A curated list of awesome Swift frameworks, libraries and software.
- Alamofire/Alamofire - Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift
- vsouza/awesome-ios - A curated list of awesome iOS ecosystem, including Objective-C and Swift Projects
- ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveCocoa - Streams of values over time
- SwiftyJSON/SwiftyJSON - The better way to deal with JSON data in Swift
- raywenderlich/swift-algorithm-club - Algorithms and data structures in Swift, with explanations!
- dkhamsing/open-source-ios-apps - 📱 Collaborative List of Open-Source iOS Apps
- matteocrippa/awesome-swift - A collaborative list of awesome Swift libraries and resources. Feel free to contribute!
- ipader/SwiftGuide - 这份指南汇集了Swift语言主流学习资源,并以开发者的视角整理编排。http://dev.swiftguide.cn
- PerfectlySoft/Perfect - Server-side Swift. The Perfect core toolset and framework for Swift Developers. (For mobile back-end development, website and API development, and more…)
- vapor/vapor - 💧 A server-side Swift web framework.
- MengTo/Spring - A library to simplify iOS animations in Swift.
- ReactiveX/RxSwift - Reactive Programming in Swift
- SnapKit/SnapKit - A Swift Autolayout DSL for iOS & OS X
- lkzhao/Hero - Elegant transition library for iOS & tvOS
- Carthage/Carthage - A simple, decentralized dependency manager for Cocoa
- onevcat/Kingfisher - A lightweight, pure-Swift library for downloading and caching images from the web.
- allenwong/30DaysofSwift - A self-taught project to learn Swift.
- lhc70000/iina - The modern video player for macOS.
- ochococo/Design-Patterns-In-Swift - Design Patterns implemented in Swift
- CosmicMind/Material - A UI/UX framework for creating beautiful applications.
- fullstackio/FlappySwift - swift implementation of flappy bird. More at fullstackedu.com
- mxcl/PromiseKit - Promises for Swift & ObjC
- Ramotion/animated-tab-bar - RAMAnimatedTabBarController is a Swift UI module for adding animation to tabbar items. Made by https://ramotion.com/gthb
- realm/SwiftLint - A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions.
- mozilla-mobile/firefox-ios - Firefox for iOS
- Moya/Moya - Network abstraction layer written in Swift.
- xmartlabs/Eureka - Elegant iOS form builder in Swift
- Quick/Quick - The Swift (and Objective-C) testing framework.
- shadowsocks/ShadowsocksX-NG - Next Generation of ShadowsocksX
- IBAnimatable/IBAnimatable - Design and prototype customized UI, interaction, navigation, transition and animation for App Store ready Apps in Interface Builder with IBAnimatable.
- Ramotion/folding-cell - 📃 FoldingCell is an expanding content cell with animation inspired by folding paper material design UI made by @Ramotion
- Hearst-DD/ObjectMapper - Simple JSON Object mapping written in Swift
- IBM-Swift/Kitura - A Swift web framework and HTTP server.
- insidegui/WWDC - The unofficial WWDC app for macOS
- lexrus/LTMorphingLabel - [EXPERIMENTAL] Graceful morphing effects for UILabel written in Swift.
- robb/Cartography - A declarative Auto Layout DSL for Swift 📱📐
- ninjaprox/NVActivityIndicatorView - A collection of awesome loading animations
- apple/swift-package-manager - The Package Manager for the Swift Programming Language
- kickstarter/ios-oss - Kickstarter for iOS. Bring new ideas to life, anywhere.
- Swift-AI/Swift-AI - The Swift machine learning library.
- stephencelis/SQLite.swift - A type-safe, Swift-language layer over SQLite3.
- JakeLin/SwiftWeather - SwiftWeather is an iOS weather app developed in Swift 4.
- Haneke/HanekeSwift - A lightweight generic cache for iOS written in Swift with extra love for images.
- krzyzanowskim/CryptoSwift - CryptoSwift is a growing collection of standard and secure cryptographic algorithms implemented in Swift
- xmartlabs/XLPagerTabStrip - Android PagerTabStrip for iOS.
- ReSwift/ReSwift - Unidirectional Data Flow in Swift - Inspired by Redux
- ashleymills/Reachability.swift - Replacement for Apple's Reachability re-written in Swift with closures
- kanaka/mal - mal - Make a Lisp
- mac-cain13/R.swift - Get strong typed, autocompleted resources like images, fonts and segues in Swift projects
- raulriera/TextFieldEffects - Custom UITextFields effects inspired by Codrops, built using Swift
- AudioKit/AudioKit - Swift audio synthesis, processing, & analysis platform for iOS, macOS and tvOS
- duemunk/Async - Syntactic sugar in Swift for asynchronous dispatches in Grand Central Dispatch
- mamaral/Neon - A powerful Swift programmatic UI layout framework.
- vikmeup/SCLAlertView-Swift - Beautiful animated Alert View. Written in Swift
- philackm/ScrollableGraphView - An adaptive scrollable graph view for iOS to visualise simple discrete datasets. Written in Swift.
- SwiftGen/SwiftGen - The Swift code generator for your assets, storyboards, Localizable.strings, … — Get rid of all String-based APIs!
- SwifterSwift/SwifterSwift - A handy collection of more than 500 native Swift extensions to boost your productivity.
- Ramotion/expanding-collection - ExpandingCollection is an animated material design UI card peek/pop controller made by @Ramotion
- patchthecode/JTAppleCalendar - The Unofficial Apple iOS Swift Calendar View. iOS calendar Library. iOS calendar Control. 100% Customizable
- mattt/Surge - A Swift library that uses the Accelerate framework to provide high-performance functions for matrix math, digital signal processing, and image manipulation.
- ankurp/Dollar - A functional tool-belt for Swift Language similar to Lo-Dash or Underscore.js in Javascript
- carlosengr/Swift - Learning Swift. Reusable apps code.
- Yalantis/Koloda - KolodaView is a class designed to simplify the implementation of Tinder like cards on iOS.
- BradLarson/GPUImage2 - GPUImage 2 is a BSD-licensed Swift framework for GPU-accelerated video and image processing.
- malcommac/SwiftDate - The best way to manage Dates and Timezones in Swift
- pNre/ExSwift - A set of Swift extensions for standard types and classes.
- ReactiveKit/Bond - A Swift binding framework
- kishikawakatsumi/KeychainAccess - Simple Swift wrapper for Keychain that works on iOS, watchOS, tvOS and macOS.
- daltoniam/Starscream - Websockets in swift for iOS and OSX
- hyperoslo/ImagePicker - 📷 Reinventing the way ImagePicker works.
- thoughtbot/Argo - Functional JSON parsing library for Swift
- SwiftyBeaver/SwiftyBeaver - Convenient logging during development & release in Swift 2, 3 & 4
- exyte/Macaw - Powerful and easy-to-use vector graphics Swift library with SVG support
- hyperoslo/Whisper - 📣 Whisper is a component that will make the task of display messages and in-app notifications simple. It has three different views inside
- qvacua/vimr - Project VimR — Refined Neovim experience for macOS
- olucurious/Awesome-ARKit - A curated list of awesome ARKit projects and resources. Feel free to contribute!
- typelift/Swiftz - Functional programming in Swift
- badoo/Chatto - A lightweight framework to build chat applications, made in Swift
- Yalantis/StarWars.iOS - This component implements transition animation to crumble view-controller into tiny pieces.
- ephread/Instructions - Create walkthroughs and guided tours (coach marks) in a simple way, with Swift.
- gontovnik/DGElasticPullToRefresh - Elastic pull to refresh for iOS developed in Swift
- okmr-d/DOFavoriteButton - Cute Animated Button written in Swift.
- artemnovichkov/iOS-11-by-Examples - 👨🏻💻 Examples of new iOS 11 APIs
- louisdh/panelkit - A UI framework that enables panels on iOS.
- radex/SwiftyUserDefaults - Modern Swift API for NSUserDefaults
- IFTTT/RazzleDazzle - A simple keyframe-based animation framework for iOS, written in Swift. Perfect for scrolling app intros.
- Yalantis/Persei - Animated top menu for UITableView / UICollectionView / UIScrollView written in Swift
- garnele007/SwiftOCR - Fast and simple OCR library written in Swift
- KelvinJin/AnimatedCollectionViewLayout - A UICollectionViewLayout subclass that adds custom transitions/animations to the UICollectionView without effecting your existing code.
- dekatotoro/SlideMenuControllerSwift - iOS Slide Menu View based on Google+, iQON, Feedly, Ameba iOS app. It is written in pure swift.
- zixun/GodEye - Automaticly display Log,Crash,Network,ANR,Leak,CPU,RAM,FPS,NetFlow,Folder and etc with one line of code based on Swift. Just like God opened his eyes
- CVCalendar/CVCalendar - A custom visual calendar for iOS 8+ written in Swift (4.0).
- krzysztofzablocki/Sourcery - Meta-programming for Swift, stop writing boilerplate code.
- RNCryptor/RNCryptor - CCCryptor (AES encryption) wrappers for iOS and Mac in Swift. -- For ObjC, see RNCryptor/RNCryptor-objc
- DaveWoodCom/XCGLogger - A debug log framework for use in Swift projects. Allows you to log details to the console (and optionally a file), just like you would have with NSLog() or print(), but with additional information, such as the date, function name, filename and line number.
- soapyigu/Swift30Projects - 30 mini Swift Apps for self-study
- roberthein/BouncyLayout - Make. It. Bounce.
- austinzheng/swift-2048 - 2048 for Swift
- SwiftKickMobile/SwiftMessages - A very flexible message bar for iOS written in Swift.
- Yalantis/GuillotineMenu - Our Guillotine Menu Transitioning Animation implemented in Swift reminds a bit of a notorious killing machine.
- pkluz/PKHUD - A Swift based reimplementation of the Apple HUD (Volume, Ringer, Rotation,…) for iOS 8.
- SwipeCellKit/SwipeCellKit - Swipeable UITableViewCell based on the stock Mail.app, implemented in Swift.
- bizz84/SwiftyStoreKit - Lightweight In App Purchases Swift framework for iOS 8.0+, tvOS 9.0+ and macOS 10.10+
- nghialv/MaterialKit - Material design components for iOS written in Swift
- icanzilb/EasyAnimation - A Swift library to take the power of UIView.animateWithDuration(_:, animations:...) to a whole new level - layers, springs, chain-able animations and mixing view and layer animations together!
- hilen/TSWeChat - A WeChat alternative. Written in Swift 3.
- Quick/Nimble - A Matcher Framework for Swift and Objective-C
- AugustRush/Stellar - A fantastic Physical animation library for swift
- Yalantis/Side-Menu.iOS - Animated side menu with customizable UI
- kean/Nuke - A powerful image loading and caching framework
- Ramotion/circle-menu - ⭕️ CircleMenu is a simple, elegant UI menu with a circular layout and material design animations. Made by @Ramotion
- matthewpalmer/Locksmith - A powerful, protocol-oriented library for working with the keychain in Swift.
- larrynatalicio/15DaysofAnimationsinSwift - A project to learn animations.
- naoty/Timepiece - Intuitive date handling in Swift
- Ramotion/paper-switch - 🎚 RAMPaperSwitch is a Swift material design UI module which paints over the parent view when the switch is turned on.
- WenchaoD/FSPagerView - FSPagerView is an elegant Screen Slide Library. It is extremely helpful for making Banner View、Product Show、Welcome/Guide Pages、Screen/ViewController Sliders.
- eggswift/ESTabBarController - ESTabBarController is a Swift model for customize UI, badge and adding animation to tabbar items. Support lottie!
- hyperoslo/Presentation - 📑 Presentation helps you to make tutorials, release notes and animated pages.
- cruisediary/Pastel - 🎨 Gradient animation effect like Instagram
- goktugyil/EZSwiftExtensions - 😏 How Swift standard types and classes were supposed to work.
- mobileplayer/mobileplayer-ios - 📱 🎥 A powerful and completely customizable media player for iOS
- Skyscanner/SkyFloatingLabelTextField - A beautiful and flexible text field control implementation of "Float Label Pattern". Written in Swift.
- xmartlabs/XLActionController - Fully customizable and extensible action sheet controller written in Swift 4
- linkedin/LayoutKit - LayoutKit is a fast view layout library for iOS, macOS, and tvOS.
- ArtSabintsev/Siren - Notify users when a new version of your app is available and prompt them to upgrade.
- marcosgriselli/ViewAnimator - ViewAnimator brings your UI to life with just one line
- coteditor/CotEditor - Lightweight Plain-Text Editor for macOS
- dasdom/BreakOutToRefresh - Play BreakOut while loading - A playable pull to refresh view using SpriteKit
- PhamBaTho/BTNavigationDropdownMenu - The elegant dropdown menu, written in Swift, appears underneath navigation bar to display a list of related items when a user click on the navigation title.
- willowtreeapps/spruce-ios - Swift library for choreographing animations on the screen.
- freshOS/Stevia - 🍃 Elegant Autolayout DSL for iOS
- httpswift/swifter - Tiny http server engine written in Swift programming language.
- twostraws/HackingWithSwift - The project source code for hackingwithswift.com
- Orderella/PopupDialog - A simple, customizable popup dialog for iOS written in Swift. Replaces UIAlertController alert style.
- BeauNouvelle/FaceAware - An extension that gives UIImageView the ability to focus on faces within an image.
- marmelroy/PhoneNumberKit - A Swift framework for parsing, formatting and validating international phone numbers. Inspired by Google's libphonenumber.
- eBay/NMessenger - A fast, lightweight messenger component built on AsyncDisplaykit and written in Swift
- Lax/iOS-Swift-Demos - 精心收集并分类整理的Swift开发学习资源,包括Apple官方提供的示例代码和文档,以及github上的项目和国内外开发者的技术博客。欢迎提交pull-request一起维护。[iOS Swift Demos from Apple]
- necolt/Swifton - A Ruby on Rails inspired Web Framework for Swift that runs on Linux and OS X
- gavinbunney/Toucan - Fabulous Image Processing in Swift
- Ramotion/paper-onboarding - PaperOnboarding is a material design UI slider
- RobertGummesson/BuildTimeAnalyzer-for-Xcode - Build Time Analyzer for Swift
- 3lvis/Sync - Swift JSON to Core Data synchronization and back.
- kitasuke/PagingMenuController - Paging view controller with customizable menu in Swift
- tristanhimmelman/AlamofireObjectMapper - An Alamofire extension which converts JSON response data into swift objects using ObjectMapper
- artsy/eidolon - The Artsy Auction Kiosk App
- optonaut/ActiveLabel.swift - UILabel drop-in replacement supporting Hashtags (#), Mentions (@) and URLs (http://) written in Swift
- shoheiyokoyama/Gemini - Gemini is rich scroll based animation framework for iOS, written in Swift.
- carambalabs/SugarRecord - CoreData/Realm sweet wrapper written in Swift
- alexaubry/BulletinBoard - Generate and Display Bottom Card Interfaces on iOS
- Swinject/Swinject - Dependency injection framework for Swift with iOS/macOS/Linux
- EyreFree/EFQRCode - A better way to operate quick response code in Swift.
- devxoul/Then - ✨ Super sweet syntactic sugar for Swift initializers
- Ramotion/navigation-stack - NavigationStack is a stack-modeled UI navigation controller
- ltebean/Live - Demonstrates how to build a live broadcast app(Swift 3)
- Ramotion/reel-search - 🔍 RAMReel is a UI controller that allows you to choose options from a list. Made by @Ramotion
- jonkykong/SideMenu - Simple side menu control for iOS in Swift. Right and Left sides. No coding required. iOS 8+.
- ytakzk/Fusuma - Instagram-like photo browser and a camera feature with a few line of code in Swift.
- uraimo/Awesome-Swift-Playgrounds - A List of Awesome Swift Playgrounds
- OAuthSwift/OAuthSwift - Swift based OAuth library for iOS
- mattdonnelly/Swifter - 🐦 A Twitter framework for iOS & OS X written in Swift
- kaishin/Gifu - High-performance animated GIF support for iOS in Swift
- Raizlabs/BonMot - Beautiful, easy attributed strings in Swift
- antitypical/Result - Swift type modelling the success/failure of arbitrary operations.
- mattneub/Programming-iOS-Book-Examples - Downloadable code examples for my books, "iOS 10 Programming Fundamentals With Swift" (bk1) and "Programming iOS 10" (bk2).
- swiftcodex/Swift-Radio-Pro - Professional Radio Station App - now supports Swift 4 / Xcode 9!
- lkzhao/ElasticTransition - A UIKit custom transition that simulates an elastic drag. Written in Swift.
- Draveness/DKChainableAnimationKit - A DSL to make animation easy on iOS with Swift.
- aschuch/StatefulViewController - Placeholder views based on content, loading, error or empty states
- Ramotion/adaptive-tab-bar - AdaptiveController is a 'Progressive Reduction' Swift UI module for adding custom states to Native or Custom iOS UI elements
- codestergit/SweetAlert-iOS - Live animated Alert View for iOS written in Swift
- waynewbishop/SwiftStructures - Examples of commonly used data structures and algorithms in Swift.
- Touchwonders/Transition - Easy interactive interruptible custom ViewController transitions
- ole/whats-new-in-swift-4 - An Xcode playground showcasing the new features in Swift 4.0.
- polqf/FillableLoaders - Completely customizable progress based loaders drawn using custom CGPaths written in Swift
- JohnSundell/Unbox - The easy to use Swift JSON decoder
- roberthein/TinyConstraints - Nothing but sugar.
- ReactKit/SwiftTask - Promise + progress + pause + cancel + retry for Swift.
- Cosmo/TinyConsole - 🚦📱 A tiny log console to display information while using your iOS app. Written in Swift 3.
- Zewo/Zewo - Lightweight library for web server applications in Swift on macOS and Linux powered by coroutines.
- yapstudios/YapAnimator - Your fast and friendly physics-based animation system.
- teodorpatras/EasyTipView - Fully customisable tooltip view in Swift for iOS.
- yannickl/DynamicColor - Yet another extension to manipulate colors easily in Swift
- fancymax/12306ForMac - An unofficial 12306 Client for Mac
- evnaz/ENSwiftSideMenu - A simple side menu for iOS written in Swift.
- daltoniam/SwiftHTTP - Thin wrapper around NSURLSession in swift. Simplifies HTTP requests.
- JohnEstropia/CoreStore - Unleashing the real power of Core Data with the elegance and safety of Swift
- netguru/ResponseDetective - Sherlock Holmes of the networking layer. 🕵️♂️
- angelolloqui/SwiftKotlin - A tool to convert Swift code to Kotlin.
- johnlui/SwiftSideslipLikeQQ - 再造 “手机QQ” 侧滑菜单
- zhxnlai/ZLSwipeableViewSwift - A simple view for building card like interface inspired by Tinder and Potluck.
- icanzilb/SwiftSpinner - A beautiful activity indicator and modal alert written in Swift (originally developed for my app DoodleDoodle) Using blur effects, translucency, flat and bold design - all iOS 8 latest and greatest
- jakarmy/swift-summary - A summary of Apple's Swift language written on Playgrounds
- nvzqz/FileKit - Simple and expressive file management in Swift
- soapyigu/LeetCode_Swift - Solutions to LeetCode by Swift
- BendingSpoons/katana-swift - Swift Apps in a Swoosh! A modern framework for creating iOS and macOS apps, inspired by React and Redux.
- alexdrone/Render - Swift and UIKit a la React.
- saoudrizwan/Disk - Delightful framework for iOS to easily persist structs, images, and data
- dennisweissmann/DeviceKit - DeviceKit is a value-type replacement of UIDevice.
- IvanVorobei/RequestPermission - simple permission request with beautiful UI
- Ramotion/preview-transition - PreviewTransition is a simple preview gallery UI controller
- IcaliaLabs/Presentr - Swift wrapper for custom ViewController presentations on iOS
- fdzsergio/SFFocusViewLayout - UICollectionViewLayout with focused content
- Yalantis/DisplaySwitcher - Custom transition between two collection view layouts
- nicklockwood/SwiftFormat - A code library and command-line formatting tool for reformatting Swift code
- aslanyanhaik/youtube-iOS - youtube iOS app template written in swift 3
- rhummelmose/BluetoothKit - Easily communicate between iOS/OSX devices using BLE
- ChiliLabs/CHIPageControl - A set of cool animated page controls written in Swift to replace boring UIPageControl.
