- Organization: ReEntry412
- Client Contact:
Taili Thompson
- Student Consultants:
Brent Hong
,Max Kornyev
, andJoseph Perrino
See the GitHub Wiki for more important information
Python 3.6.6
Django 3.0.2 final
Twilio 6.38.0
- See
for a complete enumaration of package dependencies
The following will set up a python environment for the cloned project. This allows you to keep all your project dependencies (or pip modules
) in isolation, and running their correct versions.
- Create the env:
virtualenv django_env
to your preferred env name) - Start the env:
source django_env/bin/activate
- Install all dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Exit the env:
or exit terminal
- After installing new python libraries to your pipenv, you must update the
file - Do this by running
pip freeze > requirements.txt
- Run the suite with
./manage.py test
(Only model tests are incuded)
python manage.py populate
- Creates an sow user (is_staff): User(username='sow', password='sow')
- And an admin (is_superuser): User(username='admin', password='admin')
python manage.py drop
- Destroys all user objects
python manage.py load_tags_and_resources
- Loads the values and initial sets of tags and resources from a CSV ("Northside PD Service Providers.csv" in the root directory)
- Loads a resource with a name, tag, website, contact name, contact position, phone number, fax number, contact email, address, city, state, zip code, second address line, and/or description, should they be provided
- Tags are loaded with the resources