The repository contains all the source files required to program and control Arduino and sunSPOT.
The most recent technical report published at:
Please cite this work in scientific papers as:
Akribopoulos Orestis, Georgitzikis Vasileios, Protopapa Anastasia and Chatzigiannakis Ioannis, Building a Platform-agnostic Wireless Network of Interconnected Smart Objects, in: 15th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics with international participation (PCI 2011), IEEE, Kastoria, Greece, 2011.
#What do I need?
In order to program and control Arduino and sunSPOT using mkSense/Library, you must first deploy mkSense/mac by executing the following steps:
Deploy mkSense/mac radio stack on motes
- sunSPOT:
- First inside file sunspot/sdk/multihop_common_source do:
- ant jar-app
- ant library
- then inside file sunspot/sdk/spotlib_source do:
- ant -do-jar-app
- ant library
- First inside file sunspot/sdk/multihop_common_source do:
Then connect the sunSPOT motes you are going to use and do: ant flashlibrary
- Arduino board:
- place the XBeeRadio file in the libraries subdirectory of your default Arduino sketch directory.
Deploy mkSense/mac radio stack on the Controller
On the Controller (your PC) you can use as a Gate either a sunSPOT BaseStation or a XBee module. The deploying steps for each one are:
sunSPOT BaseStation Gate:
Providing you have done the four steps described above, connect the BaseStation to your PC and do
ant flashlibrary
XBee Gate:
- inside xbee/javaAPI folder do
ant compile jar
to create distributive.
- inside xbee/javaAPI folder do
#Using mkSense/Library
Since you deployed mkSense/mac you must do the following steps to be able to program and control the motes of your desire.
mkSense/Library on motes
Deploy program created for sunSPOTs by doing:
ant deploy -Dport=/path/to/port
Deploy program created for Arduino board by placing lib.cpp and lib.h files in the libraries subdirectory of your default Arduino sketch directory, then upload to the Arduino board the sketch.pde file
mkSense/Library on the Controller
If sunSPOT BaseStation is used as Gate you should use the source provided at sunSPOT-Gate file. Do
ant compile jar
to create distributive and import it in your IDE. The basedir of your application should have the build.xml and build.properties file in order to run it. In build.properties file you define your main class and any additional distributives you use. Run your application by doingant host-run -Dport=/path/to/basestationPort
If XBee module is used as Gate you should use the source provided at xbee-Gate file. Do
ant compile jar
to create distributive and import it in your IDE.