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proposal for moral-political society

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overabstracting hinder societal progress

1- homo-sapiens ability to reasons is relative to experience, by scaling new experience on old memories, we either emperically classify, or define new object relative to old experience, planning different future can only be achieved through experimenting, or decoding the past to extend our experience.

2- our ability of abstract thinking of hunter-gathers made us propense to take top-down thinking approach, from overarching general principle to the problem in hand, down to the details, such method can be utilized for understanding linear phenomenon such as physics, but extreme abstraction to cover turning points in non-linear phenomenons as evolution, or society is arbitrary, subjective thinking, and deviant from truth such as metaphysics methodology, such methodology shouldn't be utilized by social engineer, instead, bottom-up approach should be utilized, starting with social problem, can enable developer to knock off problems from it's root, without compromise.

3- positivism philosophy assumes natural laws are fixed beyond our experience, and what we perceive, and interpret as laws, can be generalized on undiscovered distant spacetime, it give no regard to turning points, or evolving phenomenons, such philosophy fall into top-down thinking approach, such linear methodology is occupied dealing with symptoms of historical evolution, but fails to dissect it's components, and trace consequences to their roots.

4- historical materialism looks at the tip of the iceberg of social economics, and abstract to the whole society, it perceives humanes as automaton fitting into inevitable economical machine, without questioning the machine, and class struggle eruption in the machine leading to turning point, it's philosophy is isolated from the rest of the environment, ecological, psychological, anthropological aspect of society, regressing tuning points into economical changes, seeing the end point of change as the root of change attributing to class struggle without understanding class struggle, it another mask of positivism philosophy of studying linear phenomenon, disguising regressed societal evolution by economical change!

5- both positivism, and historical materialism are build on idealism, such philosophy abstract the perceived phenomenon to the distant, and unrealizable reality, if such methodology to be used in studying evolving society, mistakes are inevitable.

6- in engineering the future, each aspect of society must be studied as teleological end of historical evolutionary causes, and by tracing the causal factors, we can reach to the true role, only then a replacement of old system can be done with minimal negative consequences without committing Chesterton's fence fallacy.

art of social engineering

7- in social engineering a society, social model need to be flexible, in ease of construction, dynamic, ability to adapt to new circumistances by changing directed networks of old model for satisfying old role considering new circumistances, or outcomes, bottom-up, starting with the problems, tracing it's causal factors, and constructing new model based off societal needs discovered.

8- characteristics of social model construct, made of factual blocks to be assumptions, propositions, or conclusions, without violating the societal needs of tracing problems to their origin, factual blocks are as succinct as possible for flexibility as in the Greek philosophy, factual blocks are objective, and testable, or provable, conclusions are logically driven from factual blocks, that could be graphed mathematically.

9- social construct is be based on a mosaic factual blocks connected by logically driven conclusions analogous to solving a puzzle, having those characteristic, will protect against idealizing vain positivist model of society, by the fact that factual blocks are representation of objective, testable, or provable conclusion of society driven by logical construct, decoding messages of history of society instead of suppressing them, with succinct factual blocks, the construct will have high adaptivity to criticisms, false interpretations, and new knowledge. devoid of dogma, or arbitrary Utopian constructs.


political evolution, a prospective into despotism, and inequality

1- life is a result of procreation pivoted around the fertile female, biological interaction is directed by the state of nature, with abundance of resources, complexity of interactions changes, for our closest, and ancestral primate foragers, they live in highly interactive systems in demarcated territory mandated by competing troops, the latter pushes territorial troops to control life through domination of female by alpha male physical supremacy, as in chimpanzees, and great apes, therefore life of primates is a high despotic due to lack of the high cognitive functions to bind to moral code. enforcement of domination, sanctioning by bullying, or killing are the usual ways for communicating discontent, and supremacy, alpha male position is maintained by feuds, and continuous display, display of subordinated males was perceived as revolutionary act that perils despotic rule, and prohibited by bullying any competitor.

2- long term socialization lead to development of borca area in homo-erectus, made transfer of knowledge much easier, and use of complex tools, fire, and increase sociability introduced better adaptation with nature, utilizing more resources, new possibilities for sanctioning including gossip, ostracism, and shifted inherited phenotypes that determined hierarchical roles to hunting skills, and introduced equality between hunters, hunting in coordinating groups gave equal political power to each hunter setting end of hierarchy on family level, achieving egalitarianism of prohibiting any sort of domination, display, or control. competition between coalition of forces on the band level pushed territorial demarcation for domination of resources for band survival, it was the first form of appropriation (first ownership) known to hominoids, an appropriation against outsiders.

