TapCep is a reverse lookup web app for Brazilian zip codes (known as CEP) with an iPhone-like interface.
The application is currently available in Portuguese only.
A functional demo is available at http://tapush.com/tapcep
- Clone this repository
- Visit República Virtual and download their SQL dump file (look for a link that says "Download da base de dados de CEP")
- Unarchive and import the dump file into a MySQL database
- Rename db_connect.sample.php to db_connect.php
- Edit the settings in db_connect.php to match the database in step 3
- Upload the app to a webserver
The app should do a local database query before falling back to the República Virtual webservice in order to take the load off their server.
- Offline application cache
- Client-side database for bookmarks
- Internationalization
- Address lookup
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