Elastiscsearch, Kibana and Fluent Bit k8s dev deployment
Docker Desktop with Kubernetes enabled
Helm and Tiller installed
Create the efk
namespace where Elasticsearch, Fluent Bit and Kibana will be deployed to.
kubectl create -f efk-ns.yml
We will disable persistence for simplicity. Warning this will consume a lot of memory in your cluster.
helm repo update
helm install --name elasticsearch stable/elasticsearch \
--set master.persistence.enabled=false \
--set data.persistence.enabled=false \
-f elasticsearch-values.yaml \
--namespace efk
To access:
export ELASTICSEARCH_POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace efk -l "app=elasticsearch,component=client,release=elasticsearch" -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}")
kubectl port-forward --namespace efk $ELASTICSEARCH_POD_NAME 9200:9200
Visit to use Elasticsearch
helm install --name kibana stable/kibana \
-f kibana-values.yaml \
--namespace efk
To access the Kibana dashboard:
export KIBANA_POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace efk -l "app=kibana,release=kibana" -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}")
kubectl port-forward --namespace efk $KIBANA_POD_NAME 5601:5601
Visit to use Kibana