- hkellaway/Gloss - A shiny JSON parsing library in Swift ✨
- ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveSwift - Streams of values over time
- yukiasai/Gecco - Simply highlight items for your tutorial walkthrough, written in Swift
- demonnico/PinterestSwift - This is a Swift based demo project to show how to make the transition Pinterest liked.
- dani-gavrilov/GDPerformanceView-Swift - Shows FPS, CPU usage, app and iOS versions above the status bar and report FPS and CPU usage via delegate.
- Thomvis/BrightFutures - Write great asynchronous code in Swift using futures and promises
- nakiostudio/EasyPeasy - Auto Layout made easy
- marmelroy/Interpolate - Swift interpolation for gesture-driven animations
- marmelroy/Localize-Swift - Swift friendly localization and i18n with in-app language switching
- DroidsOnRoids/MPParallaxView - Apple TV Parallax effect in Swift.
- akosma/SwiftMoment - A time and calendar manipulation library for iOS 9+, macOS 10.11+, tvOS 9+, watchOS 2+ written in Swift 4.
- marty-suzuki/SAHistoryNavigationViewController - SAHistoryNavigationViewController realizes iOS task manager like UI in UINavigationContoller. Support 3D Touch!
- i-schuetz/SwiftCharts - Easy to use and highly customizable charts library for iOS
- Dimillian/SwiftHN - A Hacker News reader in Swift
- FolioReader/FolioReaderKit - 📚 A Swift ePub reader and parser framework for iOS.
- AlexLittlejohn/ALCameraViewController - A camera view controller with custom image picker and image cropping.
- Yalantis/Segmentio - Animated top/bottom segmented control written in Swift.
- malcommac/SwiftLocation - Easy and efficient Location Manager in Swift
- bustoutsolutions/siesta - The civilized way to write REST API clients for iOS / macOS
- Daltron/NotificationBanner - The easiest way to display highly customizable in app notification banners in iOS
- alibaba/HandyJSON - A handy swift json-object serialization/deserialization library
- vandadnp/iOS-8-Swift-Programming-Cookbook - This is the GitHub repository of O'Reilly's iOS 8 Swift Programming Cookbook
- tid-kijyun/Kanna - Kanna(鉋) is an XML/HTML parser for Swift.
- amayne/SwiftString - A comprehensive, lightweight string extension for Swift
- ApplikeySolutions/VegaScroll - VegaScroll is a lightweight animation flowlayout for UICollectionView completely written in Swift 4, compatible with iOS 11 and Xcode 9.
- jflinter/Dwifft - Swift Diff
- djyde/WebShell - Bundle web apps to native OS X app
- dzenbot/Iconic - Auto-generated icon font library for iOS, watchOS and tvOS
- apple/swift-protobuf - Plugin and runtime library for using protobuf with Swift
- PaoloCuscela/Cards - Awesome iOS 11 appstore cards in swift 4.
- suzuki-0000/SKPhotoBrowser - Simple PhotoBrowser/Viewer inspired by facebook, twitter photo browsers written by swift
- devxoul/URLNavigator - ⛵️ Elegant URL Routing for Swift
- Clipy/Clipy - Clipboard extension app for macOS.
- Zewo/Venice - Coroutines, structured concurrency and CSP for Swift on macOS and Linux.
- onevcat/FengNiao - A command line tool for cleaning unused resources in Xcode.
- krzysztofzablocki/LifetimeTracker - Find retain cycles / memory leaks sooner.
- tmdvs/TDBadgedCell - TDBadgedCell is a table view cell class that adds a badge, similar to the badges in Apple's own apps
- corin8823/Popover - Popover is a balloon library like Facebook app. It is written in pure swift.
- xmartlabs/Bender - Easily craft fast Neural Networks on iOS! Use TensorFlow models. Metal under the hood.
- QueryKit/QueryKit - A simple CoreData query language for Swift and Objective-C.
- onevcat/APNGKit - High performance and delightful way to play with APNG format in iOS.
- makomori/Sharaku - Image filtering UI library like Instagram.
- AliSoftware/Reusable - A Swift mixin for reusing views easily and in a type-safe way (UITableViewCells, UICollectionViewCells, custom UIViews, ViewControllers, Storyboards…)
- ochococo/OOD-Principles-In-Swift - The Principles of OOD based on Uncle Bob articles.
- JohnSundell/SwiftPlate - Easily generate cross platform Swift framework projects from the command line
- JohnSundell/Marathon - Marathon makes it easy to write, run and manage your Swift scripts 🏃
- malcommac/Hydra - Lightweight full-featured Promises, Async & Await Library in Swift
- malcommac/SwiftRichString - Elegant & Painless Attributed Strings Management Library in Swift
- nvzqz/RandomKit - Random data generation in Swift
- kevinzhow/PNChart-Swift - A simple and beautiful chart lib used in Piner and CoinsMan for iOS(https://github.com/kevinzhow/PNChart) Swift Implementation
- ReactKit/ReactKit - Swift Reactive Programming.
- facebook/facebook-sdk-swift - Integrate your iOS apps in Swift with Facebook Platform.
- johnlui/AutoLayout - Auto Layout 秘境
- HamzaGhazouani/HGCircularSlider - A custom reusable circular/progress slider control for iOS application.
- remirobert/Dotzu - 📱👀 In-App iOS Debugging Tool With Enhanced Logging, Networking Info, Crash reporting And More.
- exyte/ARTetris - Augmented Reality Tetris made with ARKit and SceneKit
- kylef/Stencil - Stencil is a simple and powerful template language for Swift.
- twicketapp/TwicketSegmentedControl - Custom UISegmentedControl replacement for iOS, written in Swift
- ohoachuck/wwdc-downloader - WWDC 2017 video downloader script written in Swift - no external dependency.
- shaps80/Peek - Take a Peek at your application.
- JohnSundell/TestDrive - Quickly try out any Swift pod or framework in a playground
- hpique/SwiftSingleton - An exploration of the Singleton pattern in Swift
- marmelroy/Format - A Swift Formatter Kit
- ElaWorkshop/TagListView - Simple and highly customizable iOS tag list view, in Swift.
- ortuman/SwiftForms - A small and lightweight library written in Swift that allows you to easily create forms.
- 146BC/StyleKit - A powerful & easy to use styling framework written in Swift
- marmelroy/FileBrowser - Finder-style iOS file browser written in Swift
- vhesener/Closures - Swifty closures for UIKit and Foundation
- bignerdranch/Freddy - A reusable framework for parsing JSON in Swift.
- aslanyanhaik/Quick-Chat - Real time chat app written in Swift 3 using Firebase
- SwiftyJSON/Alamofire-SwiftyJSON - Alamofire extension for serialize NSData to SwiftyJSON
- duzexu/ARuler - Mesure distance using apple ARKit
- Luubra/EmojiIntelligence - Neural Network built in Apple Playground using Swift
- nicktoumpelis/HiBeacons - An iBeacons example app for iOS 10, with Apple Watch (watchOS 3.0) support, written in Swift 3.
- marmelroy/Zip - Swift framework for zipping and unzipping files.
- amitburst/HackerNews - A Hacker News reader iOS app written in Swift.
- aschuch/AwesomeCache - Delightful on-disk cache (written in Swift)
- slazyk/Observable-Swift - KVO for Swift - Value Observing and Events
- didierbrun/DBPathRecognizer - Gesture recognizer tool [Swift / iOS]
- marciok/Mu - It's a Swift playground explaining how to create a tiny programming language named Mu
- Finb/V2ex-Swift - An iOS client written in Swift for V2EX
- emaloney/CleanroomLogger - CleanroomLogger provides an extensible Swift-based logging API that is simple, lightweight and performant
- Anviking/Decodable - Swift 2/3 JSON parsing done (more) right
- material-motion/material-motion-swift - A toolkit for building responsive motion using Core Animation.
- diwu/LeetCode-Solutions-in-Swift - LeetCode Solutions in Swift 4
- Ramotion/gliding-collection - Gliding Collection is a smooth, flowing, customizable decision for a UICollectionView Swift Controller made by @Ramotion
- 3lvis/Networking - Easy HTTP Networking in Swift a NSURLSession wrapper with image caching support
- JustHTTP/Just - Swift HTTP for Humans
- nsomar/Guaka - The smartest and most beautiful (POSIX compliant) Command line framework for Swift 🤖
- TBXark/TKRubberIndicator - A rubber animation pagecontrol
- JiriTrecak/Laurine - Laurine - Localization code generator written in Swift. Sweet!
- Awalz/SwiftyCam - A Snapchat Inspired iOS Camera Framework written in Swift
- BoltsFramework/Bolts-Swift - Bolts is a collection of low-level libraries designed to make developing mobile apps easier.
- joshaber/Few.swift - Views as functions of their state.
- groue/GRDB.swift - A toolkit for SQLite databases, with a focus on application development
- zalando/SwiftMonkey - A framework for doing randomised UI testing of iOS apps
- delba/JASON - Fast JSON parsing for Swift
- archagon/tasty-imitation-keyboard - A custom keyboard for iOS8 that serves as a tasty imitation of the default Apple keyboard. Built using Swift and the latest Apple technologies!
- keitaoouchi/MarkdownView - Markdown View for iOS.
- lyft/mapper - A JSON deserialization library for Swift
- Nike-Inc/Willow - Willow is a powerful, yet lightweight logging library written in Swift.
- krzyzanowskim/Natalie - Natalie - Storyboard Code Generator (for Swift)
- venmo/Static - Simple static table views for iOS in Swift.
- UrbanApps/Armchair - A simple yet powerful App Review Manager for iOS and OSX in Swift
- smileyborg/TableViewCellWithAutoLayoutiOS8 - Sample project demonstrating self-sizing table view cells in iOS 8 using Swift and Objective-C.
- Ekhoo/Device - Light weight tool for detecting the current device and screen size written in swift.
- johnno1962/Refactorator - Xcode Plugin that Refactors Swift & Objective-C
- Lickability/PinpointKit - Send better feedback
- nsomar/Swiftline - Swiftline is a set of tools to help you create command line applications.
- kylef/Commander - Compose beautiful command line interfaces in Swift
- JohnSundell/Files - A nicer way to handle files & folders in Swift
- Yalantis/ColorMatchTabs - This is a Review posting app that let user find interesting places near them
- JensRavens/Interstellar - Simple and lightweight Functional Reactive Coding in Swift for the rest of us
- SwiftValidatorCommunity/SwiftValidator - A rule-based validation library for Swift
- Khan/SwiftTweaks - Tweak your iOS app without recompiling!
- kentya6/KYCircularProgress - Flexible progress bar written in Swift.
- square/Cleanse - Lightweight Swift Dependency Injection Framework
- jatoben/CommandLine - A pure Swift library for creating command-line interfaces
- elliottminns/blackfire - A minimal, fast and unopinionated web framework for Swift
- NextLevel/NextLevel - ⬆️ Rad Media Capture in Swift
- marmelroy/TVButton - Recreating the cool parallax icons from Apple TV as iOS UIButtons (in Swift).
- attaswift/BTree - Fast sorted collections for Swift using in-memory B-trees
- ra1028/Former - Former is a fully customizable Swift library for easy creating UITableView based form.
- piemonte/Player -
▶️ video player in Swift, simple way to play and stream media on iOS/tvOS - jiecao-fm/SwiftTheme - 🎨 Powerful theme/skin manager for iOS 8+ 主题/换肤, 夜间模式
- Yalantis/PixPic - PixPic, a Photo Editing App
- izqui/Taylor - A lightweight library for writing HTTP web servers with Swift
- teodorpatras/SideMenuController - A side menu controller written in Swift for iOS
- hyperoslo/Cache - 📦 Nothing but Cache.
- onevcat/Rainbow - Delightful console output for Swift developers.
- onevcat/Hedwig - Send email to any SMTP server like a boss, in Swift and cross-platform
- sobri909/ArcKit - Location and activity recording framework for iOS
- adamwaite/Validator - Drop in user input validation for your iOS apps.
- willpowell8/LocalizationKit_iOS - Realtime Dynamic localization translation delivery system for iOS and Mac OSX in Swift. Create and update texts from localization.com without needing to recompile or redeploy. Cocapod for iOS devices (iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch and Mac)
- radex/SwiftyTimer - Swifty API for NSTimer
- wangjwchn/AImage - A animated gif & apng engine for iOS in Swift. Have a great performance on memory and cpu usage.
- toineheuvelmans/Metron - Geometry, simplified.
- wangshengjia/LeeGo - Declarative, configurable & highly reusable UI development as making Lego bricks.
- ReactiveKit/ReactiveKit - A Swift Reactive Programming Kit
- skywinder/GaugeKit - Kit for building custom gauges + easy reproducible Apple's style ring gauges.
- kylef/Mockingjay - An elegant library for stubbing HTTP requests with ease in Swift
- tnantoka/edhita - Fully open source text editor for iOS written in Swift.
- gmarm/BetterSegmentedControl - An easy to use, customizable replacement for UISegmentedControl & UISwitch.
- thii/FontAwesome.swift - Use FontAwesome in your Swift projects
- jonathantribouharet/JTMaterialTransition - An iOS transition for controllers based on material design.
- hyperoslo/Sugar - ☕ Something sweet that goes great with your Cocoa
- instant-solutions/ISTimeline - Simple timeline view written in Swift 3
- eddiekaiger/SwiftyAttributes - A Swifty API for attributed strings
- tidwall/SwiftWebSocket - Fast Websockets in Swift for iOS and OSX
- mkoehnke/WKZombie - WKZombie is a Swift framework for iOS/OSX to navigate within websites and collect data without the need of User Interface or API, also known as Headless browser. It can be used to run automated tests / snapshots and manipulate websites using Javascript.
- scalessec/Toast-Swift - A Swift extension that adds toast notifications to the UIView object class.
- kylef/PathKit - Effortless path operations in Swift
- uias/Pageboy - 📖 A simple, highly informative page view controller.
- yannickl/DynamicButton - Yet another animated flat buttons in Swift
- SwiftKitz/Appz - 📱 Launch external apps, and deeplink, with ease using Swift! .. http://kitz.io
- overtake/TelegramSwift - Source code of Telegram for macos on Swift 4.0
- mattt/Euler - Swift Custom Operators for Mathematical Notation
- melvitax/DateHelper - A Swift Date extension helper
- drmohundro/SWXMLHash - Simple XML parsing in Swift
- soffes/RateLimit - Simple utility for only executing code every so often.
- devxoul/Toaster - 🍞 Toast for Swift
- vandadnp/swift-weekly - Weekly Swift Language Gems, Tips and Tricks
- typelift/SwiftCheck - QuickCheck for Swift
- sergdort/CleanArchitectureRxSwift - Example of Clean Architecture of iOS app using RxSwift
- ArtSabintsev/FontBlaster - Programmatically load custom fonts into your iOS app.
- kaishin/ImageScout - A Swift implementation of fastimage. Supports PNG, GIF, and JPEG.
- GEOSwift/GEOSwift - The Swift Geographic Engine.
- recruit-mtl/Graphs - Light weight charts view generater for iOS. Written in Swift.
- johnlui/Pitaya - 🏇 A Swift HTTP / HTTPS networking library just incidentally execute on machines
- railsware/Sleipnir - BDD-style framework for Swift
- nickoneill/Pantry - The missing light persistence layer for Swift
- practicalswift/swift-compiler-crashes - A collection of test cases crashing the Swift compiler.
- crossroadlabs/Express - Swift Express is a simple, yet unopinionated web application server written in Swift
- C4Labs/C4iOS - C4 is an open-source creative coding framework that harnesses the power of native iOS programming with a simplified API that gets you working with media right away. Build artworks, design interfaces and explore new possibilities working with media and interaction.
- jcavar/refresher - Pull to refresh in Swift
- devxoul/RxTodo - iOS Todo Application using RxSwift and ReactorKit
- bryx-inc/BRYXBanner - A lightweight dropdown notification for iOS 7+, in Swift.
- JohnSundell/ImagineEngine - A project to create a blazingly fast Swift game engine that is a joy to use 🚀
- Yalantis/PullToRefresh - This component implements pure pull-to-refresh logic and you can use it for developing your own pull-to-refresh animations
- objcio/functional-swift - Issue repository for the Functional Swift book
- hollance/Forge - A neural network toolkit for Metal
- zhangao0086/DKImagePickerController - Image Picker Controller by Swift 4.
- mchoe/SwiftSVG - A simple, performant, single pass SVG parser
- apollographql/apollo-ios - 📱 A strongly-typed, caching GraphQL client for iOS, written in Swift
- totocaster/Typist - Swift UIKit keyboard manager for iOS apps.
- weichsel/ZIPFoundation - Effortless ZIP Handling in Swift
- FlexMonkey/Blurable - Apply a Gaussian Blur to any UIView with Swift Protocol Extensions
- arikis/Overdrive - ⚡️ Fast async task based Swift framework with focus on type safety, concurrency and multi threading
- yeahdongcn/UIColor-Hex-Swift - Convenience methods for creating color using RGBA hex string.
- evgenyneu/keychain-swift - Helper functions for saving text in Keychain securely for iOS, OS X, tvOS and watchOS.
- wokalski/Diff.swift - The fastest Diff and patch library in Swift. Includes UICollectionView/UITableView utils.
- onmyway133/Snowflake - ❄️ SVG in Swift
- fruitcoder/ReplaceAnimation - Pull-to-refresh animation in UICollectionView with a sticky header flow layout, written in Swift 🔶
- joshaber/SwiftBox - Flexbox in Swift, using Facebook's css-layout.
- shu223/Pulsator - Pulse animation for iOS
- alexeyxo/protobuf-swift - Google ProtocolBuffers for Apple Swift
- isair/JSONHelper - ✌ Convert anything into anything in one operation; JSON data into class instances, hex strings into UIColor/NSColor, y/n strings to booleans, arrays and dictionaries of these; anything you can make sense of!
- varshylmobile/LocationManager - CLLocationManager wrapper in Swift, performs location update, geocoding and reverse geocoding using Apple and Google service
- kf99916/TimelineTableViewCell - Simple timeline view implemented by UITableViewCell
- nabilfreeman/ios-universal-webview-boilerplate - Universal Swift-based boilerplate for a web app.
- evgenyneu/Cosmos - A star rating control for iOS/tvOS written in Swift
- shogo4405/HaishinKit.swift - Camera and Microphone streaming library via RTMP, HLS for iOS, macOS, tvOS.
- danthorpe/Money - Swift value types for working with money & currency
- 0x73/SwiftIconFont - Icons fonts for iOS (FontAwesome, Iconic, Ionicon, Octicon, Themify, MapIcon, MaterialIcon)
- RxSwiftCommunity/RxAlamofire - RxSwift wrapper around the elegant HTTP networking in Swift Alamofire
- LoganWright/Genome - A simple, type safe, failure driven mapping library for serializing JSON to models in Swift 3.0 (Supports Linux)
- HearthSim/HSTracker - HSTracker is deck tracker and game manager for Hearthstone on macOS
- mcmatan/ImageOpenTransition - Beautiful and precise transitions between ViewControllers images written in Swift.
- edopelawi/CascadingTableDelegate - A no-nonsense way to write cleaner UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource in Swift.
- younatics/YNDropDownMenu - ✨ Awesome Dropdown menu for iOS with Swift 3
- richardtop/CalendarKit - 📅 Fully customizable calendar for iOS
- evgenyneu/Dodo - A message bar for iOS written in Swift.
- BalestraPatrick/ParticlesLoadingView - A customizable SpriteKit particles animation on the border of a view.
- BrikerMan/BMPlayer - A video player for iOS, based on AVPlayer, support the horizontal, vertical screen. support adjust volume, brightness and seek by slide, support subtitles.
- nmdias/DefaultsKit - Simple, Strongly Typed UserDefaults for iOS, macOS and tvOS
- Jintin/Swimat - An Xcode formatter plug-in to format your swift code.
