Creates an edge between two nodes
Node 1 gto Node 2 gto Node 3
Node 2 gto Success
Creates multiple edges simultaneously
Node 1 gand Node 2 gand Node 3 gto A gand B
Forces nodes to be placed on the same rank
A gto B gto C gto D
A gsame B gsame C
Edge is not used in ranking the nodes
Something gto Another thing gconstraint
Something gand Another thing gto That thing
Don't use double quotes "
Use \n
to split text in two or more lines.
Graphviz configuration
strict digraph {
graph [rankdir = "LR"];
graph [nodesep = 0.5];
node [fontname = "Lexend"];
node [fontsize = 11];
node [shape = box];
node [width = 0];
node [height = 0];
node [margin = 0.1];