3- with the end of ice age, and increased aridity in 8Kbr, and 6Kbr, forcing hunter-gather bands toward the rivers for more resources, investing resources in horticulture, and animal husbandry introduced land, and cattle ownership, it was the second form of appropriation (second ownership), but against same tribe, and village members, the later required warriors to enforce ownership, overriding egalitarian moral ethos of suppressing sharp hunter-gatherers skills by introducing warriors culture rivalry, although warrior power remained democratic, more sedentary lifestyle resulted in passive sharing, and dependence on household resources weakening interdependence relationship between family unites, political power was shifted from heads of hunters toward successful warriors, regressing the degree of egalitarianism toward despotism, from linear direct power to triangular hierarchical power centralized in hand of warriors commander, especially in cases of conflicts.

subordination of morality

4- rivalry between entities, is overcome by collations, raising hierarchy, the more challenging the target, or predator, the higher the hierarchy, and the more separated from it's body, raising voluntary economical, and political patron over confederation of villages, comes with it's benefits, and disadvantages, with centralizing power in hand of distant chief, duels are easily settled between different tribes, countering external villages coalition's, saves lifes were to be dissipated in intragroup, and tribal wars, and confederation facilitate trade between different villages by the big-man trader, the stability of the confederation stands against hardships compared to tribes, or foragers, but despite the shift in power to big-man, warriors-commander, and chief, they were still subject to public opinion, and needed to legitimize his rule by stability, and equalization.

5- separating political power from from it's body, through classes of nobility, and slaves, and those in between, by removing political power of tribe's chief from chieftain, throw away the need to legitimize authority by the king, as complete economical hegemony, and militarily in the hands of ruling class, the remaining of egalitarianism of hunter-gathers perishes, and morality hijacked by kingdom needs of survival, and loses it's role, although authority still lays under checks from public revolts, and discontent.

6- democracy in theory in contrast to egalitarianism is an intangible desire to achieve equalization, but in reality, it's most successful way for legitimizing inequality, and sucking ambivalence, and discontent, in nation of different religions, ideologies, traditions, and cultures, each representing a binding ethos for way of living, such that individual can only belong to one specific ethos (equivalence class), for two arbitrary ethos they might share common interests, aspiration, but also average conflicting philosophies (m), having a nation of (n) different ethos, implies that there is n times m conflicting ideas (degree of conflicts), the more cosmopolitan the city (a manifestation of assimilation) the more conflict can arise, making egalitarian, equalizing law intangible! why law enforcement would be required if it's morally accepted?! the separation of power from it's body in the chieftain was for countering external threats, and simple internal duels, in the state, strength of central power is proportional to degrees of internal conflicts nm, for state to last with great nm, tolerance to simple erupts, revolts is essential, in such successful dominating highly-assimilating democratic states, the citizen might have the elusion of freedom of expression, and equality! as long as it have safe ringing on the ears of majority of population, democracy itself is exported by globalization, and implied by it's blended conflicting cultures, ideas, philosophies, and religions.

resurrection of moral-political society, turning despotism-egalitarian-despotism (V shape) trajectory back into egalitarianism (N shape)

7- with the creation of kingdom, homo-sapiens completely lost their sovereignty by the separation of political power from society in form of classes, hegemony of power, and resources by nobility, and elites perpetuated in forms of states, democratic nations, and most successfully in form of neoliberal state, taking back our sovereignty will required resurrecting egalitarian binding ethos, the moral code that hold the clan, band, tribe together for about 1.8 million years, a 98% of hominoids life! the current ubiquitous separation of power is a baby step against gravity!

8- moral, political society is restoration of egalitarian ethos of hunter-gathers of linear political power, by abolition of any central domination, or power through equal bottom-up political participation in common binding ethos of minimal conflicting ideals.