- vadymmarkov/Fakery - 👽 Swift fake data generator
- SimonFairbairn/SwiftyMarkdown - Converts Markdown files and strings into NSAttributedString
- ReactorKit/ReactorKit - A framework for a reactive and unidirectional Swift application architecture
- nettlep/learn-swift - Learn Apple's Swift programming language interactively through these playgrounds.
- hyperoslo/BarcodeScanner - 🔎 A simple and beautiful barcode scanner.
- MartinRGB/MTSwift-Learning - Begin to learn swift,try to make some simple project here(DEPRECATED)
- yannickl/Splitflap - A simple split-flap display for your Swift applications
- owensd/json-swift - A basic library for working with JSON in Swift.
- fpg1503/MakeXcodeGr8Again - 🔨 Xcode + Plugins = 💙
- evermeer/EVReflection - Reflection based (Dictionary, CKRecord, NSManagedObject, Realm, JSON and XML) object mapping with extensions for Alamofire and Moya with RxSwift or ReactiveSwift
- KevinGong2013/ChineseIDCardOCR - 🇨🇳中国二代身份证光学识别
- vapor/fluent - 🖋 Swift ORM (queries, models, and relations) for NoSQL and SQL databases.
- yannickl/FlowingMenu - Interactive view transition to display menus with flowing and bouncing effects in Swift
- efremidze/Cluster - Easy Map Annotation Clustering 📍
- LeonardoCardoso/SwiftLinkPreview - It makes a preview from an URL, grabbing all the information such as title, relevant texts and images.
- CosmicMind/Graph - Graph is a semantic database that is used to create data-driven applications.
- honghaoz/Ji - Ji (戟) is an XML/HTML parser for Swift
- candostdagdeviren/CDAlertView - Highly customizable alertview and alert/notification/success/error/alarm popup written in Swift 3
- devlucky/Kakapo - 🐤Dynamically Mock server behaviors and responses in Swift
- Alecrim/AlecrimCoreData - A powerful and simple Core Data wrapper framework written in Swift.
- jeantimex/ios-swift-collapsible-table-section - 📱 A simple iOS swift-3 project demonstrates how to implement collapsible table section.
- dalu93/Each - Elegant ⏱ interface for Swift apps
- goktugyil/QorumLogs - 📕 Swift Logging Utility for Xcode & Google Docs
- GabrielAlva/Swift-Prompts - A Swift library to design custom prompts with a great scope of options to choose from.
- farice/ARShooter - A demo Augmented Reality shooter made with ARKit in Swift (iOS 11)
- bahlo/SwiftGif - ✨ A small UIImage extension with gif support
- PureSwift/Cacao - Pure Swift Cross-platform UIKit (Cocoa Touch) implementation (Supports Linux)
- devxoul/SwiftyImage - 🌈 The most sexy way to generate images in Swift.
- eggswift/pull-to-refresh - #Busy Re-Building....# An easy way to use pull to refresh and infinite scrolling in Swift. Pod 'ESPullToRefresh'
- neoneye/SwiftyFORM - iOS framework for creating forms
- mirego/PinLayout - Fast Swift UIViews layouting without auto layout. No magic, pure code, full control and blazing fast. Concise syntax, intuitive, readable & chainable.
- jpsim/PeerKit - An open-source Swift framework for building event-driven, zero-config Multipeer Connectivity apps
- tadija/AEXML - Simple and lightweight XML parser written in Swift
- mileswd/mac2imgur - ⬆ A simple Mac app designed to make uploading images and screenshots to Imgur quick and effortless.
- saoudrizwan/CardSlider - Innovative twist to Tinder cards for iOS.
- ayanonagon/Parsimmon - Parsimmon is a wee linguistics toolkit for iOS written in Swift.
- kirualex/SwiftyGif - High performance GIF engine
- SkrewEverything/Swift-Keylogger - Keylogger for mac written in Swift using HID
- hrscy/TodayNews - Swift3.x-4 - 模仿今日头条
- marmelroy/ObjectiveKit - Swift-friendly API for a set of powerful Objective C runtime functions.
- kciter/GlitchLabel - G..lit...c...hing UILa..bel fo..r iO...S 📺
- zvonicek/ImageSlideshow - Swift image slideshow with circular scrolling, timer and full screen viewer
- younatics/YNSearch - 🔍 Awesome fully customize search view like Pinterest written in Swift 3 + Realm support!
- Clean-Swift/CleanStore - A sample iOS app built using the Clean Swift architecture. Clean Swift is Uncle Bob's Clean Architecture applied to iOS and Mac projects. CleanStore demonstrates Clean Swift by implementing the create order use case described by in Uncle Bob's talks.
- sasojadrovski/SJFluidSegmentedControl - A segmented control with custom appearance and interactive animations. Written in Swift 3.0.
- mozilla-mobile/focus-ios - Firefox Focus for iOS
- ijoshsmith/json2swift - A macOS command line tool that generates excellent Swift data models based on JSON data.
- efremidze/Magnetic - SpriteKit Floating Bubble Picker (inspired by Apple Music)
- Aaron-A/Project-RainMan - Open Source Weather App created with Swift
- delba/Log - An extensible logging framework for Swift
- FutureKit/FutureKit - A Swift based Future/Promises Library for IOS and OS X.
- yannickl/QRCodeReader.swift - Simple QRCode reader in Swift
- xhamr/fave-button - FaveButton is an iOS cute animated like button written in Swift.
- swiftsocket/SwiftSocket - The easy way to use sockets on Apple platforms
- shu223/ARKit-Sampler - Code examples for ARKit.
- frosty/Flipbook - A Swift tool to render UIViews to image sequences for use with WatchKit, and accompanying sample WatchKit project.
- mathewsanders/Mustard - 🌭 Mustard is a Swift library for tokenizing strings when splitting by whitespace doesn't cut it.
- FabrizioBrancati/Queuer - Queuer is a queue manager, built on top of OperationQueue and Dispatch (aka GCD).
- JakeLin/SaveTheDot - A game developed using UIViewPropertyAnimator
- ikesyo/Himotoki - A type-safe JSON decoding library purely written in Swift
- luosheng/OpenSim - OpenSim is an open source alternative to SimPholders, written in Swift.
- FabrizioBrancati/BFKit-Swift - BFKit-Swift is a collection of useful classes, structs and extensions to develop Apps faster.
- thoughtbot/Runes - Infix operators for monadic functions in Swift
- kaandedeoglu/KDCircularProgress - A circular progress view with gradients written in Swift
- davedelong/DDMathParser - String → Number
- maxkonovalov/MKRingProgressView - ⭕️ Ring progress view similar to Activity app on Apple Watch
- insanoid/SwiftyJSONAccelerator - OSX app and CLI to generate Swift 3 code for models from JSON.
- indragiek/SwiftAutoLayout - Tiny Swift DSL for Autolayout
- tispr/tispr-card-stack - Card Stack in Swift for iOS8+
- ello/ello-ios - Ello's open source iOS app
- younatics/Highlighter - 🖍 Highlight whatever you want!
- cocoatoucher/AIFlatSwitch - Nicely animated flat design switch alternative to UISwitch
- LlamaKit/LlamaKit - Collection of must-have functional Swift tools
- ReactKit/SwiftState - Elegant state machine for Swift.
- imaginary-cloud/CameraManager - Simple Swift class to provide all the configurations you need to create custom camera view in your app
- KevinCoble/AIToolbox - A toolbox of AI modules written in Swift: Graphs/Trees, Support Vector Machines, Neural Networks, PCA, K-Means, Genetic Algorithms
- fulldecent/FDWaveformView - Reads an audio file and displays the waveform
- GabrielAlva/SwiftPages - A swift implementation of a swipe between pages layout, just like Instagram's toggle between views.
- jspahrsummers/RxSwift - Proof-of-concept for implementing Rx primitives in Swift
- uraimo/SwiftyGPIO - A Swift library for hardware projects on Linux/ARM boards with support for GPIOs/SPI/I2C/PWM/UART/1Wire.
- watson-developer-cloud/swift-sdk - 📱 The Watson Swift SDK enables developers to quickly add Watson Cognitive Computing services to their Swift applications.
- exyte/ReadabilityKit - Preview extractor for news, articles and full-texts in Swift
- jrendel/SwiftKeychainWrapper - A simple wrapper for the iOS Keychain to allow you to use it in a similar fashion to User Defaults. Written in Swift.
- uias/Tabman - 🏎 A powerful paging view controller with indicator bar.
- Vaberer/Font-Awesome-Swift - Font Awesome swift library for iOS.
- cezheng/Fuzi - A fast & lightweight XML & HTML parser in Swift with XPath & CSS support
- Ramotion/elongation-preview - ElongationPreview is an elegant UI push-pop style view controller made by @Ramotion
- jessesquires/JSQDataSourcesKit - Protocol-oriented, type-safe data source objects that keep your view controllers light
- icanzilb/TaskQueue - A Task Queue Class developed in Swift (by Marin Todorov)
- apple/swift-corelibs-xctest - The XCTest Project, A Swift core library for providing unit test support
- matthewcheok/JSONCodable - Hassle-free JSON encoding and decoding in Swift
- hallas/agent - Minimalistic Swift HTTP request agent for iOS and OS X
- mojilala/YoutubeSourceParserKit - YouTube link parser for swift
- saoudrizwan/Dance - A radical & elegant animation library for iOS.
- Nike-Inc/Elevate - Elevate is a JSON parsing framework that leverages Swift to make parsing simple, reliable and composable.
- Brightify/Cuckoo - First boilerplate-free mocking framework for Swift!
- wulkano/aperture - Record the screen on macOS
- SteveBarnegren/TweenKit - Animation library for iOS in Swift
- p2/OAuth2 - OAuth2 framework for macOS and iOS, written in Swift.
- sindresorhus/touch-bar-simulator - Use the Touch Bar on any Mac
- MxABC/swiftScan - A barcode and qr code scanner( 二维码 各种码识别,生成,界面效果)
- johnlui/SwiftNotice - GUI library for displaying various popups (HUD), written in pure Swift.
- Yalantis/EatFit - Eat fit is a component for attractive data representation inspired by Google Fit
- Awesome-Server-Side-Swift/TheList - A list of Awesome Server Side Swift 3 projects
- SlackKit/SlackKit - Build Slack apps, in Swift
- PureSwift/SwiftFoundation - Cross-Platform, Protocol-Oriented Programming base library to complement the Swift Standard Library. (Pure Swift, Supports Linux)
- steamclock/bluejay - A simple Swift framework for building reliable Bluetooth LE apps.
- Draveness/NightNight - Elegant way to integrate night mode to swift projects
- dankogai/swift2-json - Even Swiftier JSON Handler
- kawoou/FlexibleImage - A simple way to play with the image!
- ProcedureKit/ProcedureKit - Advanced Operations in Swift
- RxSwiftCommunity/RxKeyboard - Reactive Keyboard in iOS
- ReduxKit/ReduxKit - Redux for Swift - a predictable state container for Swift apps
- vanshg/MacAssistant - Google Assistant for macOS!
- inamiy/RxAutomaton - RxSwift + State Machine, inspired by Redux and Elm.
- CosmicMind/Algorithm - Algorithm is a library of tools that is used to create intelligent applications.
- AbhimanyuForiOS/GoogleNewsStandAnimation - It is same like Google News Stand Animation with Customise Configuration file in Swift iOS Technology.
- juanpablofernandez/SwiftyOnboard - A swifty iOS framework that allows developers to create beautiful onboarding experiences.
- dreymonde/Time - 🕰 Type-safe time calculations in Swift, powered by generics
- Ben-G/Validated - A Swift μ-Library for Somewhat Dependent Types
- cesarferreira/SwiftEventBus - A publish/subscribe EventBus optimized for iOS
- Yalantis/ForceBlur - ForceBlur Animation for iOS Messaging Apps
- SSA111/SSASideMenu - A Swift implementation of RESideMenu
- stevestreza/Relayout - Swift microframework for declaring Auto Layout constraints functionally
- attaswift/Attabench - Microbenchmarking app for Swift with nice log-log plots
- khaledmtaha/XAnimatedImage - XAnimatedImage is a performant animated GIF engine for iOS written in Swift based on FLAnimatedImage
- hyperoslo/Gallery - 📹 Your next favorite image and video picker
- freshOS/then - 🎬 Promises Library for Swift with Async/Await
- terenceLuffy/AppStoreStyleHorizontalScrollView - App store style horizontal scroll view
- ApplikeySolutions/PandoraPlayer - A lightweight music player for iOS, based on AudioKit and completely written in Swift.
- kciter/Floaty - ❤️ Floating Action Button for iOS
- yankodimitrov/SwiftPasscodeLock - An iOS passcode lock with TouchID authentication written in Swift.
- wayfair/brickkit-ios - BrickKit For IOS
- rodionovd/SWRoute - PoC of function hooking in Swift
- AntonTheDev/FlightAnimator - Advanced Natural Motion Animations, Simple Blocks Based Syntax
- lindadong/swift-a-day - Project files for my personal experiments on Swift A Day:
- nofelmahmood/Seam - Seamless CloudKit Sync with CoreData
- mattt/Literally - Swift Literal Convertibles for Foundation
- yeahdongcn/RSBarcodes_Swift - 1D and 2D barcodes reader and generators for iOS 8 with delightful controls. Now Swift.
- SvenTiigi/STLocationRequest - A simple and elegant 3D-Flyover location request screen written in Swift
- morizotter/SwiftyDrop - Lightweight dropdown message bar in Swift. It's simple and beautiful.
- fahidattique55/FAPanels - FAPanels - Swift
- emqtt/CocoaMQTT - MQTT for iOS and OS X written with Swift
- AliSoftware/Dip - Simple Swift Dependency container. Use protocols to resolve your dependencies and avoid singletons / sharedInstances!
- Boris-Em/ARCharts - Lovely Augmented Reality Charts for iOS - Built with ARKit
- morizotter/TouchVisualizer - Lightweight touch visualization library in Swift. A single line of code and visualize your touches!
- JohnSundell/Wrap - The easy to use Swift JSON encoder
- hyperoslo/Compass - 🌍 Compass helps you setup a central navigation system for your application
- bwhiteley/JSONShootout - Compare several Swift JSON mappers.
- KyoheiG3/GridView - Reusable GridView with excellent performance and customization that can be time table, spreadsheet, paging and more.
- IBM-Swift/BlueSocket - Socket framework for Swift using the Swift Package Manager. Works on iOS, macOS, and Linux.
- jindulys/ChainPageCollectionView - A custom View with fancy collectionView animation
- WorldDownTown/ZoomTransitioning - ZoomTransitioning provides a custom transition with image zooming animation and swiping the screen edge.
- realm/SwiftCov - A tool to generate test code coverage information for Swift.
- ArtSabintsev/Guitar - A Cross-Platform String and Regular Expression Library written in Swift.
- gmertk/SwiftAlgorithmsClassroom - An experimental classroom to learn/teach algorithms and data structures with Swift
- JellyDevelopment/JDAnimationKit - Animate easy and with less code with Swift
- DroidsOnRoids/RxSwiftExamples - Examples and resources for RxSwift.
- utahiosmac/Marshal - Marshaling the typeless wild west of [String: Any]
- jxd001/Swift-ZhihuDaily - ZhihuDaily with Swift language
- cjiong/LearnSwift - One hundred days, fifty projects.
- gkye/ComplimentaryGradientView - Create complementary gradients generated from dominant and prominent colors in supplied image. Inspired by Grade.js
- rehatkathuria/SnappingSlider - A beautiful slider control for iOS built purely upon Swift
- tomkowz/Swifternalization - Localize iOS apps in a smarter way using JSON files. Swift framework.
- c-Viorel/MBIcons - MBIcons contains over 200 icons that can be resized to any dimensions as they are drawn using NSBezierPath.
- darkerk/v2ex - The unofficial V2EX app for iOS
- VerbalExpressions/SwiftVerbalExpressions - Swift Port of VerbalExpressions
- iAugux/Phonetic - An iOS App to generate phonetic keys for your Chinese contacts. Written in Swift.
- varshylmobile/MapManager - Map manager is a MapKit wrapper in Swift to provide route direction drawing
- MoZhouqi/PhotoBrowser - A simple iOS Instagram photo browser written in Swift using Alamofire networking library, SwiftyJSON JSON parsing library and FastImageCache storing and retrieving images library.
- goktugyil/EZLoadingActivity - 🐣 Lightweight Swift loading activity for iOS7+
- aleclarson/emitter-kit - Type-safe event handling for Swift
- Ekhoo/Translucid - Lightweight library to set an Image as text background. Written in swift.
- Bouke/SwiftInitializerGenerator - Xcode 8 Source Code Extension to Generate Swift Initializers
- ryanfowler/SwiftData - Simple and Effective SQLite Handling in Swift
- practicalswift/Pythonic.swift - Pythonic tool-belt for Swift – a Swift implementation of selected parts of Python standard library.
- adamcichy/SwiftySound - SwiftySound is a simple library that lets you play sounds with a single line of code.
- luispadron/UICircularProgressRing - A circular progress bar for iOS written in Swift
- ruslanskorb/RSKGrowingTextView - A light-weight UITextView subclass that automatically grows and shrinks.
- intmain/HairPowder - Hair Powder for iPhoneX "M" Shape pattern baldness design
- Raizlabs/Eject - An eject button for Interface Builder to generate swift code
- evermeer/EVCloudKitDao - Simplified access to Apple's CloudKit
- akkyie/AKPickerView-Swift - A simple yet customizable horizontal picker view.
- venmo/DVR - Network testing for Swift
- thii/SwiftHEXColors - HEX color handling as an extension for UIColor.
- zemirco/swift-linechart - Line Chart library for iOS written in Swift
- KrisYu/swift14macOSApps - approaching macOS development using swift with 14 mini projects.
- TBXark/TKSwitcherCollection - An animate switch collection
- Nirma/Attributed - µframework for Attributed strings.
- daltonclaybrook/tween-controller - A toolkit for creating interactive menus and tutorials in Swift
- andresinaka/SwiftCop - SwiftCop is a validation library fully written in Swift and inspired by the clarity of Ruby On Rails Active Record validations.
- soffes/clock-saver - Simple clock screensaver written in Swift
- sima-11/SMSegmentView - Custom segmentedControl for iOS written in Swift. Supports vertical layout. Support both image and text. Highly customisable.
- hrscy/DanTang - Swift开源项目-单糖
- hollance/MobileNet-CoreML - The MobileNet neural network using Apple's new CoreML framework
- mengxiangyue/The-Swift-2.0-Programming-Language-playground - 对应最新发布《The Swift Programming Language》Swift 2.0 一书中的内容。这些playground基本是书中知识点的一个总结。
- postmates/PMHTTP - Swift/Obj-C HTTP framework with a focus on REST and JSON
- NghiaTranUIT/iOS-Awesome-Starter-Kit - The perfect combination: Clean Swift + ReSwift + PromiseKit
- sahandnayebaziz/StateView - UIViews that update themselves when your data changes.
- peterprokop/SwiftOverlays - SwiftOverlays is a Swift GUI library for displaying various popups and notifications
- liuzhiyi1992/SpreadButton - a Button can spread its sub path button like the flower if you click,once again,close. oc & swift
- dekatotoro/PullToRefreshSwift - iOS Simple Cool PullToRefresh Library. It is written in pure swift.
- shoheiyokoyama/Koyomi - Simple customizable calendar component in Swift 📆
- lexrus/LTBouncyPlaceholder - A learning-by-doing UITextField extension written in Swift
- avito-tech/Paparazzo - Custom iOS camera and photo picker with editing capabilities
- Caldis/Mos - 一个用于在MacOS上平滑你的鼠标滚动效果的小工具, 让你的滚轮爽如触控板 | A simple tool to smooth and reverse your mouse scroll on MacOS
- wantedly/swift-rss-sample - An RSS reader app written in Swift
- Abizern/xcode-snippets - Xcode Snippets for Swift 2, based on those by Mattt at https://github.com/Xcode-Snippets/Objective-C
- shincurry/Maria - a macOS native app/widget for aria2 download tool.
