RestMcu is a generic program for micro-controllers (arduino only for the moment) with a network interface.
It provides through a restfull (json only) interface :
- static board configuration (description, list of lines, ...)
- dynamic board configuration (ip, port, line notify url)
- static line configuration (based on electronic line wiring) : analog/digital, input,output, ...
- dynamic line name and notification conditions
- notify a server of line change based on condition set on lines
- support of hmac-sha256 security between board and server
- keep states of lines in eeprom is case of power failure
The electronic wiring configuration is provided by a simple C file used during compilation
You can enable some feature at compilation time :
- HMAC : enable security using hmac-sha1 signature on calls
- DEBUG : enable debug through serial
To build the JAVA part you will need maven 3
On Linux : # sudo apt-get install avr-libc binutils-avr gcc-avr avrdude
On Mac OS X :
- Install the command line tools from XCode (menu > preferences > downloads)
- Get the [CrossAVR pack] ( (will take 200 Mb on your hard drive)
Change the following environment variables
export AVRPACK_HOME=/your/crosspack/install/path
export AVRDUDE_CONF=$AVRPACK_HOME/etc/avrdude.conf
On Windows :
- Download [WinAVR] ( (install it at an easy path)
Change the following environment variables (in bashrc if you use cygwin or mintty) :
export AVRPACK_HOME=/your/winavr/install/path
export AVRDUDE_CONF=$AVRPACK_HOME/bin/avrdude.conf
Go to the 'program' folder
Create a new configuration file based on config.cpp file
Then run the following command :
make MCU=atmega1280 CONFIG=YOUR_BOARD_CONFIGURATION_FILE.cpp clean upload
Or with hmac security :
clean, package, upload
Arduino 2560 : make PORT=/dev/ttyACM0 MCU=atmega2560 UPLOAD_RATE=115200 AVRDUDE_PROGRAMMER=stk500v2 CONFIG=myconfig.cpp clean upload
The IT project can test the program directly on a board. The wiring of the board can be found in the 'it/wiring/' folder
to test it yourself :
- wire a board like the schema 'it/wiring/TestBoardWiring.fzz' (open it with
- plug the board to the network (for tests) and the usb (to program the board)
- run the command and replace the type of board AND the ip address with a free one in your network :
MCU=atmega1280 mvn -Dboard.port=80 -Dboard.path=/ -Pboard clean verify
on board:
- GET / : read static board configuration
- GET /settings : read dynamic board settings
- PUT /settings : update dynamic board settings
- GET /line/{lineId} : get static line configuration
- GET /line/{lineId}/settings : get dynamic line settings
- PUT /line/{lineId}/settings : update dynamic line settings
on server:
- GET /time : get posix timestamp from server (used in hmac-sha1)
- PUT /board : notification of board (boot and test)
- PUT /line : notification of line change based on line settings
- keep-alive
- support of encj28j60 (currently half-implemented)
- dhcp
- dns ?
- fit in 328p (almost done)
- constrain between pins