9- despotism arise from lack of direct communication between between related entities, as in case of chimpanzees (communication limited to gestures, grunts, and expressions), for band, or clan being limited to 30-80 members, and hunter-gatherers to around 150 forager, reaching despotism in the chieftain after separation of egalitarian chief from the tribe to village, as analogous to the state, with long hierarchy of top-down political power, similarly state rule manifested in law is separated from the governed body, by its nature implies despotism, to enforce a law means lack of acceptance, in which morality is an anti-state revolutionary act which perils the state rule similar to rival display in young aspiring chimpanzees to have equal shares of sex, the more powerful the state, the more probable to prosper, expand, and perpetuate through centuries, the less power the faster it head toward assimilation by more powerful competing self-propagating state militarily, or economically, the priority of the dominating state is to strengthen it's power over every niche for it's self-preservation (implication of domination avarice motivated by low survival chances analogous to biological evolution, or kackzynski self-propagating systems) for the latter purpose the strength of top down rule must be strengthened with the same proportions of complexity of hierarchy, geography, and culture for the authoritative power to reach every niche, state law sanctified by priests, or legitimized by democracy is enforcement of state morality of authority, and domination for it's own survival, continuation, and self-propagation, any moral act inconsistent with law become illegitimate outlawed act, therefor law hinders moral development, and morals in generals, in that sense any society binded by morality such as tribe, primitive, indigenous, or traditionalist under the reach of the state perils it's propensity. a successful state is anti-social, it's in the interest of the state power to harshly suppress any attempt to reconcile with history, or nature, in the state citizen are forced to cut on their freedom (implied by high conflicting ethos) for the greater good of the state continuity, societal morality assimilated by state law, conceive citizens with no sense of originality, and belonging, therefore more propense to corruption, and ill-doing (disguised state morality), so alienated by surrogate activities they due to vanity and lack of fulfillment to justify their existence tend to accumulate capital, and possessions to maintain their insatiable arousal.

10- the coexistence of conflicting ethos, can only be achieved either through authoritarianism of certain ideology, by suppressing others, or democratically, through blending all views in arbitrary one, in both cases giving rise to despotic rule, which can never represent the whole society, and require cutting on freedom, leaving an unequal triangular despotic system. for minimal conflicts between binding ethos, a society must be as conformist as possible in regard to philosophy of living (binding ethos).

dialectical force between morality, and social contract.

11- morality of living is what inherited from accumulating tradition, theology, philosophy or science, they are dynamic, evolving, it's unlimited development of common beliefs. any limitation, such as state law can hinder the development of morality to cope up with change in environment, relations, society, or reforms.

12- in theory social contract, or law in the system of conflicting ethos, define what majority perceive as representation of the whole directed toward common goal, with minimal cut on freedom, it try to achieve peace in coexistence with the state as inevitable peace making god for settling down conflicts.

13- in moral-political society social contract can define concrete binding ethos of society with extensive details, through which the bonded members can use it for resolving conflicts for developing evolving binding ethos, contract is optimally written with logical proof for driven conclusion, in that sense, the optimal, most adaptive dynamic contract is ideological philosophical, over divine orders which required god intervention through religious reforms, or inherited untraceable culture which arbitrarily develops, as two extremes of moral social contract, therefore the philosophical ideological society, is the most flexible to cope with hardships, and most eligible for self-propagation, through analyzing new circumistances against old contract, the dialectical force of the two can evolve new version of social contract, and new society with new culture, behavior, and mentality.

penalization individuals in 21 century

14- in egalitarian society of hunter-gathers, morality was enforced by penalizing deviance, through ostracism, execution, gossip, criticism depending on ethos, and degree of deviance from equality. from deterministic prospective, accumulation of knowledge in the 21 century, can enable us to trace any deviance from social contract i.e non-egalitarian, authoritative behavior, etc, if interpreted as economical, psychological, or mental problem and not as source of danger, deterministic any humane action is learned from environment, and affected by genetics, for penalizing humane action, all ancestors, guardians, neighbors, and teachers of the same equivalence class members need to be penalized equality, humane behavior can be optimally corrected, and indoctrinated in the academies for the desired ethos, acting as such can give more insight into innate humane nature, which can help in evolving moral social contract, especially in small society of minimal free-riders where nearly every member is essential of continuation of life! but morally the penalization should be left to interpretation of society members!

15- social contracting with external societies means different ethos, any violation can be penalized democratically, economically, or militarily without need for central power to be separated from its body, on the level of confederal politics, sanctioning, and penalization from the benefits of confederation can greatly affect deviant society.

16- punitive penalizing law need to be abolished, instead of developing conscience based on fear of assimilating law, working out the solution of deviant behavior cognitively can enhance social behavior in one generation using education.

penalizing political institutions

17- moral-political society is the synergy of integrated communes for facilitating societal needs, each can be on average of size 150 according to Dunbar number if the commune to be democratic.

18- penalization of society commune is optimally to be done through reducing economical support, rather than penalizing their members, giving space for experimentation, innovation, and competition between different philosophies, and methodologies, converging to general ground truth between communes of common goals.

19- politics is practiced inside the societal communes according to it's philosophy, in moral-political society of conformist binding ideology, different communes is to be established to support the societal needs, and therefor the bigger this society, the bigger the number of communes of common goals, the stronger it gets in confronting environment, or external forces as contrasted to cancerous cosmopolitan city of millions of multi-ethnicity's, multi-cultural of conflicting ideas, the problem is the conflicting ethos, and state law that hinder moral development and reconciliation, and united directed goals, and not the size!

upper-limit of strength of moral-political society

20- society size is upper-limited by the affiliation of advocated ethos.

