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Add a setup.py #120
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Add a setup.py #120
Hi @giamic, first of all, thank you for writing this I tried the setup and it unfortunately lead to some issues when trying to run Here is the name: augmentednet-gpu
- anaconda
- conda-forge
- defaults
- _libgcc_mutex=0.1=conda_forge
- _openmp_mutex=4.5=2_gnu
- bzip2=1.0.8=h7b6447c_0
- ca-certificates=2022.07.19=h06a4308_0
- certifi=2022.6.15=py310h06a4308_0
- cudatoolkit=11.2.2=hbe64b41_11
- cudnn=
- ld_impl_linux-64=2.38=h1181459_1
- libffi=3.3=he6710b0_2
- libgcc-ng=12.2.0=h65d4601_19
- libgomp=12.2.0=h65d4601_19
- libstdcxx-ng=12.2.0=h46fd767_19
- libuuid=1.0.3=h7f8727e_2
- ncurses=6.3=h5eee18b_3
- openssl=1.1.1q=h7f8727e_0
- pip=22.1.2=py310h06a4308_0
- python=3.10.4=h12debd9_0
- readline=8.1.2=h7f8727e_1
- setuptools=61.2.0=py310h06a4308_0
- sqlite=3.39.2=h5082296_0
- tk=8.6.12=h1ccaba5_0
- tzdata=2022a=hda174b7_0
- wheel=0.37.1=pyhd3eb1b0_0
- xz=5.2.5=h7f8727e_1
- zlib=1.2.12=h7f8727e_2
- pip:
- absl-py==1.3.0
- alembic==1.8.1
- asttokens==2.2.1
- astunparse==1.6.3
- backcall==0.2.0
- cachetools==5.2.0
- chardet==5.1.0
- charset-normalizer==2.1.1
- click==8.1.3
- cloudpickle==2.2.0
- comm==0.1.2
- contourpy==1.0.6
- cycler==0.11.0
- databricks-cli==0.17.4
- debugpy==1.6.4
- decorator==5.1.1
- docker==6.0.1
- entrypoints==0.4
- executing==1.2.0
- flask==2.2.2
- flatbuffers==22.12.6
- fonttools==4.38.0
- gast==0.4.0
- gitdb==4.0.10
- gitpython==3.1.29
- google-auth==2.15.0
- google-auth-oauthlib==0.4.6
- google-pasta==0.2.0
- greenlet==2.0.1
- grpcio==1.51.1
- gunicorn==20.1.0
- h5py==3.7.0
- idna==3.4
- importlib-metadata==5.1.0
- ipykernel==6.19.2
- ipython==8.7.0
- itsdangerous==2.1.2
- jedi==0.18.2
- jinja2==3.1.2
- joblib==1.2.0
- jupyter-client==7.4.8
- jupyter-core==5.1.0
- keras==2.11.0
- kiwisolver==1.4.4
- libclang==14.0.6
- llvmlite==0.39.1
- mako==1.2.4
- markdown==3.4.1
- markupsafe==2.1.1
- matplotlib==3.6.2
- matplotlib-inline==0.1.6
- mlflow==2.0.1
- more-itertools==9.0.0
- music21==6.7.1
- nest-asyncio==1.5.6
- numba==0.56.4
- numpy==1.23.5
- oauthlib==3.2.2
- opt-einsum==3.3.0
- packaging==21.3
- pandas==1.5.2
- parso==0.8.3
- pexpect==4.8.0
- pickleshare==0.7.5
- pillow==9.3.0
- platformdirs==2.6.0
- prompt-toolkit==3.0.36
- protobuf==3.19.6
- psutil==5.9.4
- ptyprocess==0.7.0
- pure-eval==0.2.2
- pyarrow==10.0.1
- pyasn1==0.4.8
- pyasn1-modules==0.2.8
- pygments==2.13.0
- pyjwt==2.6.0
- pyparsing==3.0.9
- python-dateutil==2.8.2
- pytz==2022.6
- pyyaml==6.0
- pyzmq==24.0.1
- querystring-parser==1.2.4
- requests==2.28.1
- requests-oauthlib==1.3.1
- rsa==4.9
- scikit-learn==1.2.0
- scipy==1.9.3
- seaborn==0.12.1
- shap==0.41.0
- six==1.16.0
- slicer==0.0.7
- smmap==5.0.0
- sqlalchemy==1.4.44
- sqlparse==0.4.3
- stack-data==0.6.2
- tabulate==0.9.0
- tensorboard==2.11.0
- tensorboard-data-server==0.6.1
- tensorboard-plugin-wit==1.8.1
- tensorflow==2.11.0
- tensorflow-estimator==2.11.0
- tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem==0.28.0
- termcolor==2.1.1
- threadpoolctl==3.1.0
- tornado==6.2
- tqdm==4.64.1
- traitlets==5.7.0
- typing-extensions==4.4.0
- urllib3==1.26.13
- wcwidth==0.2.5
- webcolors==1.12
- websocket-client==1.4.2
- werkzeug==2.2.2
- wrapt==1.14.1
- zipp==3.11.0 |
Furthermore, the way I understand this pull request, the intention here is to provide a setup so that the repository can be installed remotely, perhaps as a dependency? Particularly, I'm curious about this file and whether the intention is to add AugmentedNet here? Please let me know if you have trouble working with this repository and I'll do my best to unblock any issues, particularly if you are running experiments or retraining the network. Thanks again! |
Hi Nestor, thanks for the reply! You are absolutely right about my intention, I do want to add AugmentedNet as a dependency to WhenInRome and this is why I have come up with this setup.py. Regarding the dependencies, I think that the best practice for setup.py files is to list the least restrictive dependencies possible. This is to avoid issues when installing several different packages requiring slightly different versions (imagine what would happen if AugmentedNet required 3.6.2 and WhenInRome 3.6.1: conda would have problems solving the environment, while most probably both packages would work with whatever version of matplotlib 3). This is my go-to approach with conda as well, where I list only the dependencies that are explicitly imported by the code with the least restrictive version possible and let conda handle all the internal dependencies. I am on a different computer now and I don't have the AugmentedNet repo cloned here. Let me check tonight when I go home and verify what I can do to fix the error you're having. |
I understand the idea of the least number of dependencies possible. With A couple of other notes:
Tagging @MarkGotham on this, in case he has additional input. |
One of the unit tests of the repo is to require Thanks! |
Add a setup.py file to the repo. It allows people to install AugmentedNet by simply running
Of course, this also comes with a better integration for conda's environment.yml files.
I have been working with https://github.com/MarkGotham/When-in-Rome that depends on AugmentedNet and I was having problems to install AugmentedNet so that's why I came up with this.
One thing to notice is that there is some information to be added such as author name and email which will probably require some modifications.