- Bot is an interface only.
- Session user is doing the job.
- So,
Bot doesn't need to be in the chat. - Session user
need to be an adminin the chat withDelete messages privilege
- Commands can only run by the
Authorized users.
- Add chat id using command - Eg:
/chat -100123456789
(-100 not mandatory) - Add a delay to the process - Eg:
/delay 2
(Delay not mandatory) - Finally, run
to start the process. - Presently supported media types are
documents, video and audio
1. Deploy to Heroku2. Deploy to VPS
- Open a Linux Terminal and run the following commands.
git clone
cd uniquify
- Create a
file with the mandatory variables.(
) - Run the following commands in the same terminal opened.
virtualenv -p python3 venv
. ./venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Mandatory Variables
API_HASH - Your API Hash from
API_ID - Your API ID from
BOT_TOKEN - Your Bot Token from @BotFather
AUTH_USERS - Create a list of User Ids to use this bot
TG_USER_SESSION - Your Telegram User Session String
Generate User Session
- Open the above link and start the application.
- Give your APP_ID, API_HASH - Get it from HERE
- On the next step, select
1 = User Bot
option . - Give your phone number in international format .
- Give the OTP and Auth Phrase if any
- This will get your long user session string
- Keep the String safe, anyone can access your account using it.
@BotFather Commands
start - Check alive
chat - Add chat id (Admin Only)
delay - Add a process delay (Admin Only)
purge - Initiate the process (Admin Only)