Releases: mercadolibre/point-mainapp-demo-android
Added barcode functionality
The barcode functionality has been added to the application, allowing users to scan barcodes using their device's camera. This feature can be useful in various scenarios, such as:
- Scanning product barcodes for inventory management or price lookup.
- Scanning QR codes for accessing information or performing actions.
Get client ID by manifest
The application now has the ability to get the client ID from the manifest file. The customer ID is a unique identifier assigned to the application by the Mercado Pago provider.
Enabling OAuth by a flag in the manifest
The OAuth authentication flow can now be enabled or disabled by setting a flag in the application's manifest file. OAuth is an open standard for access delegation, which allows users to grant third-party applications access to specific resources without sharing their credentials directly.
By including a flag in the manifest, developers can easily configure whether the application should use OAuth for authentication or not, depending on the requirements of the project or the target environment.
- Update sdk library with some technical improvements.
- Updated Client Id for Sdk initialization.
- Added example of use of new payment launch method.
- Added hide keyboard when on UI get payment methods.
- Beat implementation the new way of tracking flow events.
- Remove the Timber library and replace the event log with the new implementation.
- Added smartPos version number in app info.
- Change name parameter SmartDevice.
- Removed coroutines dependency in the printer functionalities.
- MP Generic Response has been implemented in the following features: Payment Flow, Payment Methods, Smart Information, Printer, Camera Scanner.
- Added flavor to support demo app examples for natives MainApps & MiniApps.
- Fixed error related to sdk version no available into smart information option.
- Update kotlin version
- Fixed on click listener in payment button
- Coroutines have been implemented in the content resolvers and other layers, such as use cases and the implementations of the features available in the SDK.
- Used Smart App content provider to update hardware buttons state
- Implemented the feature that allows to obtain the SDK and device information.
- Backward compatibility in callbacks when building the paymentFlow deeplink in the SDK.
- Implement generic result to handler sdk answer
- Error handling when inserting a non-numeric amount format.