with EventBooking logos
brand the footer, and figure out what to do with the adspace(DONE)
git checkout -b name_of_my_branch
git status (see changes)
git add <name_of_file> (or "git add ." for everything)
git commit -m "Detailed message about the changes"
git checkout master
git merge name_of_my_branch
git push origin master
- google analytics code for UA-25297656-1
- see settings in refinery dashboard to add this
- change the url string in lib/cron.rake so it has's publicity weblink, not charlotte harbor
This is the user guide for
Refinery makes it very simple to edit your website without ever touching the sourcecode.
Log in now at
MobayCentre has its own database of upcoming events. In addition, it has also been designed to pull in event data from your PUBLICLY ANNOUNCED
events on the calendars. It checks for new events once an hour. At the time of this release it will only pull in the Title, Description, Venue, and Start/End times.
It is up to you to add additional information and mark Featured Events. You can do this by visiting the Edit Event
The calendar will automatically populate with data from But you can also create events manually here. Just click "Add New Event," and you're on your way! Remember, if you create an event manually, and then set it's publicity status to "Announced" on your smgbooking account, it will show up twice!
Click the pencil icon on the right of your event to edit your event. Mark an event as "Featured" if you want it to appear on the home page. Further integration with the EventBooking publicity tab is planned.
Deleting an event will remove it from MobayCentre's Events database. If the event originated in your smgbooking account, you must also un-announce it on that event's corresponding publicity tab, or it will just reappear in the Events database within the hour.
You have an adspace in the page footer. You can control what goes there on the ads tab in your admin panel. unfinished
- floor plans have been uploaded
- awaiting more photos