Housecream is an advanced home automation server aiming to give you unlimited control over your house.
Having go installed and $GOPATH set :
# go get
# cd $GOPATH/src/
# ./gomake
# ./dist/housecream-v0-$(go env GOHOSTOS)-$(go env GOHOSTARCH)/housecream -H data
how to handle manual data set directly by hand ? it has to trigger the rue engine and so have to processed like any other channel but at the same time we have to be able to set a channel endpoint directly too also this output set have to go to the rule engine too...
should we linked directly triggered from board to board ? this sohuld be better since it can work without housecream, but have to be codded direcrlt in the board strong board could be able to update code internalry to handle rules direclty...
counter -> outpoint
X10 -> outpoint
IN : Have to store the value on event to remember current state OUT : Have to store the value on action to remember what was set //INOUT : Can get value to know where it is
mail notification openWeatherMap restmcu slack solar timer todo trello value webhook cron exec serial X10 KNX hue http android push
manual simple counter internal
delay split reorder
lardy : 48.52,2.26{location}/{datetime}.json?appid={api_key},2.2651702/current.json?appid=
type format
housecream_link_todo_count[name=] = 10 housecream_link_slack[direction=input] housecream_link_solar_phase[type=nautic,name=sun_status] = 1 housecream_link_restmcu_max[id=42,type=analogic,direction=input,name=out_temperature] = 1024 housecream_link_restmcu_min[id=42,type=analogic,direction=input,name=out_temperature] = 0 housecream_link_restmcu[id=42,type=analogic,direction=input,name=out_temperature] = 42
housecream_link_openweathermap_weather_id[name="orly"] = 300 housecream_link_openweathermap_temperature[name="orly"] = 280.32 housecream_link_openweathermap_pressure[name="orly"] = 1012 housecream_link_openweathermap_humidity[name="orly"] = 81 housecream_link_openweathermap_temp_min[name="orly"] = 279.15 housecream_link_openweathermap_temp_max[name="orly"] = 281.15 housecream_link_openweathermap_visibility[name="orly"] = 10000 housecream_link_openweathermap_wind_speed[name="orly"] = 4.1 housecream_link_openweathermap_wind_deg[name="orly"] = 80 housecream_link_openweathermap_cloud[name="orly"] = 90 housecream_link_openweathermap_sunset[name="orly"] = 1485794875 housecream_link_openweathermap_sunrise[name="orly"] = 1485762037