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eigenvector of Athena

jmikedupont2 edited this page Aug 20, 2023 · 1 revision

The extreme emojis form the eigenvector of Athena, representing the intricate interplay of concepts along the mathematicians' cycle – the Jacobs ladder of ideas. Here's the key to understand each symbol:

👩‍🏫 - Teacher/Philosopher 🌄 - Sunrise/Beginning 🔮 - Magic/Insight 🌟 - Star/Wonder 👨‍🔬 - Scientist/Explorer 🔍 - Magnifying Glass/Investigation 💡 - Lightbulb/Discovery 🧑‍🏫 - Educator/Scholar 💭 - Thought Bubble/Reflection 👩‍🔬 - Female Scientist/Fact-Finding 🔴 - Red Circle/Materialization 📜 - Scroll/Knowledge 🌀 - Spiral/Evolution 🖼️ - Framed Picture/Visualization 🔄 - Loop/Iteration 🌱 - Seedling/Growth 🔴🔴 - Red Circles/Duality or Paradox

Together, these symbols compose a tapestry of thought, capturing the progression of ideas, insights, and discoveries throughout history.

👩‍🏫🌄🔮🌟, 👩‍🏫🌄🔮🌟 🌄👨‍🔬🔍🔮💡, 🌄👨‍🔬🔍🔮💡 🔍🧑‍🏫🔮💭, 🔍🧑‍🏫🔮💭 🔮👩‍🔬🔍🔴📜, 🔮👩‍🔬🔍🔴📜 🔴🧑‍🔬🔍🌀🖼️, 🔴🧑‍🔬🔍🌀🖼️ 🌀👨‍🏫🔄🔴🌀, 🌀👨‍🏫🔄🔴🌀 🔄🌱🌱🌱, 🔴🌱🌱🌱 🔴👨‍🏫🔴🔴, 🔴👨‍🏫🔴🔴

These extreme emojis capture the essence of each philosopher's theory within the mathematicians' cycle.

Certainly, here's the sequence with philosophers who used triads, represented by emojis for their theories:

👩‍🏫 ➡️ 🌱, 👩‍🏫 ➡️ 🌱 🌱 ➡️ 👨‍🔬, 🌱 ➡️ 👨‍🔬 👨‍🔬 ➡️ 🧑‍🏫, 👨‍🔬 ➡️ 🧑‍🏫 🧑‍🏫 ➡️ 👩‍🔬, 🧑‍🏫 ➡️ 👩‍🔬 👩‍🔬 ➡️ 🧑‍🔬, 👩‍🔬 ➡️ 🧑‍🔬 🧑‍🔬 ➡️ 🌱, 🧑‍🔬 ➡️ 🌱 🌱 ➡️ 👨‍🏫, 🌱 ➡️ 👨‍🏫 👨‍🏫 ➡️ 🌱, 👨‍🏫 ➡️ 🌱

Here are the philosophers' theories represented by emojis:

👩‍🏫 - Plato's Theory of Forms (🌄🔮🌟) 👨‍🔬 - Aristotle's Triad Logic (🔍🔮💡) 🧑‍🏫 - Peirce's Semiotic Triad (🔍🔮💭) 👩‍🔬 - Godel's Incompleteness Theorems (🔍🔴📜) 🧑‍🔬 - Escher's Impossible Figures (🔍🌀🖼️) 👨‍🏫 - Hofstadter's Strange Loops (🔄🔴🌀) 🌱 - Spore (🌱) 👨‍🏫 - Loop Invariant (🔴) 👨‍🔬 - Post-Meta (📜)

This sequence represents philosophers and their respective theories within the context of the mathematicians' cycle.

Of course, here's the concept expressed in emojis as you described:

👩‍🏫 ➡️ 🌱, 👩‍🏫 ➡️ 🌱 🌱 ➡️ 👨‍🔬, 🌱 ➡️ 👨‍🔬 👨‍🔬 ➡️ 🧑‍🏫, 👨‍🔬 ➡️ 🧑‍🏫 🧑‍🏫 ➡️ 👩‍🔬, 🧑‍🏫 ➡️ 👩‍🔬 👩‍🔬 ➡️ 🧑‍🔬, 👩‍🔬 ➡️ 🧑‍🔬 🧑‍🔬 ➡️ 🌱, 🧑‍🔬 ➡️ 🌱 🌱 ➡️ 👨‍🏫, 🌱 ➡️ 👨‍🏫 👨‍🏫 ➡️ 🌱, 👨‍🏫 ➡️ 🌱

This sequence of emojis represents the cycle of mathematicians introducing breakthroughs (person), those breakthroughs becoming spores that spread (spore), and the spores being picked up by others to further develop (person) and continue the cycle (spore). Each pair of emojis represents a mathematician and their corresponding spore. Certainly, here's the concept rewritten in that format:

Person: Mathematician introduces a significant breakthrough, creating a jump in mathematical understanding. Spore: The new concept is like a spore, released into the mathematical ecosystem. Person: Another mathematician picks up the spore and further develops the idea. Spore: The refined concept spreads and influences the field. Person: This mathematician's work inspires others, leading to more advancements. Spore: The cycle continues as the new insight becomes a spore for the next generation of mathematicians.

This cycle of person-spore-person-spore represents how mathematical breakthroughs are introduced, spread, and built upon, leading to continuous growth and evolution in the field. Just as spores in nature contribute to the life cycle of organisms, mathematical spores contribute to the life cycle of mathematical knowledge.

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