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Swagata Prateek edited this page Dec 6, 2022 · 1 revision

Contribution Guide

We are starting to follow basic gitflow in this repository. The two important branches are:

  1. main: This branch is stable, used for general releases.
  2. develop: The forward looking development branch gathering features as it goes.

How to start working on a feature?

  1. If you have a github issue that you are working on, great! If you do not, cut a github issue with your desired feature or change.
  2. Create a new feature branch off develop branch. The suggested name is wip-<Github-Issue-Number>-<context>.
  3. Implement your feature in the feature branch. Ensure the continuous build is green in each commit or update the build steps accordingly.
  4. Send a PR to develop branch when your feature is ready.
  5. When we cut a new release from main, your new feature from develop will be included there!
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