- melvitax/ImageHelper - Convenience extension for UIImage and UIImageView in Swift
- okla/QuickRearrangeTableView - Protocol-oriented solution to add quick cells rearrange/reorder to UITableView, written in Swift 2.2
- KyleGoddard/KGFloatingDrawer - A floating navigation drawer with an interesting animated presentation written in Swift.
- johnpatrickmorgan/wtfautolayout - The source code for Why The Failure, Auto Layout?
- soffes/GradientView - Easily use gradients in UIKit.
- matthewpalmer/Charter - A Swift mailing list client for iPhone and iPad
- KrakenDev/PrediKit - An NSPredicate DSL for iOS, OSX, tvOS, & watchOS. Inspired by SnapKit and lovingly written in Swift.
- kishikawakatsumi/Kuery - A type-safe Core Data query API using Swift 4's Smart KeyPaths
- johnlui/JSONNeverDie - Auto reflection tool from JSON to Model, user friendly JSON encoder / decoder, aims to never die
- evgenyneu/SigmaSwiftStatistics - A collection of functions for statistical calculation written in Swift.
- vapor/sockets - 🔌 Pure Swift (POSIX) TCP and UDP non-blocking socket layer, with event-driven Server and Client.
- ovenbits/ModelRocket - An iOS framework for creating JSON-based models. Written in Swift.
- mzaks/FlatBuffersSwift - This project brings FlatBuffers (an efficient cross platform serialization library) to Swift.
- liufan321/SwiftQRCode - Simple QRCode detector and generator in Swift
- br1sk/brisk - A macOS app for submitting radars
- aschuch/QRCode - A QRCode generator written in Swift.
- MoZhouqi/KMPlaceholderTextView - A UITextView subclass that adds support for multiline placeholder written in Swift.
- thellimist/SwiftRandom - A tiny generator of random data for swift
- blendle/Hanson - Lightweight observations and bindings in Swift
- Oyvindkg/swiftydb - A typesafe, protocol-based, pure Swift database offering effortless persistence of any object
- huytd/swift-http - HTTP Implementation for Swift on Linux and Mac OS X
- soffes/Countdown - Mac screensaver for counting down to a date
- benzguo/MusicKit - A framework for composing and transforming music in Swift
- delba/SwiftyOAuth - A simple OAuth library for iOS with a built-in set of providers
- ustwo/formvalidator-swift - A framework to validate inputs of text fields and text views in a convenient way.
- kostiakoval/Mirror - Swift objects Reflection
- igormatyushkin014/Sensitive - Special way to work with gestures in iOS.
- Produkt/RubberBandEffect - Recreating Apple’s rubber band effect in Swift
- fortmarek/SwipeViewController - SwipeViewController is a Swift modification of RKSwipeBetweenViewControllers - navigate between pages / ViewControllers
- sharplet/Regex - A delightful and expressive regular expression type for Swift.
- gilesvangruisen/Swift-YouTube-Player - Swift library for embedding and controlling YouTube videos in your iOS applications!
- WeltN24/Carlos - A simple but flexible cache
- scinfu/SwiftSoup - SwiftSoup: Pure Swift HTML Parser, with best of DOM, CSS, and jquery (Supports Linux, iOS, Mac, tvOS, watchOS)
- 100mango/SwiftNotificationCenter - A Protocol-Oriented NotificationCenter which is type safe, thread safe and with memory safety
- pepibumur/SoundCloudSwift - SoundCloud client written on Swift
- terhechte/SourceKittenDaemon - Swift Auto Completions for any Text Editor
- onevcat/RandomColorSwift - An attractive color generator for Swift. Ported from randomColor.js.
- jessesquires/JSQCoreDataKit - A swifter Core Data stack
- 100mango/SwiftTimer - Simple and Elegant Timer
- youngsoft/TangramKit - TangramKit is a powerful iOS UI framework implemented by Swift. It integrates the functions with Android layout,iOS AutoLayout,SizeClass, HTML CSS float and flexbox and bootstrap. So you can use LinearLayout,RelativeLayout,FrameLayout,TableLayout,FlowLayout,FloatLayout,LayoutSizeClass to build your App 自动布局 UIView UITableView UICollectionView
- ykyouhei/KYDrawerController - Side Drawer Navigation Controller similar to Android
- rnystrom/GitHawk - A GitHub project manager app for iOS.
- giulio92/GLTableCollectionView - Netflix and App Store like UITableView with UICollectionView, written in pure Swift 4.0
- krisk/fuse-swift - A lightweight fuzzy-search library, with zero dependencies
- piemonte/Twinkle - ✨ Twinkle iOS/tvOS app elements in Swift
- ksmandersen/GoogleReporter - Easily integrate your app with Google Analytics
- FahimF/SQLiteDB - Basic SQLite wrapper for Swift 3.0 and up
- croath/UIImageView-BetterFace-Swift - The Swift version of https://github.com/croath/UIImageView-BetterFace
- loiclec/Apodimark - Fast, flexible markdown parser written in Swift
- efremidze/VisualEffectView - Dynamic blur background view with tint color (UIVisualEffectView subclass) 📱
- snipsco/Postal - A swift framework for working with emails
- phimage/Prephirences - Prephirences is a Swift library that provides useful protocols and convenience methods to manage application preferences, configurations and app-state. UserDefaults
- yannickl/Reactions - Fully customizable Facebook reactions control
- xxxAIRINxxx/MusicPlayerTransition - Custom interactive transition like Apple Music iOS App (iOS 9). written in Swift.
- edekhayser/FrostedSidebar - Hamburger Menu using Swift and iOS 8 API's
- kareman/SwiftShell - A Swift framework for shell scripting.
- kylef/JSONWebToken.swift - Swift implementation of JSON Web Token (JWT).
- soyersoyer/SwCrypt - RSA public/private key generation, RSA, AES encryption/decryption, RSA sign/verify in Swift with CommonCrypto in iOS and OS X
- boycechang/BCColor - A lightweight but powerful color kit (Swift)
- Yalantis/PullToMakeFlight - Custom animated pull-to-refresh that can be easily added to UIScrollView
- zhangao0086/iOS-CoreImage-Swift - Core Image for Swift
- soffes/SyntaxKit - TextMate-style syntax highlighting
- remirobert/CameraEngine - 🐒📷 Camera engine for iOS, written in Swift, above AVFoundation. 🐒
- Isuru-Nanayakkara/Reach - A simple class to check for internet connection availability in Swift.
- tryswift/trySwiftApp - try! Swift Conference App
- mRs-/HexColors - HexColors is an extension for UIColor and NSColor to support for creating colors from a hex strings
- rhcad/ShapeAnimation-Swift - Vector animation framework in Swift for iOS and OSX.
- yonaskolb/XcodeGen - Swift command line tool that generates your Xcode project from a simple spec and your folder structure
- sascha/DrawerController - A lightweight, easy to use, Side Drawer Navigation Controller in Swift (based on MMDrawerController)
- anatoliyv/AssistantKit - Easy way to detect iOS device properties, OS versions and work with screen sizes. Powered by Swift.
- teodorpatras/Jukebox - Player for streaming local and remote audio files. Written in Swift.
- JetpackSwift/FrameworkTemplate - A template for new Swift iOS / macOS / tvOS / watchOS Framework project ready with travis-ci, cocoapods, Carthage, SwiftPM and a Readme file
- troystribling/BlueCap - iOS Bluetooth LE framework
- skyfe79/SwiftImageProcessing - This project demonstrates how to do pixel operations in swift.
- khanlou/Promise - A Promise library for Swift, based partially on Javascript's A+ spec
- groue/GRMustache.swift - Flexible Mustache templates for Swift
- xmartlabs/Xniffer - A swift network profiler built on top of URLSession.
- maximedegreve/TinyFaces - Free stock avatars for everyone 👦🏼👨🏾👩🏻 (Built w/ Swift)
- kylebrowning/waterwheel.swift - The Waterwheel Swift SDK provides classes to natively connect iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS applications to Drupal 7 and 8.
- jessesquires/PresenterKit - Swifty view controller presentation for iOS
- stuffrabbit/SwiftSpreadsheet - Spreadsheet CollectionViewLayout in Swift. Fully customizable. 🔶
- Ahmed-Ali/RealmObjectEditor - Realm Object Editor is a visual editor where you can create your Realm entities, attributes and relationships inside a nice user interface. Once you finish, you can save your schema document for later use and you can export your entities in Swift, Objective-C and Java.
- Kofktu/KUIPopOver - Easy to use PopOver in iOS
- wongzigii/Butterfly -
✈️ A tiny library for integrating feedback feature. Compatible with Swift 2.2. - tidwall/Safe - Modern Concurrency and Synchronization for Swift.
- Lucky-Orange/BlackHawk - High performance Cordova compatible javascript-native reflection bridge based on fast and sexy WKWebView written in pure Swift.
- gaowanli/PinGo - 纯Swift编写的仿“随遇”App
- Fnoz/FNMatchPull - Swift实现的火柴图案&火柴文字下拉刷新动效(超炫酷下拉刷新),Swift&加强版本CBStoreHouseRefreshControl.
- soffes/JSON - Micro framework for easily parsing JSON in Swift 3 with rich error messages in less than 100 lines of code
- dropbox/SwiftyDropbox - Swift SDK for the Dropbox API v2.
- kylef/Curassow - Swift HTTP server using the pre-fork worker model
- kazuhiro4949/PagingKit - PagingKit provides customizable menu UI. It has more flexible layout and design than the other libraries.
- freak4pc/UIView-Positioning - Easy property-based setting of frame properties in UIView objects
- michaelarmstrong/SuperRecord - A small set of utilities to make working with CoreData and Swift a bit easier.
- glenyi/FloatRatingView - Whole, half or floating point ratings control written in Swift
- symentis/Palau - NSUserDefaults with Wings!
- atljeremy/JFCardSelectionViewController - A fancy collection style view controller
- KimDarren/FaceCropper - ✂️ Crop faces, inside of your image, with iOS 11 Vision api.
- fmo91/PluggableApplicationDelegate - Smallest AppDelegate ever by using a decoupled-services based architecture. 🛠
- ProudOfZiggy/SIFloatingCollection_Swift - iOS Swift framework for creating user interface like apple music genre selection bubbles
- insidegui/PlayAlways - Create Xcode playgrounds from your menu bar
- ArtSabintsev/Zephyr - Effortlessly synchronize UserDefaults over iCloud.
- xcodeswift/xcproj - Swift library for parsing Xcode projects
- phpmaple/Stick-Hero-Swift - a universal iOS Game using Swift and iOS SpriteKit
- iSame7/Panoramic - Swift implementation of the photo tilt gesture/UX found in Facebook's Paper app.
- algolia/instantsearch-ios - ⚡️ A library of widgets and helpers to build instant-search applications on iOS.
- ytakzk/Hokusai - A Swift library to provide a bouncy action sheet
- kylef/Frank - Frank is a DSL for quickly writing web applications in Swift
- hubertr/Swell - Logging utility for Swift and Objective C
- gscalzo/FlappySwift - Flappy Bird clone in Swift and Sprite Kit, basic and in progress
- Weebly/Cereal - Swift object serialization
- ijoshsmith/swift-deep-linking - A simple way to consume custom deep link URLs in a Swift app
- amobconf/awesome-mobile-conferences - 📲 A collaborative list of Mobile Conferences
- nmdias/FeedKit - An RSS, Atom and JSON Feed parser written in Swift
- GraphQLSwift/GraphQL - The Swift GraphQL implementation for macOS and Linux
- gpbl/SwiftChart - Line and area chart library for iOS
- ColinEberhardt/ReactiveSwiftFlickrSearch - A Swift implementation of a Flickr-search application that uses MVVM and ReactiveCocoa
- kristopherjohnson/Markingbird - Markdown processor written in Swift (translation of MarkdownSharp)
- buildasaurs/XcodeServerSDK - Access Xcode Server API with native Swift objects.
- BalestraPatrick/HapticButton - A button that is triggered based on the 3D Touch pressure, similar to the iOS 11 control center.
- TakeScoop/SwiftyRSA - RSA public/private key encryption in Swift
- 6ag/BaoKanIOS - 已经上架:使用swift语言写的一款新闻资讯类的app
- oisdk/SwiftSequence - A μframework of extensions for SequenceType in Swift 2.0, inspired by Python's itertools, Haskell's standard library, and other things.
- knutigro/COBezierTableView - Custom TableView written in Swift where cells are scrolling in an arc defined by a BezierPath. Project even include classes for testing and constructing new BezierPaths for testing new UI.
- kenshin03/Cherry - Mini Pomodoro Timer app designed for the Watch. Written in Swift.
- inamiy/Cassowary - An incremental linear constraint-solving algorithm (Auto Layout) in Swift.
- thoughtbot/Curry - Swift implementations for function currying
- lexrus/LTJelloSwitch - A rapid prototype of UISwitch built with Swift and PaintCode.
- Zewo/Reflection - Advanced Swift reflection including dynamic construction of types.
- robreuss/VirtualGameController - Software-based game controllers for iOS, tvOS, OS X and watchOS in Swift 4.
- unifiedh/Chameleon-Swift - UIKit for the Mac, rewritten in Swift
- JSSAlertView/JSSAlertView - A custom alert view for iOS 7+ written in Swift.
- MosheBerman/PatronKit - A framework to add patronage to your apps.
- pinterest/plank - A tool for generating immutable model objects
- BalestraPatrick/SquishButton - A button that squishes when pressed. As seen in the Clips app.
- mukeshthawani/FAQView - An easy to use FAQ view for iOS written in Swift
- synboo/SwiftFlickrApp - Flickr popular photo viewer with Swift
- 1amageek/Toolbar - Awesome autolayout Toolbar. Toolbar is a library for iOS. You can easily create chat InputBar.
- iosdevzone/IDZSwiftCommonCrypto - A wrapper for Apple's Common Crypto library written in Swift.
- attaswift/GlueKit - Type-safe observable values and collections in Swift
- startry/SwViewCapture - A nice iOS View Capture Swift Library which can capture all content.
- daltoniam/JSONJoy-Swift - Convert JSON to Swift objects.
- Aufree/ESTMusicIndicator - Cool Animated music indicator view written in Swift
- appsquickly/Typhoon-Swift-Example - Swift example application for Typhoon
- aleph7/BrainCore - The iOS and OS X neural network framework
- shaps80/InkKit - Drawing and Geometry made easy on iOS - now in Swift 3.0
- MarioIannotta/MIBlurPopup - MIBlurPopup lets you create amazing popups with a blurred background
- iCepa/iCepa - iOS system-wide VPN based Tor client
- fdzsergio/Reductio - Automatic summarizer text in Swift
- vapor/redis - ⚡️Pure Swift Redis client built on top of vapor/sockets.
- richzertuche/ZMaterialDesignUIButton - Swift Material Design UIButton
- hetelek/Neural-Network-Playground - A neural network Swift playground, with no third party dependencies.
- s1ddok/Fiber2D - Cross-platform 2D Game Engine in pure Swift
- PGSSoft/3DSnakeAR - Well known game Snake written in Swift using ARKit.
- michalkonturek/MKUnits - Unit conversion library for Swift.
- johnlui/Swift-On-iOS - JohnLui 的 Swift On iOS 代码仓库
- jkpang/PPBadgeView - iOS Custom Badge, Support UIView, UITabBarItem, UIBarButtonItem ,Support Objective-C/Swift; iOS自定义Badge组件, 支持UIView, UITabBarItem, UIBarButtonItem, 支持Objective-C/Swift
- zekunyan/TTGSnackbar - TTGSnackbar shows simple message and action button on the bottom or top of the screen with multi kinds of animation, which is written in Swift3 and inspired by Snackbar in Android. It also support showing custom view, icon image or multi action button.
- PhilippeBoisney/AlertOnboarding - A simple and attractive AlertView to onboard your users in your amazing world.
- ahmetws/UnsplashExplorer-CoreML - Core ML demo app with Unsplash API
- ranesr/SwiftIcons - Swift Library for Font Icons - ★ this library
- kiavashfaisali/KFSwiftImageLoader - An extremely high-performance, lightweight, and energy-efficient pure Swift async web image loader with memory and disk caching for iOS and Watch.
- romansorochak/ParallaxHeader - Simple way to add parallax header to UIScrollView/UITableView written in Swift.
- Karumi/BothamUI - Model View Presenter Framework written in Swift.
- RxSwiftCommunity/RxSwiftExt - A collection of Rx operators & tools not found in the core RxSwift distribution
- AladinWay/TransitionButton - UIButton sublass for loading and transition animation.
- T-Pham/UITextField-Navigation - UITextField-Navigation makes it easier to navigate between UITextFields and UITextViews.
- mutualmobile/VIPER-SWIFT - An example Todo list app written in Swift using the VIPER architecture.
- varshylmobile/RateMyApp - RateMyApp is a Swift class to provide gentle reminders to app user to rate your app
- RxSwiftCommunity/RxOptional - RxSwift extensions for Swift optionals and "Occupiable" types
- poetmountain/MotionMachine - A powerful, elegant, and modular animation library for Swift.
- okmr-d/DOAlertController - Simple Alert View written in Swift, which can be used as a UIAlertController. (AlertController/AlertView/ActionSheet)
- dtissera/DTIActivityIndicatorView-Swift - Animated custom ActivityIndicator inspired from css library SpinKit and much more. Written in Swift.
- alexdrone/Buffer - Swift μ-framework for efficient array diffs, collection observation and cell configuration.
- WXGBridgeQ/SwiftPullToRefresh - An easy way to implement pull-down-to-refresh and pull-up-to-load-more feature based on UIScrollView extension, written in Swift 3.
- jegumhon/URWeatherView - Show the weather effects onto view written in Swift3
- RocketChat/Rocket.Chat.iOS - Rocket.Chat Native iOS Application
- beltex/dshb - macOS system monitor
- nvzqz/Sage - A cross-platform chess library for Swift
- yannickl/SnappingStepper - An elegant alternative to the UIStepper written in Swift
- davecom/SwiftGraph - A Graph Data Structure in Pure Swift
- DanijelHuis/HDAugmentedReality - Augmented Reality component for iOS, written in Swift 3.0.
- uber/jetstream-ios - An elegant model framework written in Swift
- younatics/YNExpandableCell - ✨ Awesome expandable, collapsible tableview cell for iOS written in Swift 3
- utatti/kawa - A better input source switcher for OS X
- huyouare/SwiftParseChat - An Example iOS Chat Application with Parse, written in Swift
- yonasstephen/swift-of-airbnb - A self-taught project of learning Swift by making some of Airbnb's screens
- nuclearace/Socket.IO-Client-Swift - socket.io-client for Swift
- HunkSmile/Swift - Write The Code, Change The World
- bjarnel/arkit-tictactoe - Tic-Tac-Toe implemented using ARKit+Scenekit
- attaswift/BigInt - Arbitrary-precision arithmetic in pure Swift
- lucabecchetti/InAppNotify - Swift library to manage in app notification in swift language, like WhatsApp, Telegram, Frind, ecc.
- HHuiHao/liwushuo - 高仿礼物说(swift)
- bignerdranch/Deferred - Work with values that haven't been determined yet.
- soffes/Motivation - Mac screen saver that terrifyingly shows your age
- i-schuetz/PieCharts - Easy to use and highly customizable pie charts library for iOS
- harlanhaskins/Punctual.swift - Swift dates, more fun.
- alexdrone/FlexboxLayout - Port of Facebook's css-layout to Swift
- DenHeadless/DTTableViewManager - Protocol-oriented UITableView management, powered by generics and associated types.
- kmikiy/SpotMenu - Spotify in your menu bar
- yannickl/AwaitKit - The ES8 Async/Await control flow for Swift
- nghialv/Net - Http Request wrapper written in Swift
- handsomecode/InteractiveSideMenu - iOS Interactive Side Menu written in Swift.
- weiran/Hackers - Hackers is an elegant iOS app for reading Hacker News links and comments. Written in Swift.
- johnlui/FireUpYourVPN - 在通知中心一键启用 VPN
- robrix/Prelude - Swift µframework of simple functional programming tools
- mindz-eye/MYTableViewIndex - A pixel perfect replacement for UITableView section index, written in Swift
- MichaelRow/Lyrics - Swift-based iTunes plug-in to display lyrics on the desktop.
