API for brakeman scanner. API is written in Python3 with Flask. It has only one endpiont / with 2 methods: GET and POST. Both methods does not requiere authentication now. Maybe will be implemented in the future.
GET method will return the scan result and if it not exist on the server, then it will return 404 error code.
POST method requires JSON payload to run the scan.
Find the Swagger documentation here: https://mikesindieiev.github.io/test_api/
When POST request received, API will trigger git command to clone the fresh code, run the scanner against that code and save the report insite the working dir. To retrieve that report user should send GET request without body (body is ignored in the request processing flow)
To run the container with API, run the following command:
docker run -itd -p 80:80 --name api-scanner mikesindieiev/api-scanner
Running container will bound to localhost ip address and expose 80 port with API
This container slightly different from Dockerfile description. It was created by commiting chnages to presidentbeef/brakeman
To modify the image, edit Dockerfile and build new version of the image with following command:
docker build -t mikesindieiev/api-scanner .
To test the API use Postman colletion
GET Get report
Shold return report in JSON format. If report is missing on the server, then return 404 http code and info message in the JSON object
POST Run scan
Requires application/json header, and payload with JSON object.
"source_code_url": "https://github.com/manojbinjola/ruby-project",
"lang": "ruby",
"scanner_name": "brakeman"
This method should trigger the scan against source_code_url
repository and save the report into working directory
POST Missing field request
If JSON object from POST method from happy path is missing one field, then API should return 400 http code and message which field is missing
POST Empty body request
If JSON object from POST method from happy path is missing all filds, then API should return 400 http code and message that no data was received