21- the more tolerant the binding ethos, the more it can attract affiliations, the stronger it gets, and the more chances it will have for self-propagation, in the two extremes lies Divine, and logically driven philosophical ideological societies, tolerance to new ideas, can boost the evolution of the social contract, and give it higher chances for thriving, and self-propagation.


bootstrapping a commune

1- to achieve self-sufficiency in primary needs communalists are expected to study the land to be occupied, to be rich in resources of energy, and food production.

2- for studying a research center need to be established for studying soil, environment, natural resources, climate, biodiversity, energy sources, employing humane intelligence of revolutionaries to invent grass-root solutions for supporting healthy diet, sufficiency energy, and accommodation in accord with nature, and societal sciences.

3- proposals of commune designs of different standards of living per capita should be devised for handling potentially different capacities.

4- historically political, and religious revolutionary movement evolve around slogan/emblem, and anthem/teachings without investing time in envisioning society, and the movement bubbles to lose it's meaning, in 21's century big portion of accumulation of humane knowledge are rendered with strokes of keys, envisioning and engineering the society is no longer esoteric on the temple, or the university.

egalitarian revolutionary

5- the domination, and exploitation of all Earth resources, and unstoppable extravagantly accelerated changes in biosphere proportions is manifestation of the ineffectiveness of the leftists, all movements in the name of leftism run by suppressed oversocialized leftist motivated by inferiority, who can't leave a chance to exhibit their masochist tendencies polarized by sadist state, the term leftism wrap all antagonists to the state order, from egotists, lazy hedonists, to the altruists, the leftists exhibit no uniting vision, and goals, they are corrupted by their conflicting philosophies, if leftist to show seriousness, their movements need to exhibit it by planning the future based on understanding history, to be realists, and not idealists, to face the truth, and not to escape into Utopian goals, to abandon positivism, and follow problems to their roots, otherwise they may enjoy their erotic games, achieving integration with the state, on the other hand, rightist are united by glory of their ancestral golden age, motivated by the malevolence of conflicting ethos, they rise in reminiscence to the seemingly ideal remnants of history, the erotic leftist always seek compromise with the state law to stress priest, or university morality for optimally minimal conflicts, and harmony with social contract to expand their elusive liberty, while the rightist is much more closer the problem of cancerous city, and seeks illumination of conflict ethos, both are corrupted by the assumption of inevitable state!

6- in the worst case scenario, in the era of falling modernity's domination of resources, power, humane time, and intelligence, and unprecedented rapid centralization of wealth, small group of revolutionaries of sufficient expertise of unemployed graduates can employ their indoctrination of positivist sciences in developing grass-root self-sufficient research center, in secrecy if needed, for aspiring communalists to be vigilant for opportunities to ambush in right moment utilizing vacuum created by economical crises, and take back their sovereignty, if that model to thrive, it will work like a magnet to oppressed, occupied, manipulated nations, races, minorities, or sects, the more phenomenal, the stronger it gets, it has the potential to self-propagate like cancer in the dying modernity.

7- by aggregating statistics of different successful moral-political commune bootstrapping research center results can increase the accuracy of simulating the process using mathematics! and resurrection of egalitarianism as a phenomenon!


8- assuming sufficient natural resources, revolutionary communalists must have enough expertise, or curiosity to gain it! otherwise chances of self-preservation is low, and proportional to the level of expertise, vulgar farmers can't arrive to grass-root solution, but will resort to the orthodox solutions, for example countering overpopulation requires increasing production by dependence on economical irrigation methods, composting and enhancing soil, engineering genetics to bear contemporary conditions with required growth qualities, the later required building gene bank, and making use of biodiversity, such project would require mathematicians, engineers, bioinformatists, mechanics, with vast research centers, and labs, just to counter one problem for supporting one basic necessity for just survival, to protect against bigger problems of self-defense, water scarcity, and contamination, energy problems, etc, vulgar, illiterate, low-educated can't have high chances in achieving self-preservation. self-preserving self-sufficient commune can only be achieved by sufficient expertise for it's continuations, and not arbitrary communalists, a healthy communalists is one with philosophy coherent with societal binding ethos, and curiosity, or expertise to fit in societal role.