- AnderGoig/SwiftInstagram - An Instagram API client written in Swift
- ReSwift/ReSwift-Router - Declarative Routing in Swift, Extension for ReSwift
- yagamis/swift2basic - 3天学会Swift 4(更新中) , 视频教学:
- ipraba/EPCalendarPicker - Colourful calendar for iOS written in Swift
- typelift/Basis - Pure Declarative Programming in Swift, Among Other Things
- app-shack/PlaygroundTDD - Small library to easily run your tests directly within a Playground
- trifl/Chirp - The easiest way to prepare, play, and remove sounds in your Swift app!
- serralvo/TextFieldCounter - UITextField character counter with lovable UX 💖. No math skills required 🙃.
- matthewcheok/Fluent - Swift animation made easy
- thefuntasty/TFBubbleItUp - Custom view for writing tags, contacts and etc. - written in Swift
- squimer/DatePickerDialog-iOS-Swift - Date picker dialog for iOS
- jessesquires/JSQWebViewController - [Deprecated] A lightweight Swift WebKit view controller for iOS
- IBM-Swift/Swift-Kuery - SQL database abstraction layer
- Brightify/Reactant - Reactant is a reactive architecture for iOS
- onmyway133/Scale - 🎏 Unit converter in Swift
- vlall/Swift-Brain - Artificial intelligence/machine learning data structures and Swift algorithms for future iOS development. bayes theorem, neural networks, and more AI.
- OpenKitten/MongoKitten - Native MongoDB driver for Swift, written in Swift
- mssun/passforios - Pass for iOS - an iOS client compatible with Pass command line application (http://www.passwordstore.org/).
- delannoyk/AudioPlayer - AudioPlayer is syntax and feature sugar over AVPlayer. It plays your audio files (local & remote).
- woguan/Legend-Wings - iOS Swift Game - Push SpriteKit to the limit
- SwiftStudies/Duration - A simple Swift package for measuring and reporting the time taken for operations
- nestproject/Nest - Swift Web Server Gateway Interface
- IBM/BluePic - BluePic is a sample photo sharing application for iOS that shows you how to connect your mobile application with Kitura, Bluemix services, and OpenWhisk actions.
- mattgallagher/CwlUtils - A collection of Swift utilities as documented on cocoawithlove.com
- indragiek/swiftrsrc - Resource code generation tool for Swift
- hyperoslo/Malibu - 🏄 Malibu is a networking library built on promises
- aubrey/SwiftPagingNav - A Twitter-like navigation bar and page viewer written in Swift.
- fe9lix/PennyPincher - A fast gesture recognizer based on the PennyPincher algorithm, written in Swift.
- KyoheiG3/SimpleAlert - Customizable simple Alert and simple ActionSheet for Swift
- keitaoouchi/IoniconsKit - Use Ionicons in your Swift projects.
- haaakon/SingleLineShakeAnimation - Shake a view with a single line of code with a non-intrusive extension for UIView, written in Swift. Also supports accessability!
- artsy/Swift-at-Artsy - Repo for the notes for Swift at Artsy
- Carthage/Commandant - Type-safe command line argument handling
- Antidote-for-Tox/Antidote - Tox client for iOS
- trivago/Heimdallr.swift - Easy to use OAuth 2 library for iOS, written in Swift.
- henrinormak/Heimdall - Heimdall is a wrapper around the Security framework for simple encryption/decryption operations.
- nori0620/SwiftFilePath - Simple and powerful wrapper for NSFileManager.
- mustafaibrahim989/MIBadgeButton-Swift - iOS custom badge button.
- KhaosT/HomeKit-Demo - A demo wrote in Swift for HomeKit. Works with HomeKit Simulator
- jakemarsh/CostumeKit - Base types for theming an app.
- Flinesoft/BartyCrouch - Localization/I18n: Incrementally update your Strings files from .swift, .h, .m(m), .storyboard or .xib files and/or use machine-translation.
- kickstarter/Kickstarter-Prelude - A collection of useful Swift tools that are used in the Kickstarter apps.
- vadymmarkov/Beethoven - 🎸 A maestro of pitch detection.
- SwiftOnEdge/Edge - A Swift Multiplatform Web and Networking Framework
- naoty/SwiftCSV - CSV parser for Swift
- MarioIannotta/SplitViewDragAndDrop - Easily add drag and drop to pass data between your apps in split view mode
- kaandedeoglu/Shark - Swift Script that transforms the .xcassets folder into a type safe enum
- hsylife/SwiftyPickerPopover - A more convenient way to display a popover with a built-in picker, on iPhone/iPad of iOS9+.
- tadija/AERecord - Super awesome Core Data wrapper written in Swift (iOS, watchOS, OSX, tvOS)
- TBXark/PinterestSegment - A Pinterest-like segment control with masking animation.
- postmates/PMJSON - Pure Swift JSON encoding/decoding library
- JohnEstropia/GCDKit - Grand Central Dispatch simplified with swift.
- soffes/Crypto - Swift CommonCrypto wrapper
- Draveness/RbSwift - Extensions for Swift with hundreds of handy methods.
- sindresorhus/LaunchAtLogin - Add "Launch at Login" functionality to your sandboxed macOS app in seconds
- AppliKeySolutions/VegaScroll - VegaScroll is a lightweight animation flowlayout for UICollectionView completely written in Swift 4, compatible with iOS 11 and Xcode 9.
- AppliKeySolutions/PandoraPlayer - A lightweight music player for iOS, based on AudioKit and completely written in Swift.
- lancy/CaesarParser - Simple JSON Model Parser written in Swift
- cemolcay/ReorderableGridView-Swift - reorderable grid view solution implemented with swift. its UIScrollView subclass, its not a collection view layout.
- samhann/Every.swift - A swift wrapper for NSTimer
- 15cm/AMM - Aria2 Menubar Monitor
- bradjasper/RadialMenu - RadialMenu is a custom control for providing a touch context menu (like iMessage recording in iOS 8) built with Swift & POP
- nerdyc/Squeal - A Swift wrapper for SQLite databases
- jinSasaki/Vulcan - Multi image downloader with priority in Swift
- davidstump/SwiftPhoenixClient - Connect your Phoenix and iOS applications through WebSockets!
- thellimist/EZAlertController - Easy Swift UIAlertController
- Quick/Spry - A Mac and iOS Playgrounds Unit Testing library based on Nimble.
- takebayashi/swiftra - Sinatra-like DSL for developing web apps in Swift
- ribl/FBAnnotationClusteringSwift - Swift translation of FB Annotation Clustering, which clusters pins on the map for iOS.
- orakaro/The-introduction-to-RxSwift-you-have-been-missing - The introduction to RxSwift you've been missing
- poolqf/FillableLoaders - Completely customizable progress based loaders drawn using custom CGPaths written in Swift
- kylef-archive/Mockingjay - An elegant library for stubbing HTTP requests with ease in Swift
- onevcat/Easy-Cal-Swift - Overload +-*/ operator for Swift, make it easier to use (and not so strict)
- isair/ManualLayout - ✂ Easy to use and flexible library for manually laying out views and layers for iOS and tvOS. Supports AsyncDisplayKit.
- colemancda/NetworkObjects - Swift backend / server framework (Pure Swift, Supports Linux)
- nodes-ios/Serpent - A protocol to serialize Swift structs and classes for encoding and decoding.
- monoqlo/ExpandingMenu - ExpandingMenu is menu button for iOS written in Swift.
- modocache/Gift - Swift bindings to libgit2. But you should use https://github.com/SwiftGit2/SwiftGit2 instead!
- Danappelxx/SwiftMongoDB - A MongoDB interface for Swift [Not under active development]
- RxSwiftCommunity/RxViewModel - ReactiveViewModel-esque using RxSwift
- filipealva/PickerView - A customizable alternative to UIPickerView in Swift.
- kylef/Spectre - BDD Framework and test runner for Swift projects and playgrounds
- honghaoz/Loggerithm - A lightweight Swift logger, uses
in development andNSLog
in production. Support colourful and formatted output. - slazyk/SINQ - LINQ for Swift - Swift Integrated Query
- Herb-Sun/OKKLineSwift - Draw the K-Line by Swift, support iOS & macOS
- evgenyneu/moa - An image download extension of the image view written in Swift for iOS, tvOS and macOS.
- AlwaysRightInstitute/SwiftSockets - A simple GCD based socket wrapper for Swift.
- olucurious/awesome-arkit - A curated list of awesome ARKit projects and resources. Feel free to contribute!
- lorentey/BTree - Fast sorted collections for Swift using in-memory B-trees
- lorentey/Attabench - Microbenchmarking app for Swift with nice log-log plots
- ShinCurry/Maria - a macOS native app/widget for aria2 download tool.
- lorentey/GlueKit - Type-safe observable values and collections in Swift
- WhiskerzAB/PlaygroundTDD - Small library to easily run your tests directly within a Playground
- tristanhimmelman/ZoomTransition - Interactive zoom transition for presenting view controllers written in Swift
- MoZhouqi/VoiceMemos - Voice Memos is an audio recorder App for iPhone and iPad that covers some of the new technologies and APIs introduced in iOS 8 written in Swift.
- nomothetis/OptionKit - Option parsing in Swift
- Fnoz/FNBlingBlingLabel - Swift实现的UILabel文字随机渐隐渐现, Swift版RQShineLabel.
- lexrus/LeetCode.swift - Once upon a time there was a noob of algorithms, and he knew a little about Swift.
- DenHeadless/Transporter - Modern finite-state machine implemented in pure Swift
- hirohisa/ImageLoaderSwift - A lightweight and fast image loader for iOS written in Swift.
- marty-suzuki/MisterFusion - MisterFusion is Swift DSL for AutoLayout. It is the extremely clear, but concise syntax, in addition, can be used in both Swift and Objective-C. And support Size Class.
- hujiaweibujidao/Gank-for-Mac - 💎 The missing Mac OS X application for gank.io (Swift)
- shogo4405/lf.swift - Camera and Microphone streaming library via RTMP, HLS for iOS, macOS, tvOS.
- Kawoou/FlexibleImage - A simple way to play with the image!
- marty-suzuki/SAParallaxViewControllerSwift - SAParallaxViewControllerSwift realizes parallax scrolling with blur effect. In addition, it realizes seamless opening transition.
- tryswift/TryParsec - Monadic Parser Combinator for try! Swift http://www.tryswiftconf.com/
- Fnoz/FNPaperShredder - Swift实现的超酷的碎纸机动画:包含2种模式:纸条和纸片;
- MobileFirstInc/MFCard - Easily integrate Credit Card payments in iOS App. Swift 3.0
- StefanLage/LegofySwift - Make images look as if they are made out of 1x1 LEGO blocks -> the idea comes from https://github.com/JuanPotato/Legofy
- kishikawakatsumi/TextKitExamples - TextKit examples for try! Swift NYC 2016
- jquave/Swift-Tutorial - Code for the Swift Tutorial on jamesonquave.com
- 6ag/EnglishCommunity-swift - 已经上架:swift语言开发的自学英语社区app
- xxxAIRINxxx/ARNTransitionAnimator - Custom transition & interactive transition animator for iOS written in Swift.
- comyar/Chronos-Swift - ⌛ Grand Central Dispatch Utilities
- wvteijlingen/Spine - A Swift library for working with JSON:API APIs. It supports mapping to custom model classes, fetching, advanced querying, linking and persisting.
- fulldecent/FDTake - Easily take a photo or video or choose from library
- laszlokorte/reform-swift - Swift implementation of the reform dynamic drawing application inspired by Bret Victor's talk "Drawing Dynamic Visualizations"
- Meniny/Fire - 🔥A delightful HTTP/HTTPS networking framework for iOS/macOS/watchOS/tvOS platforms written in Swift.
- behrang/YamlSwift - Load YAML and JSON documents using Swift
- evermeer/EVURLCache - a NSURLCache subclass for handling all web requests that use NSURLRequest
- philackm/Scrollable-GraphView - An adaptive scrollable graph view for iOS to visualise simple discrete datasets. Written in Swift.
- SyncDB/Sync - Swift JSON to Core Data synchronization and back.
- jpotts18/SwiftValidator - A rule-based validation library for Swift
- andreacremaschi/GEOSwift - The Swift Geographic Engine.
- CosmicMind/Motion - Seamless animations and transitions in Swift.
- Akkyie/AKPickerView-Swift - A simple yet customizable horizontal picker view.
- soffes/X - Easier cross platform Mac & iOS development with Swift
- freshOS/Arrow - 🏹 JSON Parsing Library for Swift that infers type
- JakeLin/Todo - A todo list app written in Swift
- ypresto/SwiftLintXcode - An Xcode plug-in to format your code using SwiftLint.
- ykyouhei/KYShutterButton - KYShutterButton is a custom button that is similar to the shutter button of the camera app
- stephencelis/Formatting - Type-safe, functional string formatting in Swift.
- richeterre/SwiftGoal - MVVM + ReactiveCocoa 4, in Swift
- mnbayan/AutocompleteTextfieldSwift - Simple and straightforward sublass of UITextfield to manage string suggestions
- duliodenis/cs193p-Spring-2016 - These are the lectures, slides, reading assignments, and problem sets for the 'Developing iOS 9 Apps with Swift' CS193p course offered at the Stanford School of Engineering and available on iTunes U.
- alskipp/Swift-Diagram-Playgrounds - Drawing diagrams in Swift using a recursive enum data structure
- yankodimitrov/SignalKit - SignalKit is a reactive Swift framework with focus on clean and readable API.
- audiokit/AudioKit - Swift audio synthesis, processing, & analysis platform for iOS, macOS and tvOS
- marketplacer/Dodo - A message bar for iOS written in Swift.
- marketplacer/keychain-swift - Helper functions for saving text in Keychain securely for iOS, OS X, tvOS and watchOS.
- marketplacer/Cosmos - A star rating control for iOS / Swift
- mozilla-mobile/focus - Firefox Focus for iOS
- nikolaeu/NumiKit - Numi Plugin Kit
- macoscope/SwiftyStateMachine - Swift µframework for creating state machines
- liuyubobobo/Play-with-Swift-2 - The code of my MOOC Course - <Play with Swift 2>(supporting for the newest Swift 2.2). 我在慕课网上的课程《玩儿转 Swift 2》示例代码及更新(支持最新的Swift2.2)。
- NozeIO/Noze.io - Evented I/O streams for Swift
- Meniny/Fire-in-Swift - 🔥A delightful HTTP/HTTPS networking framework for iOS/macOS/watchOS/tvOS platforms written in Swift.
- eBardX/XestiMonitors - An extensible monitoring framework written in Swift
- ijoshsmith/swift-threading - Simplified thread marshaling with a custom Swift operator function
- andelf/Defines-Swift - Swift standard library defines. dump from Xcode
- watsonbox/ios_google_places_autocomplete - Google Places address entry for iOS (Swift)
- gokulgovind/GLNotificationBar - GLNotificationBar is a ios10 style notification bar, can be used to handle push notification in active state.
- Khan/Prototope - Swift library of lightweight interfaces for prototyping, bridged to JS
- coffellas-cto/GDWebViewController - WKWebview browser view controller in Swift
- 1amageek/Sumo - Sumo is a library that prepares for fast upload for iOS. It is effective when uploading by selecting images continuously.
- jerkoch/SwipeCellKit - Swipeable UITableViewCell based on the stock Mail.app, implemented in Swift.
- Mav3r1ck/Project-RainMan - Open Source Weather App created with Swift
- olddonkey/ShadowImageView - A apple music cover picture shadow style image library
- acquia/waterwheel.swift - The Waterwheel Swift SDK provides classes to natively connect iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS applications to Drupal 7 and 8.
- DTVD/The-introduction-to-RxSwift-you-have-been-missing - The introduction to RxSwift you've been missing
- Nododo/Swift_100days - Learning Swift from [100 Days of Swift]
- muukii/JAYSON - Swift3 - Available on Linux, Cocoa 🌟 Easy and Strict, Scalable JSON library 🎉 Can be read 👀 and write 🖊
- harlanhaskins/Probably - A Swift probability and statistics library
- Alua-Kinzhebayeva/iOS-PDF-Reader - PDF Reader for iOS written in Swift
- onmyway133/Smile - 😄 Emoji in Swift
- keygx/GradientCircularProgress - Customizable progress indicator library in Swift
- pixyzehn/PathMenu - Path 4.2 menu using CoreAnimation in Swift. Inspired by AwesomeMenu(https://github.com/levey/AwesomeMenu).
- phimage/Erik - Erik is an headless browser based on WebKit. An headless browser allow to run functional tests, to access and manipulate webpages using javascript.
- jspahrsummers/Crust - Reimagining Mantle in Swift (experimental)
- freshOS/ws - ☁️ Alamofire + Promises + JSON Parsing = Delightful Networking for Swift
- yukiasai/Minamo - Simple coach mark library written in Swift
- mflint/SwiftMock - A mocking framework for Swift
- lourenco-marinho/ActionButton - Action button is a Floating Action Button inspired from Google Inbox implemented in Swift
- craiggrummitt/ActionSwift3 - ActionScipt3 SDK in Swift
- PrashantMangukiya/SwiftUIDemo - UI demo based on Swift 3, Xcode 8, iOS 10
- CarlosEngr/Swift - Learning Swift. Reusable apps code.
- zoonooz/ZFRippleButton - Custom UIButton effect inspired by Google Material Design
- oarrabi/Guaka - The smartest and most beautiful (POSIX compliant) Command line framework for Swift 🤖
- joemasilotti/UI-Testing-Cheat-Sheet - How do I test this with UI Testing?
- oarrabi/Swiftline - Swiftline is a set of tools to help you create command line applications.
- orazz/CreditCardForm-iOS - CreditCardForm is iOS framework that allows developers to create the UI which replicates an actual Credit Card.
- imwcl/WCLShineButton - This is a UI lib for iOS. Effects like shining.
- naoyashiga/Dunk - Dunk is Dribbble client.:basketball:
- arn00s/cariocamenu - The fastest zero-tap iOS menu.
- jhurray/SelectableTextView - A text view that supports selection and expansion
- SwiftKit/Cuckoo - First boilerplate-free mocking framework for Swift!
- kciter/KCFloatingActionButton - ❤️ Floating Action Button for iOS
- IBM-Swift/BluePic - BluePic is a sample photo sharing application for iOS that shows you how to connect your mobile application with Kitura, Bluemix services, and OpenWhisk actions.
- micazeve/MAGearRefreshControl - An iOS refresh control with gear animation
- trill-lang/LLVMSwift - A Swift wrapper for the LLVM C API (version 4.0)
- evgenyneu/center-vfl - Centering a view in a super view with Visual Format Language using Auto Layout in iOS/Swift
- davecom/SwiftPriorityQueue - A Generic Priority Queue in Pure Swift
- tidwall/GoSwift - Go Goodies for Swift. Including goroutines, channels, defer, and panic.
- qiuncheng/NoticeBar - 😍A simple NoticeBar written by Swift 3, similar with QQ notice view.
- NicholasTD07/SwiftDailyAPI - A Swift API framework for ZhiHu's Daily News.
- dankogai/swift2-pons - Protocol-Oriented Number System in Pure Swift
- sahandnayebaziz/Hypertext - Any-way-you-want-it, type-safe HTML in Swift.
- robrix/Box - Swift µframework of the ubiquitous Box & MutableBox reference types, for recursive value types & misc. other purposes.
- yonekawa/SwiftFlux - A type-safe Flux implementation for Swift
- StefanLage/SLPagingViewSwift - Navigation bar system allowing to do a Tinder like or Twitter like. SLPagingViewSwift is a Swift port of the Objective-C of SLPagingView
- collinhundley/Swift-AI - The machine learning library in Swift.
- SwiftCarlos/Swift - Learning Swift. Reusable apps code.
- cookiecutter-swift/FrameworkTemplate - A template for new Swift iOS / tvOS / watchOS / macOS Framework project ready with travis-ci, cocoapods, Carthage, SwiftPM and a Readme file
- pvzig/SlackKit - a Slack client library for iOS and OS X written in Swift
- daltoniam/Skeets - Fetch, cache, and display images via HTTP in Swift.
