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Creating Hardware Component Knowledge Bases with Training Data Generation and Multi-task Learning


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Creating Hardware Component Knowledge Bases with Training Data Generation and Multi-task Learning

Minimum Software Requirements

This software artifact and the instructions provided below assume that the system is running at minimum:

  • Ubuntu 16.04.03
  • Python 3.6
  • PostgreSQL 9.6.9

While this software artifact can be made to work with earlier versions of Ubuntu or Python, doing so may require additional dependencies or modifications which are out of scope for this artifact.


On Ubuntu, you'll need to ensure that the following system packages are installed.

$ sudo apt install build-essential curl
$ sudo apt install libxml2-dev libxslt-dev python3-dev
$ sudo apt build-dep python-matplotlib
$ sudo apt install libpq-dev poppler-utils postgresql postgresql-contrib
$ sudo apt install virtualenv

We require poppler-utils to be version 0.36.0 or greater (which is already the case for Ubuntu 18.04). If you do not meet this requirement, you can also install poppler manually.

For the Python dependencies, use a virtualenv. This greatly simplifies managing Python dependencies and ensures that our installation scripts work out of the box (e.g., a python 3 virtualenv will automatically alias pip to pip3). Once you have cloned the repository, change directories to the root of the repository and run:

$ virtualenv -p python3 .venv

Once the virtual environment is created, activate it by running

$ source .venv/bin/activate

Any Python libraries installed will now be contained within this virtual environment. To deactivate the environment, simply run deactivate.

Then, install our package, Fonduer, and any other Python dependencies by running:

$ make dev

Downloading the Datasets

Each component has its own dataset which must be downloaded before running. To do so, navigate to each component's directory and run the download data script. Note that you must navigate to the directory before running the script, since the script will automatically unpack into the data directory.

For example, to download the Operation Amplifier dataset:

$ cd hack/opamps/
$ ./

Each dataset is already divided into a training, development, and testing set. Manually annotated gold labels are provided in CSV form for the development and testing sets.

Setting up PostgreSQL

Make sure you have a PostgreSQL user set up. To create a user named demo, who has the password demo, you can run the following:

$ psql -c "create user demo with password 'demo' superuser createdb;" -U postgres

Running End-to-end Knowledge Base Construction

Note that in our paper, we used a server with 4x14-core CPUs, 1TB of memory, and NVIDIA GPUs. With this server, a run with the full datasets takes 10s of hours for each component. In order to support running our experiments on consumer hardware, we provide instructions that do not use a GPU, and scale back the number of documents significantly.

We provide a command-line interface for each component. For more detailed options, run transistors -h, opamps -h, or circular_connectors -h to see a list of all possible options.

Note: Using SQLAlchemy with PostgreSQL has a known concurrency issue with high levels of parallelism. Please do not use a parallel value larger than 16.

Transistors Dataset

To run extraction from 500 train documents, and evaluate the resulting score on the test set, you can run the following command. If you made the demo user, you can use demo as the <user> and <pw>, and the default <host> and <port> is localhost:5432 for PostgreSQL. The --stg-temp-min, --stg-temp-max, --polarity, and --ce-v-max arguments represent which relations to extract from the dataset.

$ psql -c "create database transistors with owner demo;" -U postgres
$ transistors --stg-temp-min --stg-temp-max --polarity --ce-v-max --parse --first-time --max-docs 500 --parallel 4 --conn-string="postgresql://<user>:<pw>@<host>:<port>/transistors"

If --max-docs is not specified, the entire dataset will be parsed. If you have an NVIDIA GPU with CUDA support, you can also pass on the index of the GPU to use, e.g., --gpu=0.


This executable will output 5 files.

  1. A log file located in the hack/transistors/logs directory, which will show runtimes and quality metrics.
  2. hack/transistors/ce_v_max_dev_probs.csv, a CSV file of maximum collector-emitter voltage entities from the development set and their corresponding probabilities, which is used later in analysis.
  3. hack/transistors/ce_v_max_test_probs.csv, a CSV file of maximum collector-emitter voltage entities from the test set and their corresponding probabilities, which is used later in analysis.
  4. hack/transistors/polarity_dev_probs.csv, a CSV file of polarity entities from the development set and their corresponding probabilities, which is used later in analysis.
  5. hack/transistors/polarity_test_probs.csv, a CSV file of polarity entities from the test set and their corresponding probabilities, which is used later in analysis.

