This repository contains a module of PTAS with inet and nesting in OMNeT++.
PIFO-based Time-Aware Shaper (PTAS) is a novel TAS scheme for massive concurrent flows. In PTAS, a PIFO queue is responsible for sorting and buffering all time-triggered flows.
Through frame sorting rather than conventional isolation, the PTAS efficiently provides a deterministic transmission guarantee for concurrent flows
The current version of the PTAS module has been tested with OMNeT++ version 5.5.1, INET version 4.1.2 and NeSTiNg under Ubuntu16.04.
- Download and install OMNeT++ version 5.5.1 at
- Clone and unzip nesting follow the instructions at
$ git clone
- Clone and unzip INET version 4.1.2 framework.
$ git clone
$ git checkout -b v4.1.2 v4.1.2
- Clone and unzip PTAS module.
$ git clone
- Make sure the directory is like
├── nesting
├── inet
└── ptas
- Launch OMNet++ IDE and set the workspace to the directory where packages have been downloaded in the previous step
- Import
packages into your workspace.File -> Import
- select
General>Existing Projects into Workspace option
- under
Select root directory
add your previously chosen workspace directory - select
projects andFinish
- The three projects should appear in the Project Explorer
- First, right click ptas project and click on
- Under
Project References
, selectinet
, Apply and Close (Important) - Each project can be set to release or debug build by right click and
Build Configurations -> Set Active
- Right click each project (in the order
inet, nesting, ptas
) and Build Project - You can now run the simulation
- Navigate into
ptas > simulations
in the project explorer - Right-click
and chooseRun As
(orDebug As
depending on the build configuration) OMNeT++ Simulation - After finishing the simulation, find the statistics file in
and export the end-to-end delay data. These data are the source for the figures in the paper
- Flow24.ned is the topology used for simulation, which is shown below
- In the topology, RobotController is the source of time-triggered flows, and RoboticArm is the destination. 24 RobotControllers are set to simulate a multi-access scenario with massive concurrent flows
- If a new topology is needed, please modify
- paper_test_ptas_7hop.ini, paper_test_spq_7hop.ini, and paper_test_tas_7hop.ini are the configurations of the proposed PTAS and the benchmarks
- In
, there are flow and gate configurations in PTAS, TAS, and SPQ with 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, and 24 flows. Each flow is set with the following parameters
<host name="robotController1">
The load of one flow can be calculated according to the <size> (frame length)
, <burst> (number of frames in a cycle)
, and <cycle>
- When running with different numbers of flows, please modify the xml's name in the corresponding
, such as
**.filteringDatabase.database = xmldoc("**xml/PTASRouting24.xml**", "/filteringDatabases/")
**.switchA.eth[24].queue.gateController.initialSchedule = xmldoc("xml/Flow24_ptas.xml", "/schedules/switch[@name='switchA']/port[@id='24']/schedule")
**.robotController*.trafGenSchedApp.initialSchedule = xmldoc("xml/Flow24_ptas.xml")