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Customized wp doctor commands & checks.

Tests PHP Compatibility 7.0+ WordPress Coding Standards

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Built for WordPress Built for WP-CLI Built for WPMU DEV License: GPL v2

Props to all contributors of wp-cli/doctor-command as some parts of the code have been used on the modified commands.

This was created to fill a "gap" that I felt existed for easier usage, friendlier messages & to display as much information as possible in a more compact way when running only a wp doctor command instead of having to always run wp doctor check --all --config=some/super/long/path.

How to install

  1. Make sure to have WP-CLI & wp-cli/doctor-command installed.
  2. Download the master branch.
  3. Upload the custom-wp-doctor folder & the class-custom-wp-doctor.php into your mu-plugins directory.

If everything is done correctly you can now run wp doctor and you should get an output like this:

$ wp doctor
Running checks  100% [===========================================================================================================================] 0:05 / 0:04
| name                  | status  | message                                                                                                                  |
| core-stats            | success | WordPress is at the latest version. Single Site, Public.                                                                 |
| language-update       | success | Languages are up to date.                                                                                                |
| plugin-stats          | warning | 3 Total, 0 Active (limit 80), 2 Inactive (limit 40%), 1 Must-use, 0 Dropins.                                             |
| wpmudev-plugins       | warning | Not installed or activated: WPMU DEV Dashboard, Hummingbird, Defender, Smush                                             |
| theme-stats           | success | 5 Total.                                                                                                                 |
| user-stats            | success | 2 Total.                                                                                                                 |
| role-stats            | success | 0 customer, 0 shop_manager, 1 dpo, 1 administrator, 0 editor, 0 author, 0 contributor, 0 subscriber.                     |
| posts-stats           | success | 1 Posts, 3 Pages, 3 Attachments.                                                                                         |
| autoload-stats        | warning | 1.05mb Total (limit 900kb). 3 biggest options: lalala (1.01mb), rewrite_rules (9.42kb), blc_installation_log (7.8kb).    |
| ttfb                  | success | 0.131109s Time to first byte (TTFB).                                                                                     |
| cache-headers         | warning | Could not find any cache headers.                                                                                        |
| verify-core-checksums | warning | Issues have been found. Please run "wp core verify-checksums".                                                           |
| cron-stats            | success | 15 Total (limit 50).                                                                                                     |
| constants             | warning | Defined: WP_DEBUG.                                                                                                       |
| log-scan              | success | No big log files detected (limit 10mb).                                                                                  |
| regex-eval-b64decode  | success | 'eval\(.*base64_decode\(.*' was not found in any of the '.php' files.                                                    |
| regex-wp-cache-flush  | warning | 'wp_cache_flush\(' was found in: wp-admin/includes/update-core.php, wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php, wp-includes/cache.php |
| php-in-uploads-dir    | warning | /wp-defender/index.php.                                                                                                  |


Customized wp doctor commands & checks.







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