RDPkiosk is a tiny Linux distribution which acts as RDP thin client and/or recovery toolkit.
- Licence: GPLv3+
- Image size: 42MB
- System requirements: 512MB of RAM and 686-compatible CPU
- Built with Buildroot http://buildroot.uclibc.org So it is very simple to rebuild the entire distro with my configs and init script. Look for rebiuld manual in 'Rebuild_howto' directory.
- The project was launched because of Thinstation's deprecation and inability just to build. Anyway the majority of thin clients need rdp only an can work using a simplier solution.
- You can start the 'kiosk' image with any bootloaders you know. Typical case is network (PXE, with pxelinux), but you can also start from flash-drive or HDD with syslinux, isolinux, grub(1|2) or any other bootloader.
- SSH server (dropbear) is up, user: root, password: ololo
Kiosk modes are set via kernel parameters.
- RDP client mode: rdesktop= startx=1 or xfreerdp= startx=1 depending on client you prefer to use an your server's IP address
- Desktop mode: startx=1
- Terminal mode needs no parameters
Packages included:
- Graphics: xfreerdp, rdesktop, xterm, fluxbox, xeyes(the greatest X application ever!!!!)
- Busybox-based userspace
- Filesystem utilities: ncdu and mdadm, suitable for recovery needs
- Browser: dillo
- HW tools: dmidecode, hwdata, lshw, pciutils
- Network: mtr, rsync, dropbear, p910nd
- bc
Test in QEMU before use: $ qemu-system-x86_64 -kernel kiosk -append "rdesktop= startx=1" -m 512 $ qemu-system-x86_64 -kernel kiosk -append "xfreerdp= startx=1" -m 512 $ qemu-system-x86_64 -kernel kiosk -append "startx=1" -m 512
To force resolution(useful for CRT displays) add parameter: xrandr="--output default --mode 640x480"