9- to self-propagate a komingeh, new communalists will need to pass through academies of successful self-sufficient commune, until they able to replicate the society completely, otherwise equality, and preservation can't be maintained.

societal awareness

10- society of relatively small size, united by it's consciously morally driven evolving binding ethos, anomalies in philosophy of living is optimally minimal, continuity of live in equal power distribution will burdens every member to seek knowledge sufficient for overcoming societal challenges, questioning, and developing their philosophy according to new circumistances, transferring knowledge to youngesters necessitated by passing of genes, propensity of siblings, each communalist a member of part of societal Mosaic of integral self-sufficient komingeh, altruism will be consciously developed to protect against manipulation, free-riding, low chances of self-preservation, awareness of societal problems, knowledge, philosophy, equal burdens, and share or responsibility will raise the highest societal awareness, of optimally vigilant communalists, and converge the prospering society communalists into equal Socratic philosopher kings.

11- societal awareness is self-regulating, any violation to biosphere is rapidly realized by it's members as inseparable part of nature, a short-term gain of resource surplus with no regard to the future planning will endanger it's long-term survival, and lower it's chances of self-propagation, in contrast to dominating power, the competition is between the most ecological societies, that will have higher chances of self-propagation.

12- self-propagation in the state follow from insatiable domination motivated by competition for survival, in egalitarian society, survival is pivoted around effectiveness of philosophy to achieve autonomy, otherwise it is a philosophy of domination, such doctrine is hindered in progress by any form of reconciliation with nature. egalitarianism self-propagation is merely motivated by population increase, and that phenomenon is self-regulating, egalitarian clan, band, or tribe maintained phenomenal size, limited by resources, insatiable domination follows to perish!


political autonomy

1- survival primary needs are basic needs required for survival which are agriculture, irrigation, food production, drinking water, accommodation, and energy.

2- preservation secondary needs are required for self-preservation, and progress, academies(committees inside each commune), self-defense, technology&connectivity, healthcare&pharmaceutics, commutation, diplomacy.

3- democratic political society is a hierarchy that can drive it's own decisions of self-governance internally as an autonomous entity, without any foreign influence, liberty means the ability to act arbitrarily, under no influence, but that of the administrated body itself, and using it's own resources to politicize survival, and preservation needs autonomously with no external dependence.

6- freedom in autonomous decision making require developing custom grass-root solution for any foreign dependence on satisfying survival, and preservation needs, a sovereign society is expected to sufficiently govern it's own economics autonomously, otherwise a society it subject to economical control, fluctuation, and domination by survival, and preservation needs provider, and therefore loses it's political sovereignty.

4- democratic moral political society bonded by coherent ethos is assumed to be egalitarian with equal distribution of political power over it's members.

5- a political weight is assumed to be directed toward uniting goal, from the population toward societal decision, and not the decision to be inflicted upon the population, the latter implies authoritative top-down power, but the former implies bottom-up power hierarchy analogous to egalitarian band, hunter-gatherers, or tribe (of voluntary chief).

7- external dependence on basic needs, implies the ineffectiveness of the societal philosophy, binding ethos, or state morality for conceiving vigilant, active, responsible members, and therefore vulnerable to external domination of successful self-propagating systems, so economical dependence on survival, and preservation needs is different side for domination, and control.

8- after achieving autonomous self-sufficiency in primary needs required for survival without external influence, under no effect of global economical crises, a society can move forward to develop it's secondary needs for continuity achieving self-sufficiency in academia by developing grass-root societal sciences inseparable from the society itself for discovering, understanding, healing, and protecting the society, and the environment, self-defense based academia for outperforming enemy weaponry sufficient for self-preservation of it's own moral-political societal sovereignty, technology and connectivity for automating monotonous work for machinery, to emancipate fellow humane from slavery, and societal burdens for maximizing productivity in humane interesting, and challenging work worthy of human's effort, and precious time.

9- to achieve egalitarianism political power need to head upward from the population of equal political weight to the decision in hand, with no external political, economical, militarily or any kind of avoidable external influence.

10- being economically dependent for survival, give the possibility for domination by cutting supply of basic needs in embargo, or economical sanctioning can bombard the alleged-autonomous society, or state with crises, can and lead to famines in few months, while dependence for self-preservation needs can perils stability, progress, and prosperity, and eventually reducing it's chances of survival, and self-propagation on the long term, if supplies of technology, and knowledge were to be cut.

territorial autonomy isn't enough for egalitarianism.

11- any form of external dependence or influence is potential threat to egalitarianism, and shall be abolished, otherwise alleged-autonomous system is vulnerable to be assimilated by competing self-propagating hegemonous powers for colonizing their resources, constitutional autonomy is more degenerate than involuntary oppression, assimilation, and domination, as the former is voluntary salvation, economically, militarily, or politically colonized countries, or societies administrators will act as ambassadors for the dominating power in their own land, facilitating domination and control.

