Headless allows you to render JSON from TYPO3 content. You can customize output by changing types, names and nesting of fields.
This extension provides backend part (JSON API) for TYPO3 PWA solution. The other part is an extension providing JavaScript rendering for content based on Vue.js and Nuxt, which will be published soon on github. If you have any questions just drop a line in #initiative-pwa Slack channel.
- JSON API for content elements
- JSON API for navigation, layouts
- taking into account all language/translation configuration (e.g. fallback)
- support for EXTt:news
- easily extensible with custom fields or custom CE's
Extension requires TYPO3 in version at least 9.5.
Install extension using composer
composer require friendsoftypo3/headless
Then, you should include extension typoscript template, and you are ready to go.
In headless extension we implemented new JSON Content Object, which allows you to specify what fields you want to output, and how they will look. First of all, let's take a look at simple example
lib.page = JSON
lib.page {
fields {
header = TEXT
header {
field = header
"header" : "headerFieldValue"
in addition, keyword fields
allow you to nest multiple times fields in json, e.g.
lib.page = JSON
lib.page {
fields {
data {
fields {
foo = TEXT
foo {
field = bar
foo1 = TEXT
foo1 {
field = bar1
"data": [
"foo": "bar",
"foo1": "bar1"
You can override every field in output using typoscript. This extension allows you to use standard typoscript objects such as TEXT, COA, CASE.
You can use Data Processors just like in FLUIDTEMPLATE
Content Object, e.g.
lib.languages = JSON
lib.languages {
dataProcessing {
10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\LanguageMenuProcessor
10 {
languages = auto
as = languages
Development for this extension is happening as part of the TYPO3 PWA initiative, see https://typo3.org/community/teams/typo3-development/initiatives/pwa/
A special thanks goes to macopedia.com company, which is sponsoring development of this solution.
- Łukasz Uznański (Macopedia)
- Adam Marcinkowski (Macopedia)
- Vaclav Janoch (ITplusX)