We include these output files from a run on the complete dataset in this repository so that you can run analysis scripts using our results, without needing to run end-to-end extraction yourself.

Operational Amplifier Dataset

To run extraction from 500 train documents, and evaluate the resulting score on the test set, you can run the following command. If you made the demo user, you can use demo as the <user> and <pw>, and the default <host> and <port> is localhost:5432 for PostgreSQL.

$ psql -c "create database opamps with owner demo;" -U postgres
$ opamps --gain --current --parse --first-time --max-docs 500 --parallel 4 --conn-string="postgresql://<user>:<pw>@<host>:<port>/opamps"


This executable will output 7 files.

  1. A log file located in the hack/opamps/logs directory, which will show runtimes and quality metrics.
  2. hack/opamps/current_dev_probs.csv, a CSV file of quiescent current entities from the development set and their corresponding probabilities, which is used later in analysis.
  3. hack/opamps/current_test_probs.csv, a CSV file of quiescent current entities from the test set and their corresponding probabilities, which is used later in analysis.
  4. hack/opamps/gain_dev_probs.csv, a CSV file of gain bandwidth product entities from the development set and their corresponding probabilities, which is used later in analysis.
  5. hack/opamps/gain_test_probs.csv, a CSV file of gain bandwidth product entities from the test set and their corresponding probabilities, which is used later in analysis.
  6. hack/opamps/output_current.csv, a CSV file of quiescent current entities from all of the parsed documents and their corresponding probabilities, which is used to generate Figure 6.
  7. hack/opamps/output_gain.csv, a CSV file of gain bandwidth product entities from all of the parsed documents and their corresponding probabilities, which is used to generate Figure 6.

We include these output files from a run on the complete dataset in this repository.

Circular Connectors Dataset

To run extraction from 500 train documents, and evaluate the resulting score on the test set, you can run the following command. If you made the demo user, you can use demo as the <user> and <pw>, and the default <host> and <port> is localhost:5432 for PostgreSQL.

$ psql -c "create database circular_connectors with owner demo;" -U postgres
$ circular_connectors --parse --first-time --max-docs 500 --parallel 4 --conn-string="postgresql://<user>:<pw>@<host>:<port>/circular_connectors"


This executable will output 1 file.

  1. A log file located in the hack/circular_connectors/logs directory, which will show runtimes and quality metrics.

Scaling Experiments

We provide two scripts in the scripts/ directory: and, which can be run to generate runtime logs used to create runtime figures when scaling the number of documents or number of relations. This scripts are easy to customize based on the machine being used.


For our analysis, we create a set of entities from our generated knowledge bases which are then scored against ground-truth gold labels. For a more direct comparison, we only consider a subset of datasheets which we verify are available on Digi-Key. To evaluate on this dataset, run the following:

$ analysis --ce-v-max --polarity --gain --current

This will output 2 sets of scores per relation: one for our automatically generated KB entities (shown as "Scores for cands above threshold.") and one for entities from Digi-Key's existing KB.


This executable will output 8 files (2 per relation):