12- Constitution independence in most of cases implies economical dependence due to domination of knowledge and intelligence by bigger self-propagating systems, demarcating borders isn't enough for liberty, freedom, and egalitarian political power, demarcation shall be extended to any form of dependence without periling survival or self-preservation, that can only be done by political autonomy, in all fields! autonomy is always mistaken to be interpreted as territorial autonomy, such case always been subject to assimilation be dominating economical self-propagating systems even Constitution independence was created by dominating forces! a more economical approach, it requires lower cost.

13- the pragmatism of achieving quasi-economical, quasi-political, or quasi-democratic autonomy is ill-defined, and each implies some arbitrary degree of dependence but to maintain democracy, or egalitarian political power, the line of dependence shall be put between survival, self-preservation needs, and luxurious goods, bottom-up diplomacy based-off direct democracy of equal power weight distribution, and external influence.

14- any compromise with liberty of egalitarianism is degradation to human freedom to act arbitrarily, and descending to degenerate form of domesticated animals, beyond egalitarian hominoids of 1.8 million years, degradation down below despotism of the close primates like chimpanzees! for chimpanzees who achieve autonomy in satisfying survival needs, a necessity mandated by their beating heart, such autonomy have been slipped away from state oversocialized citizens worldwide, and instead they are enslaved in surrogate activities, doing others work for treats.

15- liberty of egalitarianism may only be compromised for life!


moral-political komingeh

1- a is moral society organized around binding ethos of philosophy of living, politically democratic of equal political distribution, autonomously sufficient in primary needs economics.

2- analogous to moral society bonded by coherent ethos, komingeh self-sufficiency is achieved through it's communes bonded by common goals, and binding philosophy, methodology, or hierarchy, meaning that common goals with different binding philosophies of politicizing implies different communes for the same goals for minimal conflicts, and highest productivity, a commune is optimally to be conformist as well, giving space for innovation, and creativity, analogous to the komingeh philosophy, a communes is small version of the komingeh, where without the complete autonomy, but dependents on the rest of the komingeh's services.

3- a commune is organized on common interests of communalists to serve the needs of the komingeh self-sufficiency, formed by members of equal political weight. hierarchy, and administration is arbitrary per commune, the commune on itself have no more political power than that of it's own members, and no power can be directed from the commune outward, by the definition of equal political weight of communalists, but inward is possible however, according to commune internal policy.

4- for the commune to have more utilization of resources for supporting the needs of more communalists other than it's administrators, a commune require the acceptance, or conscription of the interested communalists for utilizing parts of their communal share of resources.

5- commune internals must include input, and output committees for administrating input resources, and output services, media committee for publicizing it's work, research, philosophy, policy, statistics, and transparency of transactions with optional confidentiality, research center for societal grass-root solutions, service development, and production monitoring, and lastly an economical committee for analyzing economics of production for reduction of cost using alternative means, or methodologies of production, inside which a reverse engineering committee for hacking, customary developing, and manufacturing imported technologies for less cost for achieving self-sufficiency of the secondary needs, and redistributing accumulation of humane knowledge to it's heirs, and academies as part of research center, through which each communalists find it's societal role, basic academies are for at least satisfying the basic societal needs for survival and preservation, it's in the interest of each academy to present, teach their ideas for new generations, and new learner for continuity of the commune, and attraction of young, sharp, and passionate minds, societal sciences inside each commune academy are interdisciplinary, integrated and inseparable from society, humanitarian, abstract, and applicable sciences are ought to be integrated not be separated from uniting goals, communalists therefore are expected to be generalists taught in coherent abstract thinking, and languages, commune philosophy, humanitarian sciences, arts, and technology, etc. nature of societal sciences as integral whole, and working force for studying, developing, or resolving, specific societal aspects, they are inseparable from society, and environment by the implication of it's needs, due to the relatively small size of average komingeh of 5k, one sufficient land of relatively small area to the typical city of hundreds of thousands, or tens of millions, any environmental problem is quickly realized, and sensed, the need for constructing ecological sciences follow to be redundant in self-sufficient komingeh!

6- analyzing commune transactions can be used for verification of utilized resources per capita.

7- each communes with at sum power of it's communalists, and conscripted members, society political weight will be concentrated in the communes of common-interest, only for decisions related to communalists, and public resources, decision need to be arrived in bottom-up egalitarian linear approach, in the dichotomy of communalist, and free-rider, communalist will have greater political exercise, in politicizing it's commune, compared to free-rider who only participate in public decision making of conscripted commune.

8- technology can have a great rule for tracing, and block-chaining transaction, voting, conscription, and policies, and eliminating administration burdens.

