Renders ISF Effects and Compositions into a canvas
var gl = canvas.getContext("webgl");
// Instantiate the renderer with your webgl context
var renderer = new ISFRenderer(gl);
// Load up the source
renderer.loadSource(fragmentISF, optionalVertexISF);
// Set up any values passing either numbers, arrays of numbers, or image/video elements
renderer.setValue("someInput", someValue);
// If you pass any image/video elements, you need to call `pushTextures` after to pass the images to webgl
// Draw it into the canvas
Use the ISFParser class to parse ISF Fragment and Vertex shaders to GLSL shaders and an input data-mapping.
var parser = new ISFParser();
parser.parse(fragmentISF, optionalVertexISF);
console.log(parser.fragmentShader, parser.vertexShader, parser.inputs);
Build with browserify
npm install -g browserify
browserify main.js -o build/main.js
npm install -g watchify
watchify main.js -o build/main.js