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LLM Debugger Zsh Plugin

LLM Debugger License Python Version OpenAI

LLM Debugger is a Zsh plugin that enhances your shell experience by leveraging large language models (LLMs) to debug failed commands. When a command prefixed with ? fails, the plugin analyzes the error and suggests a corrected command, streamlining your workflow and reducing frustration.

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Table of Contents


  • Automatic Command Debugging: Prefix commands with ? to execute them with enhanced debugging. If the command fails, receive intelligent suggestions to fix the issue.
  • Seamless Integration with OpenAI: Utilizes OpenAI's GPT models to analyze errors and provide actionable command-line suggestions.
  • Interactive Suggestions: Accept suggestions with Tab or dismiss them with Escape.
  • Comprehensive Logging: Detailed logs are maintained for debugging and monitoring purposes.
  • Customizable Debugging: Toggle debugging on or off and customize log file locations.


Before installing the LLM Debugger Zsh Plugin, ensure you have the following:

  • Zsh Shell: The plugin is designed for Zsh. Ensure you are using Zsh as your default shell.
  • Python 3.7+: Required to run the script.
  • OpenAI API Key: An API key from OpenAI to access their language models.


1. Clone the Repository

First, clone the repository to a directory of your choice:

git clone ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/llm_debugger

2. Install Dependencies

Ensure you have Python 3.7+ installed. Then, install the required Python packages:

pip install -r ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/llm_debugger/requirements.txt

3. Enable the Plugin

Add llm_debugger to the list of plugins in your .zshrc:

    # ... other plugins

Reload your Zsh configuration:

source ~/.zshrc


1. Set Environment Variables

The plugin requires certain environment variables to function correctly:

  • Enable/Disable Debugging: Control the debugging mode.

    export LLM_DEBUGGER_DEBUG=1  # Set to 1 to enable debugging, 0 to disable
  • OpenAI API Key: Set your OpenAI API key.

    export LLM_DEBUGGER_OPENAI_API_KEY="your-openai-api-key"

Add these to your .zshrc or relevant configuration file.

2. Python Script Configuration

The plugin relies on the script. Ensure it's executable and located in the plugin directory:

chmod +x ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/llm_debugger/

3. Optional: Customize Log File Locations

By default, logs are stored in your home directory. You can change this by modifying the LLM_DEBUGGER_LOG_FILE and FIFO_PATH variables in the llm_debugger.plugin.zsh script.


Executing Commands with Debugging

To execute a command with debugging, prefix it with ?. For example:

? git sttus

If the command fails, the plugin will analyze the error and suggest a corrected command:

Analyzing... /
Suggested command: git status

Accepting Suggestions

  • Accept Suggestion: Press Tab to replace the failed command with the suggested one.
  • Cancel Suggestion: Press Escape to dismiss the suggestion and retain the original command.

Key Bindings

  • Tab (^I): Accept the suggested command and execute it immediately.
  • Escape (\e): Cancel the suggestion and keep the original failed command in the terminal.

These bindings are dynamically set when a suggestion is available and restored to their original behavior afterward.


The plugin maintains logs for both the Zsh plugin and the Python script:

  • Zsh Plugin Log: ~/.llm_debugger_zsh.log
  • Python Script Log: ~/.llm_debugger.log

These logs contain debug information, error details, and other relevant data to help you monitor the plugin's activity and troubleshoot issues.

Developer Guide

Architecture Overview

The LLM Debugger Zsh Plugin consists of two main components:

  1. Zsh Plugin (llm_debugger.plugin.zsh): Handles user interactions within the Zsh shell, intercepts commands prefixed with ?, manages key bindings for accepting or canceling suggestions, and communicates with the Python backend for analysis.

  2. Python Script ( Acts as the backend service that interacts with OpenAI's API to analyze failed commands, executes allowed shell functions, and returns suggestions to the Zsh plugin via a FIFO (First-In-First-Out) pipe.