9- the fitness of the commune is evolutionary determined by the productivity of it's philosophy or methodology, eminence of commune is determined by philosophical competence, and not capitalistic competence of domination of knowledge, but through seeking truth, perfection, simplicity and beauty, in survival of the fittest nature always penalize the un-fit, and reward the eminent most adaptive, and productive, in democratic komingeh nature evolution shall be adopted to protect against dissipation of resources, therefore conscious evolution shall be utilized by penalizing it's philosophy, or methodology, and not it's members by cutting input resources, a vigilant communalists are active specially in cases of scarcity, implied by nature of self-regulating societally aware komingeh.

10- in the komingeh natural resources are life itself. protecting, monitoring, and overwatching resources utilization is the task of vigilant, socially aware, communalists, and not a central power, not a separation of responsibility implied by egalitarianism from the body of responsibility, the common binding ethos of philosophy of living play a great role, without moral society such condition can't be maintained.

11- a komingeh is a synergy of it's autonomous communes, each commune coalesce of around 150 (Dunbar number D), between 100, and 250, with average number of communes of same goals, but different philosophies, and methodologies of administration to be V, and primary and secondary communes to be C, then komingeh size equals CVD

12- research center in commune is responsible for analyzing working methodology, and work productivity, and overtime, communes of common goals methodology will merge fruits of each all philosophies, and can converge to be as minimal as 1, or 2 communes inside the same komingeh, a komingeh is around 5k for V=3 as a best guess! in a small country of 5millions population, a society will be a Confederacy of 1k different komingehs of potentially unique philosophies, and culture, but common confederate self-preservation, and development unity.

elimination of second ownership in societal-aware communalists, anarchy is equality, anarchy is order!

13- equal political weights implies equal share of resources analogous to phenomenal "randomized share system" of egalitarian society of hunter-gatherers.

14- communes bottleneck is the resource capacity of conscripted communalists, for the basic survival, and preservation communes all communalists are equalized with equal share of resources, because each communalists is dependent on the rest of the communes, it is expected to harvest their collaborative communal fruits charge free, otherwise for equality to behold, and money to coexist with it, each working communalist is expected to receive equal share of money from shared resources, and surplus to their myriad work regards of working hours, or effort, in the sense money is redundant, and unnatural, the other possibility of existence of money as reward factored by working hours, passion, productivity, knowledge, genetics, environment, etc will unequalize share of wealth in accord with ability to work. overtime wealth motivated by ownership will centralize itself in handful of small elite minority, polarize society into the dichotomy of elite rich, and slave poor with nothing left for them to be owned! giving more political weight to elites, dismantling first conditions of equality, this characteristics of extreme ownership and control of resources only known to state citizens run by divine king, or arbitrary democratic representative is foreign to the egalitarian societies in which a successful hunter (usually male) was discouraged by elders and co-hunters with words, and disappointing behavior to reduce his pride in himself, to not transmit his supremacy over the population, and rule over them dismantling their phenomenal egalitarianism, after hard work, hunter was expected to shared his booty equally, and using randomized share system in cases scarcity, if komingeh to be egalitarian it must be anarchist, otherwise it will fall into the inevitable inequality of second ownership! in second ownership, centralization of resources is implied, while in egalitarian society, equality assumes equal basic access to resources, and can only achieved if the members are assumed to be equal, an assumption that can't exist in cosmopolitan city of conflicting ethos.

15- in komingeh of average number of 5k, each member is essential for life, communalist integrate with the environment for development, protection for achieving propensity of mental calamity with minimal contribution to entropy.

16- any lag in productivity of few communalist can perils survival, and preservation needs, and such behavior shall be studied, understood, and applied for developing binding ethos of the whole komingeh, or concerned commune for enhancement of communalist behavior, from deterministic prospective each communalist is an expression to environment and it's own ancestral past, therefore laziness, genetic, mental, psychological, philosophical anomalies, inferiority, or defects could be studied, understood, discussed, and developed by working first on the nature! tracing all symptoms to their environmental causes for higher chances of survival, and self-preservation.

17- for propensity of communalists siblings, they optimally ought to care first for the contemporary existing communalists with low productivity scaled on societal need of survival, and self-preservation, in that sense low productive output of children, elders, sick, and pregnant communalists is tolerable!

18- liberty, freedom and emancipation of fellow human lies in the ability of understanding each others, and healthy societal social relations rather than neoliberal individuality corrupted by ownership and suppressed by alienation of egoistic elites.

19- second ownership of chieftain shall be destroyed! however first ownership is implied by difference in binding ethos!

komingeh as closed network of communes.

