v2.7.0 - Trakehner Horse 🌐 📔
- #230 #239 🌐 Internationalization support - ILC now is ready to serve your clients from any country. Doc, Demo with localized navbar
- #225 📔 Added versioning of the Registry configuration. Now it's possible to see who changed what and when. With ability to rollback changes.
- #222 [Registry UI] Better filtration/pagination capabilities for applications
- #222 [Registry UI] Pagination for settings
- #223 [Registry UI] Ability to impersonate OpenID user in session info instead of seeing only his AD group
- #223 [Registry UI] Now user can see own username
- Added ability to customize global spinner via Registry UI
- #235 Ability to ignore invalid SSL certificates while using Develop right at "production" feature
- #222 [Registry UI] Fixed sorting for routes page
- #228 [Registry UI] Fixed ability to enter props with nulled values for apps/routes
- #234 Fixed link opening in new tab with command key
- #236 Improved handling for routes with trailing slash while having "redirects to URLs with trailing slash" feature enabled
- #221 [Registry UI] Update of the React Admin
- #220 [Registry UI] Better UX login page with OpenID provider enabled
- #226 [Registry UI] Now we show 25 records by default on all paginated pages
Docker images:
- namecheap/ilc:
2.7.0 2.7 2
- namecheap/ilc_registry:
2.7.0 2.7 2