This is a simple Node Version Manager for Windows
npm install -g nvmw
nvmw -h
Usage: nvmw [options] [command]
install <version> install the given version of Node
uninstall <version> uninstall the given version of Node
use <version> use the given version of Node in current shell
deactivate undo effects of nvmw in current shell
switch <version> permanently use the given version of Node as default
switch-deactivate permanently undo effects of nvmw
ls list the installed all Nodes
ls-remote list remote versions available for install
cleanup remove stale local caches
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
nvmw install v8.12.0
nvmw uninstall v8.12.0
nvmw use v8.12.0
- It only works in Windows CMD.
- This tool can't install the Node which version below v4.5.0.
- You should install a system version Node with Windows installer.