Architecture Diagram (Replace with an actual diagram URL if available)

Tool Calling Mechanism

The plugin employs a tool-calling mechanism to execute specific shell functions that assist in analyzing and debugging failed commands. Here's how it works:

  1. Command Execution and Failure Detection:

    • When a user prefixes a command with ?, the Zsh plugin executes the command.
    • If the command fails (non-zero exit status), the plugin triggers the debugging process.
  2. Interacting with the Python Backend:

    • The failed command details are sent to the script.
    • The Python script gathers comprehensive error details and communicates with the OpenAI API to generate suggestions.
  3. Tool Execution:

    • The Python script defines a set of allowed functions (tools) such as list_directory, print_working_directory, list_processes, and display_file_contents.
    • These tools are invoked by the assistant to gather additional information required for accurate suggestions.
    • The results from these tools are sent back to the assistant to refine the suggestions.
  4. Suggestion Delivery:

    • The assistant processes the analysis and returns a suggested command.
    • The Zsh plugin receives this suggestion and displays it to the user, allowing for interactive acceptance or cancellation.

Adding New Tools

To extend the functionality of the LLM Debugger, you can add new tools (functions) that the assistant can utilize. Follow these steps:

  1. Define the Tool in Python:

    • Open
    • Locate the ALLOWED_FUNCTIONS dictionary.
    • Add a new entry with the tool's name, description, and parameters.
        # Existing tools...
        "new_tool_name": {
            "name": "new_tool_name",
            "description": "Description of what the new tool does.",
            "parameters": {
                "type": "object",
                "properties": {
                    "param1": {
                        "type": "string",
                        "description": "Description for param1."
                    # Add more parameters as needed
                "required": ["param1"]  # Specify required parameters
  2. Implement the Tool Logic:

    • In the handle_function_call function, add a new elif block for your tool.
    def handle_function_call(function_call):
        # Existing code...
        if function_name == "new_tool_name":
            param1 = arguments.get('param1')
            if not param1:
                return {"error": "Missing 'param1' argument."}
            # Implement the tool's functionality
            command = f"your_command {shlex.quote(param1)}"
            stdout, stderr, exit_status = execute_shell_command(command)
            return {
                "stdout": stdout,
                "stderr": stderr,
                "exit_status": exit_status
        # Existing code...
  3. Update the Assistant's Tools:

    • Ensure that the assistant is aware of the new tool by adding it to the tools list in the create_assistant function.
    def create_assistant():
        # Existing code...
            # Existing tools...
                "type": "function",
                "function": {
                    "name": "new_tool_name",
                    "description": "Description of what the new tool does.",
                    "parameters": {
                        "type": "object",
                        "properties": {
                            "param1": {
                                "type": "string",
                                "description": "Description for param1."
                            # Add more parameters as needed
                        "required": ["param1"]
        # Existing code...
  4. Restart the Plugin:

    • After making changes, reload your Zsh configuration to apply the updates.
    source ~/.zshrc

OpenAI Integration

The LLM Debugger leverages OpenAI's GPT models to analyze failed commands and generate suggestions. Here's how the integration works:

  1. Assistant Creation:

    • The Python script initializes an OpenAI assistant named "Shell Debugger" with predefined instructions and tools.
    • The assistant is responsible for analyzing errors and formulating suggestions based on the gathered information.
  2. Event Handling:

    • The script listens for events from the assistant, such as when a run requires action (e.g., executing a tool) or when a final suggestion is ready.
    • It manages the lifecycle of assistant interactions, ensuring that tool outputs are correctly submitted and suggestions are relayed back to the Zsh plugin.
  3. Security and Rate Limiting:

    • API Key Management: Ensure that your OpenAI API key (LLM_DEBUGGER_OPENAI_API_KEY) is kept secure and not exposed in logs or error messages.
    • Usage Monitoring: Be aware of OpenAI's rate limits and pricing to manage costs effectively. Monitor your usage to prevent unexpected charges.
  4. Customization:

    • You can modify the assistant's instructions or tools to better fit your debugging needs.
    • Adjust the verbosity of logs in the Python script to balance between detail and performance.


Contributions are welcome! If you find a bug or have a feature request, please open an issue. Pull requests are also appreciated.

Before contributing, please ensure that your code adheres to the following guidelines:

  • Code Quality: Follow best practices for shell scripting and Python programming.
  • Documentation: Update the and other relevant documentation when adding new features or tools.
  • Testing: Test your changes thoroughly to prevent regressions.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Disclaimer: This plugin interacts with OpenAI's API and may incur costs based on usage. Ensure you monitor your API usage and manage your API keys securely.


`?` Command-line terminal helper for ZSH.






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