This project implements a web application for the planning of meals at the Lunatech offices.
Only users with a Lunatech email address can login to the application. The login was integrated with Lunatech Keycloak.
This codebase hosts both the backend and the frontend of the application.
Backend in Kotlin with Ktor framework and Ktorm ORM framework.
Frontend in ReactJs with ReduxJs and React Router.
Depends on a Postgres DB and uses DB evolutions by Flyway.
Lunatech-chef is available at
A normal user is able to:
- see future planned meals date and location
- signup / unsign for a meal
- see who else signed up for meals
An admin user is able to also do the meal planning and access monthly reports. The meal planning requires the following to be created, in the order mentioned:
Menu(s) with one or more dishes added
A schedule is created by associating a menu with a date and an office location.
After that each user can choose if they wish to attend a scheduled meal or not.
The Lunatech-chef integrates with a slackbot. The slackbot was implemented independently and the codebase can be found
at lunatech-slackbots
(note that it's a private repository).
The slackbot runs weekly and, using Slack, every week it invites Lunatech employees to come to the office and enjoy
lunch together with colleagues.
If you wish to contribute or just see how you can run the application locally see the Contributing guide.