- alextarrago/QZCircleSegue - QZCircleSegue is written in Swift and it is a beatiful transition between circular-shapped buttons and your View Controller.
- soffes/ISO8601 - ISO8601 date parser and writer
- mythz/swift-linq-examples - C#'s 101 LINQ Samples translated to Swift
- DrewKiino/Atlantis - A powerful input-agnostic swift logging framework made to speed up development with maximum readability.
- ameizi/FoodPin - 用Swift写的一个简单的App
- SocialbitGmbH/SwiftAddressBook - Complete wrapper for the ABAddressBook C-Framework for iOS, written in Swift to be typesafe and convenient
- samhann/Loader.swift - Add a facebook news feed style animation for your placeholder views
- lyft/Kronos - Elegant NTP date library in Swift
- FancyPixel/BallSwift - This sample app roughly recreates the physics of Ball King using UIDynamics, showcasing the new addition to the API introduced in iOS 9.
- DenHeadless/DTCollectionViewManager - Protocol-oriented UICollectionView management, powered by generics and associated types.
- Velhotes/Vinyl - Network testing à la VCR in Swift
- DholStudio/DSGradientProgressView - A simple animated progress bar in Swift
- FlexMonkey/MarkingMenu - Swift MarkingMenu
- sgr-ksmt/PDFGenerator - A simple generator of PDF written in Swift.
- sachinkesiraju/SwiftExample - NOTE: There is absolutely nothing significant about this repo other than the fact that it was published a couple hours after Swift was first announced. For more comprehensive + up-to-date examples of the Swift language, I'd recommend other great resources on this site.
- geek5nan/FanFanSwift - 翻翻看 Swift 版
- Jasdev/Public-Extension - 🔧 A weekly log of handy Swift extensions
- cezheng/PySwiftyRegex - Easily deal with Regex in Swift in a Pythonic way
- 631106979/WCLShineButton - This is a UI lib for iOS. Effects like shining.
- vapor/socks - Pure-Swift Sockets: TCP, UDP; Client, Server; Linux, OS X.
- vapor/redbird - Pure-Swift Redis client implemented from the original protocol spec. OS X + Linux compatible.
- nestproject/Frank - Frank is a DSL for quickly writing web applications in Swift
- yingogobot/Swift-Useful-Extensions - lots of categories i used in objc, rewrite in swift, more coming.
- gemtot/iBeacon - iOS iBeacon Project in Swift Language
- shuoli84/SocketIOCocoa - The socket 1.0 client in Swift
- nicklockwood/FPSControls - An experimental implementation of touch-friendly first-person shooter controls using SceneKit and Swift
- MrAlek/PagedArray - A Swift data structure for easier pagination
- codersaru/SparkButtonDemo - Demonstrates the Like button animation.
- SwiftKitz/Datez - Breeze through Date, DateComponents, and TimeInterval with Swift! .. http://kitz.io
- FlexMonkey/SmoothScribble - Smooth Drawing for iOS in Swift with Hermite Spline Interpolation
- cowbell/cordova-plugin-geofence - Geofencing plugin for cordova
- mslathrop/SwiftNote - Simple note taking app with today widget and iCloud syncing. Written in swift
- TakeScoop/SwiftyButton - Simple and customizable button in Swift
- SSA111/SSASwiftReachability - A Swift Library To Track Network Reachability Changes. A Replacement For Apple's Reachability Class
- DeveloperLx/LxThroughPointsBezier-Swift - An ideal iOS library using swift programming language. Draw a smooth curve through several points you designated. The curve‘s bend level is adjustable.
- IngmarStein/Monolingual - Remove unnecessary language resources from macOS.
- DeliciousRaspberryPi/MockFive - A Mocking Framework for Swift Unit Tests
- CharlinFeng/CFRuntime - 重磅推出:Swift版的MJExtension,运行时、反射与一键字典模型互转
- bizz84/MVCarouselCollectionView - UICollectionView-based image carousel written in Swift
- redbooth/RealmResultsController - A NSFetchedResultsController implementation for Realm written in Swift
- lucoceano/Pager - Pager is the simplest and best way to implement sliding view controllers in Swift
- JohnSundell/Flow - Operation Oriented Programming in Swift
- LocativeHQ/Locative-iOS - The Locative iOS app. Helping you to get the best out of your automated home, geofencing, iBeacons at your hand.
- ChrisChares/swift-alarm - iOS app written in Swift
- zalando-incubator/MapleBacon - A Swift library for image downloading, caching and scaling
- mythkiven/DiffuseMenu_Swift - SDiffuseMenu: Swift版AwesomeMenu, 点击菜单弹射选项的动画效果
- iascchen/SwiftCoreDataSimpleDemo - iOS swift core data simple demo
- wltrup/iOS-Swift-Circular-Progress-View - This project has been deprecated.
- tryswift/Snorlax - The ultimate lazy library. An example for being a good library citizen in Swift.
- suzuki-0000/HoneycombView - HoneycombView is the iOS UIView for displaying like Honeycomb layout written by swift
- ruipfcosta/SwiftyWalkthrough - The easiest way to create a great walkthrough experience in your apps, powered by Swift.
- natelyman/SwiftImageLoader - Asynchronous Image Loader in Swift. Caches using an NSCache.
- SwiftP2P/SwiftSSL - An Elegant crypto toolkit in Swift.
- Rannie/Toast-Swift - Toast view using swift.
- maxsokolov/TableKit - Type-safe declarative table views. Swift 3.0 compatible.
- AliSoftware/SwiftGen - The Swift code generator for your assets, storyboards, Localizable.strings, … — Get rid of all String-based APIs!
- Mozharovsky/CVCalendar - A custom visual calendar for iOS 8+ written in Swift (2.0).
- liufan321/NetReachability - Check Internet Reachability in Swift
- soffes/Cache - Swift caching library
- lifedim/SwiftCasts - Tutorials for Swift
- JamalK/Swifty - Swift login screen.
- steventroughtonsmith/files-playgroundbook - File Browser Swift Playground Book
- scamps88/ASCalendar - A calendar control for iOS written in swift with mvvm pattern
- maquannene/Track - Track is a thread safe cache write by Swift. Composed of DiskCache and MemoryCache which support LRU.
- palewar/CS193P - Code from CS193P iOS Development Swift Course
- zenangst/Versions - ❇️Helping you find inner peace when comparing version numbers in Swift.
- wangjwchn/MetalAcc - GPU-based media processing library using Metal written in Swift
- wxxsw/GSMessages - A simple style messages/notifications, in Swift.
- SwiftGit2/SwiftGit2 - Swift bindings to libgit2
- JakeLin/iOSAnimationSample - This app is an iOS Animation playground to exercise different iOS Animations. The app is written in Swift.
- Esri/arcgis-runtime-samples-ios - Swift samples demonstrating various capabilities of ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS
- jindulys/HackerRankSolutions - This is a repo for HackerRankSolutions with Swift
- yulingtianxia/pbxprojHelper - A macOS tool help you handling project.pbxproj files. Written in Swift 3!
- varshylmobile/VMXMLParser - NSXMLParser wrapper in Swift
- ricardopereira/QuickActions - Swift wrapper for iOS Home Screen Quick Actions (App Icon Shortcuts)
- inspace-io/INSPhotoGallery - INSPhotoGallery is a modern looking photo gallery written in Swift for iOS.
- robotsu/Flying-Swift - A Free Swift simple project for fun, with Apple's UIKit Dynamic Catalogs Migration and blog reader etc. interesting functions.
- mattgallagher/CwlSignal - A Swift framework for reactive programming.
- kfix/MacPin - Generate Site Specific Browser apps for Mac OSX using Swift, WKWebView, and ES6-ish Javascript
- psy2k/NMPopUpView - Simple Swift class for iOS that shows nice popup windows with animation.
- typelift/Swiftx - Functional data types and functions for any project
- albertodebortoli/Skopelos - A minimalistic, thread safe, non-boilerplate and super easy to use version of Active Record on Core Data. Simply all you need for doing Core Data. Swift flavour.
- Dimillian/HackerSwifter - A Swift Hacker News library
- abiaad/PASImageView - Rounded async imageview downloader lightly cached and written in Swift
- owensd/apous - Let's make Swift scripting a reality.
- mdiep/Tentacle - A Swift framework for the GitHub API
- InderKumarRathore/DeviceGuru - DeviceGuru is a simple lib (Swift) to know the exact type of the device, e.g. iPhone 6 or iPhone 6s. For Objective-C please visit DeviceUtil (https://github.com/InderKumarRathore/DeviceUtil)
- ijoshsmith/swift-ascii-art - Swift program that creates ASCII art from an image
- aaaron7/SwiftyDown - SwiftyDown - Simple, Elegant, Powerful markdown parser written in swift.
- lorentey/SipHash - Simple and secure hashing in Swift with the SipHash algorithm
- iluuu1994/Pathfinder - A pathfinding library written in Swift
- dduan/needless - A utility to find needless words in Swift function names.
- cezarc1/LoadingImageView - Loading Indicator for UIImageView, written in Swift.
- mtynior/ColorizeSwift - Terminal string styling for Swift.
- ibm-wearables-sdk-for-mobile/ibm-wearables-swift-sdk - iOS Framework and examples for developing apps that utilize Wearable Devices. It handles connectivity, data interpretation and gesture recognition.
- iAugux/iBBS-Swift - A BBS client in Swift
- apple/example-package-dealer - Example package for use with the Swift Package Manager
- RuiAAPeres/OptionalExtensions - Swift µframework with extensions for the Optional Type
- DeveloperLx/LxGridView-swift - Imitation iOS system desktop icon arrangement and interaction by UICollectionView!
- Constantine-Fry/das-quadrat - A Swift wrapper for Foursquare API. iOS and OSX.
- the-hypermedia-project/Hyperdrive - Generic API Client in Swift
- RuiAAPeres/Swift-Sugar - Swift's Sugar. Heavily inspired on Objc Sugar(https://github.com/supermarin/ObjectiveSugar)
- remzr7/RZVibrantButton - The Stylish UIButton Apple didn't provide. Built in Swift.
- mengmanzbh/KlineInSwift - 用swift写的K线图
- jpsim/SwiftEdit - A proof-of-concept editor, written in Swift, that supports Swift syntax highlighting using SourceKit.
- crossroadlabs/Regex - Regular expressions for swift
- ziligy/JGFlipMenu - Flipping menu system written in Swift. Uses @IBDesignable for quick and easy implementation.
- arkverse/SwiftRecord - ActiveRecord for Swift. Easy Core Data
- AlwaysRightInstitute/mod_swift - Write Apache Modules in Swift!
- alskipp/Swift-Adventures-In-Monad-Land - A Swift adventure with Optionals, Monads, bananas and squirrels
- remirobert/Tempo - ⌚ Date and time manager for iOS/OSX written in Swift
- poulpix/PXGoogleDirections - Google Directions API helper for iOS, written in Swift
- nzff/cardboard-swift - Google's Cardboard SDK ported to Swift and iOS.
- hemantasapkota/GCDTimer - Well-tested GCD Timer in Swift
- Conche/Conche - Swift build system and dependency manager.
- Bloc/swiftris - A Tetris clone made in Swift.
- yingDev/QingDict - Lightweight & pragmatic dictionary program for OS X. (Swift)
- naoyashiga/RPLoadingAnimation - Loading animations 🌀 by using Swift CALayer
- globchastyy/SwiftUIImageEffects - Swift port of Apple UIImage+UIImageEffecs category.
- domenicosolazzo/practice-swift - Learning a new language: SWIFT
- nodes-ios/SwiftSafe - Thread synchronization made easy.
- sprint84/PhotoCropEditor - Framework written in Swift for Cropping Images easily
- pepaslabs/LearningRxSwift - A space to doodle as I learn RxSwift
- marketplacer/swift-badge - Badge view for iOS written in swift
- JakeLin/LoveFinder - Love Finder is an iOS App written in Swift
- drewg233/SwiftEnlightenment - Swift Projects
- 0xc010d/VFLToolbox - Fancy Swift implementation of the Visual Format Language (experimental and doesn't work with the recent version of Swift)
- 6ag/LiuAGeIOS - 已经上架:swift写的六阿哥网iOS版,基于BaokanIOS改进、重写后台接口、重写优化app、还有那啥。。
- Raizlabs/BentoMap - Map Clustering for Swift.
- kyleweiner/Sentiments - Sentiments is an iOS app written in Swift that analyzes text for positive or negative sentiment.
- knn90/Switcher - Swift - Custom UISwitcher with animation when change status
- DigitalLeaves/DLHamburguerMenu - A "hamburguer" sidebar menu written entirely in swift
- NatashaTheRobot/ProtocolOrientedMVVMExperimentSwift - Protocol-Oriented MVVM Experiment in Swift
- JakeLin/ChineseZodiac - Chinese Zodiac is an iOS app developed in Swift
- jakeheis/SwiftCLI - A powerful framework that can be used to develop a CLI in Swift
- instacart/TrueTime.swift - NTP library for Swift and Objective-C. Get the true time impervious to device clock changes.
- vandadnp/iOS-9-Swift-Programming-Cookbook - Contains all example codes for O'Reilly's iOS 9 Swift Programming Cookbook (https://goo.gl/yqsWgY)
- tumblr/SwiftCompilationPerformanceReporter - Generate automated reports for slow Swift compilation paths in specific targets
- tomkowz/NetworkLayerExample - Demo project for the article: http://szulctomasz.com/how-do-I-build-a-network-layer/ (Swift 3)
- Frugghi/SwiftLCS - Swift implementation of the longest common subsequence (LCS) algorithm.
- cemolcay/BubbleControl-Swift - a bubble control highly inspired from facebook chat heads. written in swift
- a2/MessagePack.swift - It's like JSON, but fast and small…and Swift! – msgpack.org[Swift]
- trill-lang/trill - A simple, type safe, compiled language inspired by (and written in) Swift
- kejinlu/SwiftyText - Elegant rich label in Swift based on Text Kit
- apple/example-package-playingcard - Example package for use with the Swift Package Manager
- ameizi/Swift-PM25 - 一个基于Swift实现的PM2.5查询示例
- yopeso/Taylor - Measure Swift code metrics and get reports in Xcode, Jenkins and other CI platforms.
- Stickbuilt/SBGestureTableView - Swift UITableView subclass that supports swiping rows ala Mailbox and long press to move rows.
- LISNR/LNRSimpleNotifications - Simple Swift in-app notifications
- tadija/AEAccordion - UITableViewController with accordion effect (expand / collapse cells) & XIB in XIB - example in Swift
- ltebean/LTInfiniteScrollView-Swift - Paged scrollview allowing easily applying animation(Swift 3)
- cockscomb/UTIKit - UTIKit is an UTI (Uniform Type Identifier) wrapper for Swift.
- wenghengcong/Coderpursue - Github client for iOS in Swift.
- steffendsommer/TodaysReactiveMenu - An example app using ReactiveCocoa 4, MVVM, Swift 2 and watchOS 2.
- beltex/SMCKit - Apple SMC library & tool in Swift
- ankurp/Cent - Extensions for Swift Standard Types and Classes
- twostraws/SwiftGD - A simple Swift wrapper for libgd
- rizal72/iContactU - Swift iOS App: reminds you to contact people you ought to.
- matbeich/StickyCollectionView-Swift - UICollectionView layout for presenting of the overlapping cells.
- jpush/jchat-swift - Swift version of JChat iOS.
- evermeer/AlamofireJsonToObjects - An Alamofire extension which converts JSON response data into swift objects using EVReflection
- dkalaitzidis/SwiftyAvatar - iOS Swift class to create circular or rounded avatar images
- b3ll/SwiftyGestureRecognition - Aids with prototyping UIGestureRecognizers in Xcode Playgrounds
- SyncDB/DATAStack - 100% Swift Simple Boilerplate Free Core Data Stack. NSPersistentContainer
- sgxiang/YTKKeyValueStore_Swift - A simple Key-Value storage tool, using Sqlite as backend.
- qoncept/TensorSwift - A lightweight library to calculate tensors in Swift, which has similar APIs to TensorFlow's
- phimage/CallbackURLKit - Implementation of x-callback-url (Inter app communication) in swift
- hollance/Swift-3D-Demo - Shows how to draw a 3D object without using shaders
- JanGorman/Agrume - A lemony fresh iOS image viewer written in Swift.
- FlexMonkey/ShinpuruLayout - Simple Layout in Swift using HGroups & VGroups
- evgenyneu/Auk - An image slideshow for iOS written in Swift.
- nthegedus/ReviewTime - Review Time is an open source app for iOS written in Swift that show the average review times for iOS and the Mac Apps using data crowdsourced from AppReviewTime (http://appreviewtimes.com/).
- matthijs2704/vapor-apns - Simple APNS Library for Vapor (Swift)
- madbat/SwiftMath - 📐 A math framework for Swift. Includes: vectors, matrices, complex numbers, quaternions and polynomials.
- DahanHu/DHCollectionTableView - UICollectionView in UITableView with Swift
- auth0/JWTDecode.swift - A library to help you decode JWTs in Swift
- artemkrachulov/AKMaskField - Swift plugin which allow add mask to input field
- sonsongithub/reddift - Swift Reddit API Wrapper
- qiuncheng/FontAwesomeKit.Swift - 😀😘A better choice for iOS Developer to use FontAwesome Icon with UI.😍
- onmyway133/Github.swift - Unofficial GitHub API client in Swift
- herrkaefer/CaseAssistant - Sources of iOS app 眼科行医手记 (CaseAssistant) using swift
- ctews/SwiftPulse - Pulsing animation for Swift
- ashishkakkad8/AKSwiftSlideMenu - Slide Menu (Drawer) in Swift 3 and Xcode 8
- alsedi/AnimatedSwitch - UISwitch which paints over the parent view with the color in Swift.
- callmewhy/Swift90Days - 90 articles about Swift in 90 days
- asduk/Flight-Fight-In-Swift - swift
- rlopezdiez/RLDTableViewSwift - Reusable table view controller, data source and delegate for all your UITableView needs in Swift
- nunogoncalves/iOS-MultiSelectionTable - Beautiful way of having a multi-selection table on iOS written in Swift
- nschum/SwiftHamcrest - Hamcrest test assertions for Swift
- Fnoz/FNUrlRoute - Swift 路由框架:iOS 基于页面、模块的路由框架,解耦神器。
- exilias/SwiftTodo - [iOS] a sample project of todo app using swift
- trivago/Dobby - Swift helpers for mocking and stubbing
- Restofire/Restofire - Restofire is a protocol oriented network abstraction layer in swift that is built on top of Alamofire to use services in a declartive way
- tmandry/Swindler - OS X window management framework, written in Swift
- nghialv/Future - Swift µframework providing Future<T, Error>
- lrtitze/Swift-VectorBoolean - A Swift iOS rewrite of Andy Finnell's VectorBoolean bezier path tools
- kam800/SwiftMapper - JSON mapper written in Swift
- anaglik/PeriscopyPullToRefresh - Pull-To-Refresh view inspired by Periscope application written in swift
- nomothetis/SemverKit - Semantic versioning in Swift
- kylef/JSONSchema.swift - JSON Schema validator in Swift
- apadalko/RadialTransition_swift - Great iOS radial (circle) animation transition for navigation controller, with custom back swipe. (swift)
- eRGoon/RGPageViewController - A custom UIPageViewController written in Swift
- austinzheng/Cormorant - Clojure(ish) interpreter in Swift
- ZeroJian/UmbrellaWeather - UmbrellaWeather is an iOS weather app developed in Swift 2,The app simple local reminded umbrella features
- sxg/ForecastIO - A Swift library for the Forecast.io Dark Sky API
- souzainf3/RNLoadingButton-Swift - An easy-to-use UIButton subclass with an activity indicator
- nashvail/X-Days-of-Swift - Some iOS apps.
- kylef/URITemplate.swift - Swift implementation of URI Template (RFC6570)
- jessesquires/DefaultStringConvertible - A default CustomStringConvertible implementation for Swift types
- ActionKit/ActionKit - Easy, closure-based Swift methods for working with interactive UIKit elements.