  1. hack/opamps/analysis/current_analysis_discrepancies.csv, a CSV file of typical supply current discrepancies between our automatically generated KB and our ground truth gold labels. This can be used later for manual discrepancy classification.
  2. hack/opamps/analysis/current_digikey_discrepancies.csv, a CSV file of typical supply current discrepancies between Digi-Key's existing KB and our ground truth gold labels. This can be used later for manual discrepancy classification.
  3. hack/opamps/analysis/gain_analysis_discrepancies.csv, a CSV file of typical gain bandwidth discrepancies between our automatically generated KB and our ground truth gold labels. This can be used later for manual discrepancy classification.
  4. hack/opamps/analysis/gain_digikey_discrepancies.csv, a CSV file of typical gain bandwidth discrepancies between Digi-Key's existing KB and our ground truth gold labels. This can be used later for manual discrepancy classification.
  5. hack/transistors/analysis/ce_v_max_analysis_discrepancies.csv, a CSV file of typical collector emitter voltage max discrepancies between our automatically generated KB and our ground truth gold labels. This can be used later for manual discrepancy classification.
  6. hack/transistors/analysis/ce_v_max_digikey_discrepancies.csv, a CSV file of typical collector emitter voltage max discrepancies between Digi-Key's existing KB and our ground truth gold labels. This can be used later for manual discrepancy classification.
  7. hack/transistors/analysis/polarity_analysis_discrepancies.csv, a CSV file of polarity discrepancies between our automatically generated KB and our ground truth gold labels. This can be used later for manual discrepancy classification.
  8. hack/transistors/analysis/polarity_digikey_discrepancies.csv, a CSV file of polarity discrepancies between Digi-Key's existing KB and our ground truth gold labels. This can be used later for manual discrepancy classification.

We include these output files from a run on the complete dataset in this repository.


Finally, we include in the scripts/ directory, which can be used to generate the figure of our extracted data against Digi-key's. To do so, this script leverages the intermediate CSV files output from the opamps program. Because we include intermediate files from a full run in this repository, this plot can be generated without needing to re-run end-to-end knowledge base construction.

Example: End-to-End run on Transistors

As an example of how this looks end-to-end, assuming that all of the software dependencies have been installed, these would be the commands run to go from a fresh clone of the repository to running the results on the transistor dataset.

$ git clone
$ cd tecs-hardware-kbc
$ virtualenv -p python3 .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
(.venv) $ psql -c "create user demo with password 'demo' superuser createdb;" -U postgres
(.venv) $ psql -c "create database transistors with owner demo;" -U postgres
(.venv) $ make dev
(.venv) $ cd hack/transistors
(.venv) $ ./
(.venv) $ transistors --stg-temp-min --stg-temp-max --polarity --ce-v-max --parse --first-time --max-docs 500 --parallel 4 --conn-string="postgresql://demo:demo@localhost:5432/transistors"

This will produce a log output resembling:

[2019-05-01 08:10:17,322][WARNING] hack.transistors.transistors:212 - Parse Time (min): 7.3
[2019-05-01 08:17:45,978][WARNING] hack.transistors.transistors:334 - Candidate Extraction Time (min): 7.5
[2019-05-01 08:26:41,775][WARNING] hack.transistors.transistors:389 - Featurization Time (min): 8.7
[2019-05-01 08:56:54,200][WARNING] hack.transistors.transistors:457 - Supervision Time (min): 30.2
[2019-05-01 08:57:27,007][WARNING] hack.transistors.transistors:134 - ===================================================
[2019-05-01 08:57:27,007][WARNING] hack.transistors.transistors:135 - Entity-Level Gold Data score for stg_temp_min, b=0.808
[2019-05-01 08:57:27,007][WARNING] hack.transistors.transistors:136 - ===================================================
[2019-05-01 08:57:27,007][WARNING] hack.transistors.transistors:137 - Corpus Precision 1.000
[2019-05-01 08:57:27,007][WARNING] hack.transistors.transistors:138 - Corpus Recall    0.530
[2019-05-01 08:57:27,008][WARNING] hack.transistors.transistors:139 - Corpus F1        0.693
[2019-05-01 08:57:27,008][WARNING] hack.transistors.transistors:140 - ---------------------------------------------------
[2019-05-01 08:57:27,008][WARNING] hack.transistors.transistors:142 - TP: 53 | FP: 0 | FN: 47
[2019-05-01 08:57:27,008][WARNING] hack.transistors.transistors:146 - ===================================================

Syntax warnings/errors during the parsing phase are expected, and will not crash the program. The -v verbosity flag can be included to get additional output.


  title={Creating hardware component knowledge bases with training data generation and multi-task learning},
  author={Hsiao, Luke and Wu, Sen and Chiang, Nicholas and R{\'e}, Christopher and Levis, Philip},
  journal={ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS)},
  publisher={ACM New York, NY, USA}


Creating Hardware Component Knowledge Bases with Training Data Generation and Multi-task Learning







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