- Recommended knowledge
- Set up
- Usage
- Request know-how
- Options
DataLad https://www.datalad.org/
Before installing this extension, please install datalad!
Clone this repository and run
pip install -e .
Make sure you have valid credentials for the cds api!
If you're not registered yet, here is the manual:
Create a DataLad dataset:
datalad create -c text2git DataLad-101
Change to the dataset:
cd Datalad-101
Now you can execute the datalad-download-cds command!
Datalad handbook: http://handbook.datalad.org/en/latest/
Datalad documentation: https://docs.datalad.org/en/stable/index.html
Extension for the automatic download from the CDS DataStore.
Works like datalad download-url
In general a command looks like this:
datalad download-cds [-h] [-d PATH] [-O PATH] [--archive] [--nosave] [-m MESSAGE]
[--version] filenames
datalad download-cds test.txt -m "This is the commit message"
In this case test.txt contains a cds request.
'format': 'zip',
'variable': 'divergence_of_vertical_integral_of_latent_heat_flux',
'year': '1979',
'month': '01',
'area': [
90, 0, -90,
You can generate yourself the request here: https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/search?type=dataset
Example for a request generated by the CDS data store:
import cdsapi
c = cdsapi.Client()
'format': 'zip',
'variable': 'divergence_of_vertical_integral_of_latent_heat_flux',
'year': '1979',
'month': '01',
'area': [
90, 0, -90,
A request always consists of:
A dataset:
request-parameters (in form of a dictionary):
'format': 'zip',
'variable': 'divergence_of_vertical_integral_of_latent_heat_flux',
'year': '1979',
'month': '01',
'area': [
90, 0, -90,
A filename where the request will get written into:
The first two parameters are mandatory! If you do not specify the file where it gets written into in the file of the general request, you have to do it in the command.
datalad download-cds test.txt --path test2.zip
If you specify both, the path in the command will be used!
This is the file, in which the cds request is stored
Shows the help message, --help shows the man page
Defines the dataset, not necessary to define
If specified, overrides the PATH of where the file gets written to. If not specified, it has to be present in the cds-request-file
pass the downloaded files to datalad add-archive-content –delete.
by default all modifications to a dataset are immediately saved. Giving this option will disable this behavior.
Message to be added to the git log
show the module and its version