- swiftcarlos/Swift-Code-Examples - Reusable apps code. Written in Swift
- elliottminns/blackfish - A non-blocking Swift web server, inspired by Express & Node.js
- dankogai/swift-json - Even Swiftier JSON Handler
- watson-developer-cloud/ios-sdk - 📱 The Watson iOS SDK enables developers to quickly add Watson Cognitive Computing services to their Swift iOS applications.
- apollostack/apollo-ios - 📱 A GraphQL client for iOS, written in Swift
- dankogai/swift-pons - Protocol-Oriented Number System in Pure Swift
- harlanhaskins/trill - A simple, type safe, compiled language inspired by (and written in) Swift
- saniul/Mendel - Mendel - Swift miliframework for implementing evolutionary/genetic algorithms
- kitasuke/GoogleMaterialIconFont - Google Material Design Icons for Swift and ObjC project
- NorthernRealities/Rainbow - An extension to the UIColor class in swift.
- Azuritul/AZDropdownMenu - A simple dropdown menu component for iOS written in Swift
- kNeerajPro/CGParallaxCollectionView - Extending Ole Begemann CGParallaxCollectionView to Swift
- Jinxiansen/JToday - This is an extremely brief notification center calendar plugin (Swift). App Store address :
- eonist/swift-utils - General swift utils
- dimsumthinking/TurtlePlayground - Swift playground using Logo-like commands
- bpolat/Music-Player - Fully functional music player which is written in swift programming language
- apple/example-package-fisheryates - Example package for use with the Swift Package Manager
- Vaberer/Google-Material-Design-Icons-Swift - Google Material Design Icons Library for iOS
- robrix/Set - An implementation of Multiset and PredicateSet in Swift.
- nicklockwood/VectorMath - A Swift library for Mac and iOS that implements common 2D and 3D vector and matrix functions, useful for games or vector-based graphics
- kwkhaw/Layer-Parse-iOS-Swift-Example - This is a Swift sample app that integrates Layer and Atlas with Parse.
- CoderZhuXH/XHToastSwift - Swift,简洁轻便提示工具,一行代码既可完成提示信息显示 - 支持自定义显示位置及停留时间.
- carlosencoding/Swift - Reusable apps code. Written in Swift
- omaralbeik/SwifterSwift - A handy collection of more than 370 native Swift 3 extensions to boost your productivity.
- zalando/MapleBacon - A Swift library for image downloading, caching and scaling
- skyline75489/SwiftRouter - A URL Router for iOS, written in Swift 2.2
- roadfire/SwiftFonts - An app to list the available fonts on iOS, written in Swift using the MVVM pattern.
- lingoer/GRequest - An Generic HTTP Request Library For Swift
- JigarM/Infinite-UIITableview-Scroll - Infinite UITableview Scroll in Swift Language
- cbpowell/MarqueeLabel-Swift - DEPRECATED - MarqueeLabel-Swift is now just MarqueeLabel! See https://github.com/cbpowell/MarqueeLabel
- logkit/logkit - An efficient logging library for OS X, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS – written in Swift. Log to console, file, HTTP service, or your own endpoint. Simple to get started, but smartly customizable.
- justinmfischer/SwiftyExpandingCells - Inspired by Google Inbox. Example Swift 2.2 Xcode 7.3 project which demonstrates the use of a custom UIViewController transition of an expanding UITableView cell effect while pushing a new item on to the navigation stack. Popping the item back off the UINavigationController reverses the exploding UITableViewCell effect.
- gfx/Swift-PureJsonSerializer - a pure-Swift JSON serializer and deserializer
- brynbellomy/FlatUIColors - Flat UI color palette helpers written in Swift.
- yushuyi/SYKeyboardTextField - SYKeyboardTextField is a lightweight, simple, non-invasive keyboard accompanying input box! Write in Swift!
- tasanobu/Misen - Script to support easily using Xcode Asset Catalog in Swift.
- taglia3/CircularSlider - A powerful Circular Slider. It's written in Swift, it's 100% IBDesignable and all parameters are IBInspectable.
- kasei/SwiftRegex - Perl-like regex =~ operator for Swift
- WeHeartSwift/IBDesignable-Demo - code from http://www.weheartswift.com/make-awesome-ui-components-ios-8-using-swift-xcode-6/
- mikeash/SwiftObserverSet - NSNotificationCenter re-conceptualization for Swift
- woooowen/Top4Swift - Top4Swift
- burczyk/XcodeSwiftSnippets - Swift code snippets for Xcode
- acquia/waterwheel-swift - The Waterwheel Swift SDK provides classes to natively connect iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS applications to Drupal 7 and 8.
- cookiecutter-swift/Framework - A template for new Swift iOS / tvOS / watchOS / macOS Framework project ready with travis-ci, cocoapods, Carthage, SwiftPM and a Readme file
- thibaultcha/TCBlobDownloadSwift - Powerful file downloads in Swift
- jquave/LumaJSON - A super simple JSON helper for Swift
- ashfurrow/ModalNotificationController - A demonstration of how to present Slingshot-style notification using Swift
- ngageoint/fog-machine - iOS Swift framework for parallel processing
- lsapan/pgoapi-swift - A Pokemon GO API library for Swift
- siegesmund/SwiftDDP - A Meteor client, written in Swift
- open-swift/S4 - HTTP standards for Swift
- jkandzi/Progress.swift - ⌛ Add beautiful progress bars to your loops.
- haginile/SwiftDate - A Smart Date/Calendar Library Written in Swift
- rhodgkins/SwiftHTTPStatusCodes - Swift enum wrapper for easier handling of HTTP status codes.
- nemesit/SwiftBubble - recreation of the soap bubble screen saver from apple's promotional videos for the new MacBook 12"
- kballard/swift-tsao - Type-Safe Associated Objects in Swift
- GJNilsen/YPDrawSignatureView - Capture signature view in Swift
- FlexMonkey/SwiftSpace - CoreMotion Controlled Drawing in 3D Space
- DoubleSha/BitcoinSwift - A native framework for working with Bitcoin on iOS and OSX
- carlosbtn/Swift - Reusable apps code. Written in Swift
- ggamecrazy/LoadingImageView - Loading Indicator for UIImageView, written in Swift.
- pablojotaguardiola/CodelessComponents-Swift - iOS UI Components to use with no code at all.
- lingoer/SwiftyCharms - Some rune word for sorcerers playing dark magic
- aleclarson/dispatcher - Queues, timers, and task groups in Swift
- nschum/SwiftCGRectExtensions - A collection of CGRect, CGPoint and CGSize convenience functions for Swift
- natecook1000/SwiftSets - Set types built for Swift
- Fnoz/FNFoldingTabBar - Swift实现的Yalantis的FoldingTabBar.iOS.
- zhxnlai/UIColor-ChineseTraditionalColors - A swift extension that extends UIColor with a list of Chinese traditional colors
- prine/ROStorageBar - Dynamic Storage Bar (a là iTunes Usage Bar) written in Swift
- elpassion/SwiftMustaches - iOS 8 Photo Editing Extension that adds mustaches to your face
- AlwaysRightInstitute/SwiftyHTTP - A simple GCD based HTTP client and server, written in 'pure' Swift
- thesecretlab/SwiftDevelopmentWithCocoa1stEd - Code from our book Swift Development with Cocoa (1st Edition), for O'Reilly Media.
- TBXark/TKRadarChart - A customizable radar chart in Swift
- raphaelhanneken/iconizer - Create Xcode asset catalogs swift and painless.
- jonomuller/Hodor-Keyboard - Custom keyboard for iOS 8 using Swift
- coshx/caravel - A Swift event bus for UIWebView/WKWebView and JS.
- UncleJoke/JKPinTu-Swift - swift版本拼图游戏
- kennycason/swift_boxxle - A mostly complete port of GameBoy's Boxxle to Swift
- JakeLin/BeautyGallery - Beauty Gallery is an iOS App written in Swift
- andyshep/CoreDataPlaygrounds - Exploring Core Data through Swift playgrounds
- karan/Swift-Algorithms - Implementation of various algorithms and data structures in Swift.
- apple/example-package-deckofplayingcards - Example package for use with the Swift Package Manager
- hsavit1/Awesome-Swift-Education - 🔥 All of the resources for Learning About Swift
- DavdRoman/Popsicle - Delightful, extensible Swift value interpolation framework
- movielala/YoutubeSourceParserKit - YouTube link parser for swift
- openstakes/JSSAlertView - A custom alert view for iOS 7+ written in Swift.
- sxyx2008/FoodPin - 用Swift写的一个简单的App
- rshevchuk/ScreenSceneController - ScreenSceneController — custom view controller that manages the navigation of hierarchical content in JetRadar and Aviasales apps. It's written in Swift.
- sxyx2008/Swift-PM25 - 一个基于Swift实现的PM2.5查询示例
- zekunyan/TTGBingWallPaper - Mac menubar app. Automate download daily picture from Microsoft Bing website and set it as your wallpaper. Written in Swift.
- JackrabbitMobile/JackrabbitRefreshSwift - A custom pull-to-refresh implementation for iOS in Swift.
- NicholasTD07/Swift-ZHI - iOS ZhiHuDaily client, implemented in Swift
- evgenyneu/SpringAnimationCALayer - A helper function for animating CALayer with spring effect in Swift
- mikaoj/EnigmaKit - Enigma encryption in Swift
- varshylmobile/VMFloatLabel - Swift based UITextField subclass with floating labels
- MartinJNash/SwiftTodo - Core Data / Swift / Todo List
- jindulys/Leetcode_Solutions_Swift - Leetcode solutions with Swift
- jessesquires/swift-sorts - A collection of sorting algorithms implemented in Swift
- ariok/BWCircularSlider - This is the code for the ThinkAndBuild tutorial: "How to build custom controls in Swift"
- DanToml/Jay - Pure-Swift JSON parser & formatter. Fully streamable input and output. Linux & OS X ready. Replacement for NSJSONSerialization.
- anthonygeranio/CloudKit-To-Do-List - ☁️ An app written in Swift that allows you to store and retrieve tasks using CloudKit.
- akane/Gaikan - Declarative view styling in Swift. Inspired by CSS modules.
- kirkbyo/Dropper - Customizable Swift Dropdown Menu
- edwinbosire/SwiflyOverlay - Another Navigation component for iOS. This time written in swift.
- SwiftBond/Bond - A Swift binding framework
- carlbtrn/Swift - Reusable apps code. Written in Swift
- hyperoslo/Sync - 🔄 Modern Swift JSON synchronization to Core Data
- VeniceX/Venice - CSP (Coroutines, Channels, Select) for Swift
- ishkawa/APIKit - A networking library for building type safe web API client in Swift.
- xhacker/TagListView - Simple and highly customizable iOS tag list view, in Swift.
- ipraba/EPSignature - Signature component for iOS in Swift
- melvitax/AFImageHelper - Convenience extension for UIImage and UIImageView in Swift
- pepibumur/SugarRecord - CoreData/Realm sweet wrapper written in Swift
- Wl201314/MJianshu - Swift高仿简书(jianshu),不定时更新---欢迎Star
- melvitax/AFDateHelper - Convenience extension for NSDate in Swift
- devxoul/JLToast - 🍞 Toast for Swift
- czechboy0/XcodeServerSDK - Access Xcode Server API with native Swift objects.
- wangjwchn/JWAnimatedImage - A animated GIF&APNG engine for iOS in Swift. Optimized for Multi-Image case.
- czechboy0/Socks - Pure-Swift Sockets: TCP, UDP; Client, Server; Linux, OS X.
- ArtSabintsev/Magic - A Swift alternative for Objective-C's DLog macro.
- czechboy0/Redbird - Pure-Swift Redis client implemented from the original protocol spec. OS X + Linux compatible.
- comyarzaheri/Chronos-Swift - ⌛ Grand Central Dispatch Utilities
- OpenMarshall/SwiftGG - SwiftGG 网站的 iOS 客户端,简单收纳了网站里面的归档文章,方便大家浏览。
- 3lvis/DATAStack - 100% Swift Simple Boilerplate Free Core Data Stack. NSPersistentContainer
- sferrini/SFSwiftNotification - Simple custom user notifications in Swift (DEPRECATED)
- kylef/WebLinking.swift - Swift implementation of web linking (RFC5988)
- FlexMonkey/ValentinesSwift - You love Swift & Swift loves you!
- xxxAIRINxxx/SoundCloudTransition - Custom interactive transition like SoundCloud iOS App. written in Swift.
- RahulKatariya/RKParallaxEffect - RKParallaxEffect is written in swift and provides API to create a parallax effect on UITableHeaderView with Full Screen option.
- lotz84/__.swift - __.swift is a port of Underscore.js to Swift.
- xxxAIRINxxx/GooglePlayTransition - Custom transition like Google Play Store Android App. written in Swift.
- nst/BitmapCanvas - Bitmap offscreen drawing in Swift for OS X
- nscoding/sleep-osx - A Swift app to sleep your computer from Spotlight
- Mav3r1ck/Orbit7 - Open Source iOS Game created in SpriteKit with Swift
- liyong03/YLGIFImage-Swift - Swift implementation of YLGIFImage
- kirkness/react-native-swift-socketio - A react native wrapper for socket.io-client-swift
- joshualat/Pluralize.swift - Great Swift String Pluralize Extension
- huajiahen/ChineseSubdivisionsPicker - 中国行政区划选择器 A simple Chinese Subdivisions picker inherited from UIPickerView and written in Swift.
- Electrode-iOS/ELDispatch - A Swift framework that provides useful constructs to oft-used Grand Central Dispatch patterns
- dphans/DPImageCache - Swift extension for UIImageView. Help loading image asynchronously and store local file cache.
- artman/HexColor - Utility that lets you define UIColors in Swift as they've meant to be defined: as HEX values
- zhxnlai/AsyncTask - An asynchronous programming library for Swift
- zhaokaiyuan99/PullRefresh - 用swift 写的 Refresh控件 支持继承uiscrollview的控件(uitableview,uicollectionview)
- turowicz/swift-serializer - Apple Swift Strong Type Object Serialization to JSON
- ndmeiri/Panorific - An immersive, intuitive, motion-based way to explore high quality panoramas and photos on an iOS device. Panorific is implemented in Swift.
- NatashaTheRobot/SeinfeldQuotes - Building TableViews with Swift and iOS8 Demo
- kylef/CardKit - Model structures for building playable card games in Swift
- imWildCat/V2EX-iOS-ObjC - Now I'm working on Swift project. This project is deprecated.
- e-sites/Bluetonium - Bluetooth mapping in Swift
- danielbreves/MusicTheory - A music theory library for Swift OS X and iOS apps.
- tyrone-sudeium/JSONCore - A Swift JSON parser that doesn't need Objective-C bridging and doesn't depend on Foundation
- soffes/Mixpanel - Unofficial Swift Mixpanel client
- rbrockerhoff/SwiftChecker - A real-world OS X app written in Swift.
- nuclearace/socket.io-client-swift-example - An example of socket.io-client for Swift
- mbazaliy/MBSwizzler - Simple class for method swizzling in Swift
- fouquet/RFAboutView-Swift - RFAboutView is an easy, drop-in solution to display copyright, support, privacy and other information while also automatically crediting the developers of third-party Cocoapods.
- danielpi/Swift-Playgrounds - Learning Swift by working through example code in playgrounds
- ayanonagon/Polyglot - A simple Swift API for Microsoft Translator
- kevinvanderlugt/Swift-Walk-Tracker - An open source walk tracking iOS App written in Swift
- bppr/Swiftest - A pure-Swift BDD Framework
- qutheory/vapor - A web framework and server for Swift that works on macOS and Ubuntu.
- qutheory/fluent - Swift models, relationships, and querying for NoSQL and SQL databases.
- s4cha/then - Elegant Async code in Swift 🎬
- danthorpe/Operations - Advanced NSOperations in Swift
- orta/Swift-at-Artsy - Repo for the notes for Swift at Artsy
- szk-atmosphere/SAParallaxViewControllerSwift - SAParallaxViewControllerSwift realizes parallax scrolling with blur effect. In addition, it realizes seamless opening transition.
- szk-atmosphere/MisterFusion - MisterFusion is Swift DSL for AutoLayout. It is the extremely clear, but concise syntax, in addition, can be used in both Swift and Objective-C. And support Size Class.
- s4cha/Arrow - Elegant JSON Parsing in Swift 🎩
- s4cha/ws - Elegant JSON WebService for Swift ☁️
- tichise/MaterialDesignSymbol - Icon font library for Swift
- robrix/Either - Swift µframework of Either, which represents two alternatives.
- muhammadbassio/MABCardsView - A Swift port for https://github.com/zhxnlai/ZLSwipeableView
- kimar/PulsingLayer - Adds a customizable CALayer halo effect to any arbitrary UIView. Completely written in Swift.
- Anviking/Chromatism - iOS Syntax Highlighting in Swift
- stephen-squidink/SpriteKit-Swift - Learning SpriteKit with Swift
- robb/swamp - icon stamping in Swift
- rjstelling/Host.swift - A Swift implementation of NSHost that works on iOS, OS X and tvOS. Host.swift is safe to use in a framework because it does not require a bridging header.
- frederik-jacques/TNImageSliderViewController - A Swift image slider component based on UICollectionView
- ijoshsmith/swift-places - A universal iOS 8 app that makes network calls, written in Swift.
- czechboy0/Jay - Pure-Swift JSON parser & formatter. Fully streamable input and output. Linux & OS X ready. Replacement for NSJSONSerialization.
- yagamis/IM_Swift2 - Swift 2.0版本 类似微信聊天APP及视频
- tryolabs/TLMetaResolver - TLMetaResolver is an extension to UIWebView written in Swift that adds the ability to parse the meta tags in the loaded web page
- morizotter/SwiftFontName - OS font complements library. Localized font supported.
- honghaoz/Swift-CAAnimation-Closure - Swift extension which adds start, animating and completion closures for CAAnimation objects. Aka, CAAnimation + Closure / Block
- anpol/DispatchKit - An idiomatic Swift wrapper for the Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) Framework
- xxxAIRINxxx/ARNZoomImageTransition - Custom image zooming animation transition & interactive transition. written in Swift.
- leoru/SwiftLoader - A simple and beautiful activity indicator written in Swift
- hughbe/phone-number-picker - A simple and easy to use view controller enabling you to enter a phone number with a country code similar to WhatsApp written in Swift
- yayuhh/YYHRequest-Swift - Simple asynchronous HTTP networking class for Swift
- briandw/SwiftPack - MessagePack implementation for Swift / msgpack.org[Swift]
- ankurp/Dollar.swift - A functional tool-belt for Swift Language similar to Lo-Dash or Underscore.js in Javascript
- carlbutron/Swift - Reusable apps code. Written in Swift
- gitdoapp/SugarRecord - Data persistence management library written in Swift 2.0
- glock45/swifter - Tiny http server engine written in Swift programming language.
- dongri/OAuthSwift - Swift based OAuth library for iOS
- kaishin/gifu - Highly performant animated GIF support for iOS in Swift
- bignerdranch/CoreDataStack - The Big Nerd Ranch Core Data stack. Now with Swift 2!
- thii/SwiftColors - HEX color handling as an extension for UIColor. Written in Swift.
- goktugyil/CozyLoadingActivity - 🐣 Lightweight Swift loading activity for iOS7+
- strekfus/FloatRatingView - Whole, half or floating point ratings control written in Swift
- stakes/JSSAlertView - A custom alert view for iOS 7 and 8 written in Swift.
- toygar/youtube-parser - YouTube link parser for swift
- behoernchen/iconizer - Create Xcode asset catalogs swift and painless.
- rheinfabrik/Heimdallr.swift - Easy to use OAuth 2 library for iOS, written in Swift.
- allenbryan11/SMSegmentView - Custom segmentedControl for iOS written in Swift. Supports vertical layout. Support both image and text. Highly customisable.
- gfx/Swift-JsonSerializer - a pure-Swift JSON serializer and deserializer
- austinzheng/Lambdatron - Clojure(ish) interpreter in Swift
- xhzengAIB/XHNewsParsingSwift - XHNewsParsing is sina news client, use swift.
- CosmicMind/MaterialKit - A beautiful Material Design framework in Swift.
