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AWS Lambda Layers for MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL and MongoDB Tools commands

These layers add the mysql, psql, mongodump, mongorestore client commands in the form of a layer to be used with AWS Lambda.

This is useful for Lambda functions that need to run MySQL, PostgreSQL or MongoDB commands to quickly import data to a RDS server, for example. It can be easier than using the MySQL API in the language of your choice. Particularly useful in coordination with a Bash lambda layer.

The layers (in the form of zip files) are built in Docker using the official AmazonLinux image, to match the typicial Lambda runtime environment.

  • The MySQL layer is built from the official source (v8.0.32)
  • The MariaDB layer is built from the binary files in the current mariadb AmazonLinux package.
  • The PostgreSQL layer is built from the official source (v9.2.24)
  • The MongoDB Tools layer is built from the official source (v100.4.0)


Pre-built zip archives that can be uploaded to your AWS account are available on the releases page.

Building the layers

If you have a working Docker setup, you just need to enter make to build both the MySQL and MariaDB layers. Alternatively:

  • make mysql builds the MySQL variant from source.
  • make mariadb builds the MariaDB variant from the pre-built packages.
  • make postgresql builds the PostgreSQL variant from source.
  • make mongodb builds the MongoDB variant from source.

Note that the MySQL 8.0, PostgreSQL and MongoDB variants take considerably longer to build from source.


Stephane Peter (@megastep) - Sponsor me!