This Script is to automate the task of archiving the Logs of Wazuh Siem from the on prem server/instace to an arvhival class GCP storage bucket.
For details of generatting Service account token or Configuring access to GCP bucket please follow all the instructions on :
crontab -e
00 5 * * * /usr/bin/python3 /root/scripts/archivemodule/
type = service_account
project_id = <project_id> would be in the jwt token file generated for the service account
private_key_id = <project_key> would be in the jwt token file generated for the service account
private_key = <private_key> would be in the jwt token file generated for the service account
client_email = <client_name> would be in the jwt token file generated for the service account
client_id = <client_id> would be in the jwt token file generated for the service account
destination_files = <outputfile_location> file where you want to copy all the archive files of that day
ziparchivefile = <archivefile_location> directory path where you want to save the arched file path