a modified implementation of Langton's Ants Model (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Langton_ant)
USAGE: no arguments necessary, just run 'python langAnt.py'
To observe long term effects and equilibrium, go to the 'Settings' tab and slide the 'Step size' tab all the way to the right to speed up the simulation
Adaptations to note:
-Wraparound: rather than clipping, this model can be thought of as a globe, since the map wraps around in all directions
-Dual Breed Ants: A certain proportion of ants will be 'true' Langton's Ants, and the rest will be inversed Langton's Ants
-'true' ants appear red, and turn left on white and right on black
-'inverse' ants appear blue, and turn right on white and left on black
There are several variables that can be modified in langAnt.py to toggle the model: (these are all located near the top of the file, followed by a "toggle value" comment)
-width: width of environment (gets slow over 100, but is still functional if you're patient!)
-height: height of environment (ditto above)
-populationSize: number of ants (ditto above)
-proportionTrueLangtons: the proportion of ants which are 'true' Langton's Ants (should be in range [0,1])
To run the traditional Langton's Ant model, set populationSize = 1, proportionTrueLangtons = 1