This update includes changes to extension settings, so it is necessary to update both the LSP server and the Vscode plugin to version 0.3.0 simultaneously.
__This update needs update vscode to v1.85 or higher.
Here are some of the features of the sui-move-analyzer Visual Studio Code extension. To see them, open a Move source file (a file with a .move
file extension) and if the opened Move source file is located within a buildable project (a Move.toml
file can be found in one of its parent directories), the following advanced features will also be available:
- compiler diagnostics
- go to definition
- go to references
- type on hover
- autocomplete
- outline View
- formatting
2023/2/2 v0.3.0
- The plugin now integrates the 'format' functionality, which can be found in the right-click menu.
- Now, 'goto definition' is available for function para, return-type, pack and assign.
- Now, 'hover' is available for Pack, Unpack, Assign.
- Now, 'inlay-hint' could be disables in extension setting