HushedHomes - Hack The North Project
- Mark Bedaywi:
- Tyler Wong:
- Given an address, this website tells you how much "noise polution" is around you.
- This website takes multiple factors into account in order to give accurrate results as to possible nearby disturbances
- This website could be used in many occasions. Example:
- Booking hotel with least possible noise polution
- Buying/renting a house with least possible noise polution
- As of now, the webiste only inlcudes air noise polution. This includes
- Airports (planes)
- Helipads (helicopters)
- Other aero related noise polution in promixity of given address
- Node.js -HTML/CSS
- Leaflet.js
- Switch maping system to Google Maps' API
- Add markers with names and distance
- Fix airplane routes/trajectories and take into account in noise polution level
- Add more markings/ make more interactive and visibly pleasing
- Add noise polution factors
- Roads/Higways
- Construction Sites
- Shops
- Intertainment places (malls,thriller parks, cinemas, venues) that might produce noise polution
- Available reports
- Add noise polution meter (1-10 or percentage?)
- Add mangoDB, user sign-in and accounts
- Add availibity for users to submit a noise report (noisy place/neighborhood...)