20- komingeh can be perceived as a directed cyclic graph, in which each commune is a node, with set of inputs (resources), and output (services), such closed network wrapping the whole society, and satisfying the basic needs of communalists, is the framework of 21's century egalitarianism, the resurrection of clan equality, and construct of lost anarchism, by the nature of commune autonomy it's weight is the sum of it's communalists, leaving equal distribution of power equalized over the communalists, without overarching authority, top-down order, or domination of resources, sex, knowledge, or philosophy.


egalitarian confederacy

1- confederacy is integration of forces, and resources for maximizing development, survival, and chances of self-preservation.

2- for maintaining egalitarianism direction of power should be maintained to point upward from komingeh to confederacy.

3- from the requirement of confederacy to maximize development, which maintained by communes, confederacy may be achieved on the komingehs communal level without any central komingeh authority, integration between different sets of komingehs communes can join forces to work on common goals.

4- autonomy of commune requires autonomous administration, with no external influence, therefore the political power of confederacy of different communes with common objectives is only limited to confederated communes communalists.

5- for maintaining egalitarianism on confederacy level, confederated communalists are expected to share equal political weight.

benevolence of confederation

6- confederacy can facilitate knowledge-sharing publicly, or confidentially according to sensitivity of data for advancing research, and administration philosophy, self-propagation of prospering komingehs, leaving definition of prosperity to the confederated members, as well as swap of resources in stretched, or dispersed stretches of land in cases of independence, and population fluctuation.

7- for komingeh of relatively small size, setting walls, and bordered can turn egalitarianism into cage, confederation of commutation communes will facilitate transportation, and commutation policies, for travel, tourism, and also extending self-propagation effect.

8- confederation as form of integrating efforts, and joining forces can be achieved with external states as well, if they share common target!

9- shared economy on the confederation level along with conflicting binding ethos should be left to morality of the communalists, and not to be enforced by confederal policy, reallocating resources, or providing support for another komingeh will required public political power, and shouldn't not be left to representative of specific commune as it will affect every communalist share of resources.

10- it follows from egalitarian characteristic of confederacy that any sort of power shouldn't be inflicted upon any komingeh, or commune, therefore conscious evolution by penalization malicious komingeh is required, instead of central authority with social contract of conflicting binding ethos, resolving conflicts of neighboring communes, especially environmental problems need to be handled morally, despite the differences.

11- diplomacy commune is for direct representation of the whole society in resolving conflicts, negotiations, and trade, but direct political power still can be maintained in driving decisions.

independence, and integration.

12- in moral-political society of relatively limited size, ramification of new ideas, and philosophies of living of binding ethos can occur rapidly, 100 advocate can asymptotically present 15k in few days, or minutes using technology, and with egalitarian characteristic of society, Zara can descend from the mountain without hindrance, leading to unresolved conflicted binding ethos in the worst case scenario, such extreme situation of equal parity of political weight can hinder progress of society, endangering it's egalitarianism by biased political weight, therefore independence, or demarcation for resources is natural to take place for progress of both philosophies, and minimal conflicts of equality.

13- such phenomena of independence is unknown to egalitarian clan, or tribe, for it's small size, and simplicity of relations, tasks, and challenges, the bigger the society, and more complex the relations, and binding ethos, and more conflict can emerge, small egalitarian society used methods of ostracism, and even execution in extreme cases to fight any form of deviance, for a small number of deviants they have low chances of survival, self-preservation of their siblings. in modern egalitarian society, sufficient enough number of communalists of few thousands may achieve autonomy as independent komingeh.

14- each komingeh is an experiment of uniquely different biding ethos, it's endurance, effectiveness in achieving propensity of living is tested, for komingeh to survive, philosophies need to be developed, achieving common ground truth of binding ethos, giving the possibility for integration between communes, and komingeh for benevolence, and strength of unity of common shared ethos.

15- continuity of komingeh manifest it's evolving philosophies, and convergence to universal truth, philosophies will converge after decoding the universal history, tolerance of philosophies will follow to increases, with minimal conflicts, achieving universal cosmopolitan purpose of prosperity, and preservation, contracted with the state law hindering any moral development, but rather contributing to it's entropy.


meat cem - [email protected]


ordered according to chornology of political evolution

Hierarchy in the Forest, The Evolution of Egalitarian Behavior - Christopher Boehm - 2001

Cultural responses to aridity in the Middle Holocene and increased social complexity - Nick Brooks - 2006

What is Property? - Pierre Joseph Proudhon - 1840

Manifesto of Civilization - Abdullah Ocalan - 2010

On the Genealogy of Morality - Friedrich Nietzsche - 1887

Social Ecology and Communalism - Murray Bookchin - 2006

Technological slavery - Theodore J. Kaczynaski - 2008

Idea for universal history with cosmopolitian purpose - Imannuel Kant - 1784


proposal for moral-political society






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