- nickoneill/thatthinginswift - Things you know how to do in Obj-C, now in swift
- s0mmer/TodaysReactiveMenu - An example app using ReactiveCocoa 4, MVVM and Swift 2.
- supertommy/craft - A promise library based on the Promises/A+ standard written in Swift for iOS and OSX
- relevante/ibeacon-swift-tutorial - A Swift-based tutorial for getting started with iBeacon development on iOS 7/8
- ianhirschfeld/Swift-DeviceType - A series of helpers and extensions for identifying what device is interacting with your app.
- FlexMonkey/SnapSwift - SnapSeed Style Popup Menu for iOS
- jianyaoang/UIColor-Swift-Extension - UIColor - Swift Extension. A delightful UIColor extension written in Swift for convenience purposes
- oarrabi/Collection-Each - Adding ruby style each iterator to Cocoa/Cocoa touch Swift Array and Range classes, And Int.times{} to Int class
- PandaraWen/PDChart - A simple and beautiful chart lib for iOS, developed in Swift - 一个简单易用的漂亮图标库,用Swift语言开发
- jstart/Swiftly-Typed-Resources - A playground showing how Swift makes Strings, Colors, Fonts, Images, etc easier to deal with.
- deniskr/KeychainSwiftAPI - This Keychain Swift API library is a wrapper of iOS C Keychain Framework. It allows easily and securely storing sensitive data in secure keychain store.
- brimelow/Swift-Window-Blur - OSX Yosemite blurred window example using Swift
- alexmeji/SFlatButton - Create a Buttons in Swift like Bootstrap 3.0
- Elethom/PRSlideView-Swift - Slide view with UIKit-like methods, delegate and data source protocol. Swift language version of PRSlideView.
- simple-machines/simple-touch - Very simple swift wrapper for Biometric Authentication Services (Touch ID) on iOS.
- rheinfabrik/Dobby - Swift helpers for mocking and stubbing
- ankurp/unsafe-swift - C experiments in Swift
- jquave/SwiftyCubes - A Swift demo of working with programmatic Views, using Dynamics, and handling touches manually.
- ChangweiZhang/Apple-Beginner-Project-for-Swift - Rewrite the beginner ios project using Swift, which Apple writes with Objective-C
- andyshep/CoreDataPlayground - A Core Data stack built inside a Swift playground
- DeveloperLx/LxTabBarController-swift - Inherited from UITabBarController. To change UITabBarController interactive mode, LxTabBarController add a powerful gesture you can switch view controller by sweeping screen from left the right or right to left.
- liscio/SMUGMath-Swift - SMUGMath as realized in Swift
- gazolla/MapTable-Swift - Mimic Find My Friends first screen behavior
- krzysztofzablocki/Swift-Observable - Native KVO like behaviour build in Swift.
- WickedLynx/AudioRecorder - A simple Mac audio recorder written in Swift
- Mailcloud/swift-serializer - Apple Swift Strong Type Object Serialization to JSON
- hlian/jiffy - Parser combinators, for Swift
- caamorales/SphereMenuSwift - A port of itouch2's https://github.com/itouch2/SphereMenu to Swift
- JJJayway/ReactiveSwift - High-performance Reactive extensions for Swift, inspired by ReactiveCocoa.
- 47deg/second-bridge - Second Bridge is a Swift framework for functional programming. Our goal is to make Swift development on par with other functional languages like Scala by adding new data types, functions and operators.
- billylindeman/swiftgo - Short implementation of goroutines in apple swift
- CosmicMind/GraphKit - A powerful data-driven framework in Swift.
- BjornRuud/Swiftache - A Mustache template renderer for iOS and OS X implemented in pure Swift.
- mrackwitz/CatchingFire - Test Library for Swift's Error Handling
- jquave/EasyCast - Makes math operations in Swift easier by adding automatic casting between Int, Float, CGFloat, and Double. Use with care.
- colourful987/swift2.0_PlaygroundStudyNote - swift2.0语法改动学习笔记,阅读官方文档,playground运行实例代码,并有完整注释
- yulingtianxia/HardChoice - 有时候作抉择真的很痛苦,Swift写的生活类APP
- supertommy/swift-status-bar-app-osx - example status bar application for OS X in Swift
- mrap/SwiftJSONParser - Parse JSON like a badass
- ashfurrow/Swift-RAC-Macros - (Temporary) Replacements for the RAC and RACObserve macros in Swift
- pkluz/PKLocationManager - A Swift based, centralized location manager, simplifying the CLLocationManager API by adding closures and automatically adjusting accuracy, based on the subscribers common needs.
- antitypical/Stream - Lazy streams in Swift.
- thibaultCha/TCBlobDownloadSwift - Powerful file downloads in Swift
- robrix/Traversal - Enumeration & iteration of collections in Swift.
- Mozharovsky/XMLParser - A lightweight XMLParser for assembling and parsing XML values written for iOS 8+ in Swift 2.
- Kamaros/ELDeveloperKeyboard - An iOS custom keyboard extension written in Swift designed to make it much, much easier to type code on an iOS device.
- ynaoto/SwiftBreakout - Breakout game in Swift
- swiftjson/SwiftJson - Json to Swift Model Generator
- harikrishnant1991/JHProgressHUD - IOS HUD Swift Library
- puffinsupply/Restraint - Minimal Auto Layout in Swift
- mathewsanders/Custom-Menu-Transition-Swift-Tutorial - Same projects to create an animated menu in swift
- lypiut/WhereAmI - Easy to use Core Location library in Swift
- MatrixHero/FlowSlideMenu - A FlowSlideMenu is written in swift
- rnystrom/Swift-CoreData - An extremely simple Core Data backed Swift app
- mbrandonw/learn-transducers-playground - A little tutorial written in Swift playgrounds to learn about transducers.
- johnno1962/SwiftRegex - Some regular expression operators for Swift
- genedelisa/AVFoundationRecorder - Swift audio recorder using AVFoundation
- ColinEberhardt/ReactSwift - A prototype implementation of React in Swift
- tasanobu/Kamagari - Simple UIAlertController builder class in Swift.
- sivragav/swift-reference-pg - Swift Reference is a handy playground file that can be used when you are starting to learn swift
- jadekler/git-swift-todo-tutorial - A tutorial on writing your first 'Todo' app in Swift
- daltoniam/bumblebee - Abstract text processing and pattern matching engine in Swift. Converts text into NSAttributedStrings. Builtin markdown support.
- zwaldowski/ParksAndRecreation - Various Swift playgrounds, for fun and for profit.
- yume190/CustomView - IOS Custom View with xib(IOS 7 & 8) and Live Render (IOS 8 Objc & Swift). combine custom view with xib, live render(IOS8) and KVC
- jeffh/TestingInSwift - A sample project of tests in Swift
- iSame7/Summflower - Summflower is a swift implementation to the sexiest sharing icon based on Summly app
- hryk224/PCLBlurEffectAlert - Swift AlertController with UIVisualeffectview
- yuppielabel/YPDrawSignatureView - Capture signature view in Swift
- brimelow/Swift-Video-Tutorials - Code used on http://swiftvideotutorials.com
- puffinsupply/TransitioningKit - A Swift framework to simplify custom iOS view transitions.
- danharper/JustDeleteMe-iOS - iOS App for JustDeleteMe (written in Swift)
- Donohue/CustomKeyboard - A custom iOS QWERTY keyboard written in Swift.
- zhxnlai/Algorithms - Answers to LeetCode questions in Swift and JavaScript
- yemeksepeti/YSSegmentedControl - Android style segmented control written in swift.
- nemesit/SwiftXMPP - basic XMPP client for iOS written in swift using XMPPFramework
- i-schuetz/tableview_infinite - Infinite scrolling for UITableView in Swift, with background thread to request new data, and loading footer.
- KyoheiG3/Keynode - Interactive Keyboard Controller for Swift
- JasonZengJ/GridPanelDemo - A demo written in swift, for Flip Animation effects and Auto Layout.
- zhxnlai/ReactiveUI - A lightweight replacement for target action with closures, modified from Scream.swift.
- sarchak/YikYak - A clone of Yik Yak using Swift for iOS 8
- raphaelmor/Polyline - Polyline encoder / decoder in swift
- chriseidhof/literate-swift-old - Literate Swift
- MrAlek/Swift-NSFetchedResultsController-Trickery - A demo app accompanying the Swift NSFetchedResultsController Trickery blogpost on iosnomad.com
- AaronBratcher/ALBNoSQLDB - A SQLite database wrapper written in Swift that requires no SQL knowledge to use and can sync with instances of itself
- mrackwitz/Version - Version represents and compares semantic versions in Swift.
- mgigirey/iBeaconSwiftOSX - iBeacon Transmitter for OSX written in Swift.
- FabrizioRadica/Swift-UITableView-StoryBoard - Swift+UITableView+StoryBoard
- yichizhang/StringScore_Swift - Swift string fuzzy ranking. Score of 0 for no match; up to 1 for perfect. "String".score(word:"str"); //=> 0.825
- pixel-ink/PIRipple - Ripple Effect for iOS (swift)
- nghialv/GCD - A wrapper of Grand Central Dispatch written in Swift
- johnno1962/WatchkitCurrency - Swift Currency Convertor for iWatch with flexible interface
- jackcook/GCHelper - A lightweight helper class for GameKit, written in Swift
- f-dz-v/SwiftSTM - Haskell-like STM for Swift
- daktales/MaterialDesignColorsSwift - All colors defined in Google Material Design guidelines available for OSX and iOS development
- crousselle/SwiftOAuth2 - A swift implementation of OAuth2
- acmacalister/Rogue - Framework Manager for Swift in Swift
- StephenHaney/Swift-Custom-Events - A very simple way to implement Backbone.js style custom event listeners and triggering in Swift for iOS development.
- sxyx2008/GolangStudy - 用Swift写的Golang学习App。使用蒲公英应用平台一键安装到设备
- minsOne/MOJailBrokenDector - It is converted swift language from JailBrokenDector project
- jankuca/swm - Swift Modules, a swift module (or package) manager #fuck_xcode #terminal_rocks
- evgenyneu/ios-imagescroll-swift - iOS demo of using image view inside a scroll view with auto layout in Swift
- antoninbiret/ABSteppedProgressBar - ABSteppedProgressBar is an animated and customisable stepped progress bar for iOS written in Swift
- weissi/swift-undefined - Nano framework which defines Haskell's undefined in Swift.
- swilliams/DB5-Swift - A port of the DB5 configuration library
- neonichu/xctester - Commandline test runner for Swift.
- jorystiefel/stampicon - Mac command line tool to imprint a text banner over a PNG icon, written in Swift
- higepon/Swift-UIKit-Extensions - Extensions for UIKit in Swift
- dtissera/DTIToastCenter-Swift - A toast center for displaying quick toast to the user.
- brotchie/SwiftTableView - Basic example of using the Swift language to populate a UITableView
- MHaroonBaig/Swift-Beautify - An iOS app written entirely in Swift, which let users design the interface of their choice
- KimDarren/IHateSwift - The first project of Swift-Based-iOS-Application. This project includes the UITableViewController, UIViewController, and UINavigationController based on Swift.
- pixyzehn/PZPullToRefresh - This is the simplest refresh control in Swift.
- jessesquires/JSQActivityKit - Swift UIActivities for iOS
- hamin/FayeSwift - Swift Client Library for the Faye Pub-Sub messaging server (http://faye.jcoglan.com/)
- Weebly/JSONValue - Simple, awesome JSON representations in Swift
- wangyandong-ningxia/Swift-CoreAnimation - A learning-by-doing project for Swift. (Core Animation, CAShapeLayer, CAAnimation+Closures ...)
- tsuchikazu/iTunesSwift - iTunes API implemented in Swift
- robrix/Memo - Swift µframework of Memo, a lazily memoized value.
- lingoer/SwiftWeiboKit - An delightful Sina Weibo library written in Swift
- inamiy/Await - Swift port of C# Await using Cocoa's Run Loop mechanism.
- alikaragoz/Swifty-News - Simple app build with Swift
- al7/SwiftDateExtension - Date Extensions in Swift
- SemperIdem/BaiduMapSDKDemo-Swift - 使用百度地图 SDK创建的 DEMO,具体样式参考自官方 DEMO,使用 Swift 语言编写
- AshRobinson/InstaDude - An iOS Application written in Swift for viewing photos and videos on Instagram
- yuppielabel/YPMagnifyingGlass - Magnifying Glass for Swift
- the-hypermedia-project/representor-swift - Representor in Swift
- soffes/words - Example Thesaurus app written in Swift
- owensd/swift-perf - A collection of performance test for issues that I run into with Swift.
- netguru/roomguru - Roomguru is an open source Swift app for managing meetings in your busy working day.
- liscio/FunctionalDSP - An exploration of functional DSP programming ideas in Swift
- dparnell/swift-parser-generator - Experimental swift parser generator
- bradley/iOSSwiftOpenGLCamera - An example app showing how use AVCaptureSession and OpenGL to apply shaders to live video (written in Swift).
- TDAbboud/PhotosGalleryApp - Swift application demonstrating how to use the Photos framework
- yusefnapora/ReactiveSwift - ReactiveCocoa, Swift, and kittens!
- soyzamudio/SwiftAppMenuController - Facebook's Paper.app like menu adapted to Swift from GTAppMenuController from Gianluca Tursi
- mitchellallison/nifty - A Swift front-end for LLVM written (mostly) in Swift.
- liufan321/FFAutoLayout - Simple Autolayout extension in Swift 2.0
- ijoshsmith/swift-factory - Shows how to instantiate classes by name in Swift.
- hirohisa/RefreshSlide - Reload with slide animation before/after refreshing for iOS written in Swift.
- dbgrandi/EulerKit - Swift solutions to Project Euler problems
- dankogai/swift-complex - Complex numbers in Swift
- ccarnino/StratosParallax - StratosParallax is an iOS library written in swift that makes easy to add a multi-stratos (multi view) parallax effect.
- 0x73/SDevIconFonts - Icons fonts for Swift (FontAwesome, Ionicons, Octicons, Iconic)
- yankodimitrov/SwiftKeychain - An elegant Swift wrapper around the Apple Keychain API
- tomlokhorst/Promissum - A promises library written in Swift featuring combinators like map, flatMap, whenAll, whenAny.
- theadam/SwiftClient - A simple HTTP client library written in Swift
- stuartbreckenridge/UISearchControllerWithSwift - UISearchController being used with Swift.
- s-aska/KeyClip - KeyClip is yet another Keychain library written in Swift.
- kohtenko/KOActivityIndicator - Easy styled, IBDesigneble and IBInspectable activity indicator on swift
- iluuu1994/Conway-s-Game-of-Life - Conway's Game of Life written in Swift
- floriankrueger/Manuscript - AutoLayoutKit in pure Swift.
- ctews/SwiftMemCache - Swift Memory Cache with namespace & TTL support
- antitypical/Assertions - Flexible XCTest assertions in Swift.
- LuciusLu/DeformationButtonSwift - Share loading button by Swift
- FlexMonkey/MetalReactionDiffusion - Reaction Diffusion using Swift & Metal
- AhmettKeskin/LocalNotificationHelper - Local Notification with swift
- sraj/Swift-SRWebClient - A super simple http client library for iOS and OSX in Swift
- UnicornTV/Swift-Example-UIPageViewController - A simple example of a UIPageViewController built for iOS with Swift
- Skyvive/Swiftstraints - Auto Layout In Swift Made Easy
- JakeLin/ConflictResolver - ConflictResolver is an Apple Watch App written in Swift. It is a typical Rock Paper Scissors game.
- JackBCousineau/swift-chess - A simple chess game built for OSX using Swift 2.0
- AugustRush/ARCollectionViewDynamicSizeCell - An simple extension for caculating autolayout UICollectionViewCell size. Use for swift.
- xxxAIRINxxx/ARNInteractiveTransition - Custom interactive transition like Facobook Paper, Siori, AWA iOS App. written in Swift.
- williamFalcon/Bolt_Swift - Library for the missing bolts in Swift
- voronianski-on-games/GameOfLifeSwift - Game of Life implemented in Swift and SpriteKit framework
- sketchytech/Aldwych_JSON_Swift - JSON parser for Swift – for parsing, editing, creating and reconstituting of parsed data
- richzertuche/ZCarousel - A Swift Carousel made with Paged UIScrollView
- neoneye/SpecificationPattern - Specification pattern implemented in swift (iOS/OSX)
- merlos/iOS-Open-GPX-Tracker - Open GPS Tracker app for iOS. Log your tracks without limits and share them. Open source GPX tracker app is written in Swift
- fcanas/Formulary - Declarative iOS TableView Forms in Swift
- MichMich/nRF8001-Swift - First implementation of a nRF8001 library in Swift.
- tichise/EntypoSymbol - Icon font library for Swift. Currently supports Entypo
- rlopezdiez/RLDNavigationSwift - Decouple navigation from view controllers using navigation command objects to define the possible navigation flows of your Swift app
- raulriera/HuntingKit - Wrapper for the ProductHunt API. Written in Swift
- ndavon/NDHpple - NDHpple is a Swift wrapper on the XMLPathQuery library.
- natecook1000/SortedCollection - An always-sorted collection type built for Swift
- haawa799/Metal-Flaps - Flappy bird done with Metal and swift
- god-long/GLCircleScrollView - SWift版的 无限循环轮播图
- bontoJR/RxAlamofire - RxSwift wrapper around the elegant HTTP networking in Swift Alamofire
- TransitionKit/Union - Context transitioning's animation manager for iOS written in Swift.
- tjhancocks/Pixel - A simple pixel art editor written in Swift.
- sunxiang0918/ZhiHuDaily-Swift - 个人练习swift用的 知乎日报的 IOS 客户端
- ricardorauber/iOS-Swift - iOS - Swift Reference
- melvitax/AFViewHelper - Convenience extension for UIVIew in Swift
- matthewpalmer/Playdown - Convert Swift Playgrounds to Markdown
- feiin/DWBubbleMenuButton.Swift - DWBubbleMenuButton(https://github.com/dwalker39/DWBubbleMenuButton) Swift Implementation
- atveit/SwiftMetalGPUParallelProcessing - Data Parallel Processing with Swift and Metal on GPU for iOS8 (and beyond)
- MaximilianGoetzfried/MXStatusMenu - MXStatusMenu shows the cpu and network load in the menubar of OS X similar to iStatMenus. Written in Swift.
- CharlinFeng/CFPagesVC - Professional Multi controller management Framework based on Swift
- yuwang17/WYInteractiveTransitions - Customized transitions between view controllers for iOS. One Line of code with fully interactive animations. Written purely in Swift.
- yulingtianxia/Spiral - A Game Developed with Swift and SpriteKit
- yonbergman/swift-gameoflife - Conway's game of life written in Swift with SpriteKit
- vsco/swift-benchmarks - Unit tests for measuring performance benchmarks between Swift and Objective-C
- typelift/Aquifer - Functional streaming abstractions in Swift
- justinsacbibit/chat - Barebones iOS client for chat. Written in Swift.
- dylan/swift-game-programming-patterns - Going through the patterns at http://gameprogrammingpatterns.com/ in Swift just for fun.
- davecom/DKAsyncImageView - A Swift subclass of NSImageView for loading remote images asynchronously.
- danielalves/megaman-ios - An 8bit Megaman game for iOS, using SpriteKit and Swift
- Ekhoo/CommandBus - A light weight Command Bus implementation written in Swift
- DanielTomlinson/Latch - A simple Swift Keychain Wrapper for iOS, watchOS, and OS X.
- richzertuche/ZSocialPullView - Swift Social UIView inside UIScrollView
- remirobert/Crackers - Simple network library in Swift, for iOS and OSX
- okmr-d/DOHamburgerButton - Animated Hamburger Button written in Swift
- nghialv/Try - Swift µframework providing Try
- mmoaay/MBPageControllerFromMomo - 仿陌陌留言板界面,Swift实现
- dphans/DPNotify - DPNotify used to send short notifications on screen simple & quickly for iOS developing using Swift.
- dasdom/SlideControl - Horizontal slide control build with Swift 2.0
- azac/swift-faker - Fake user data generator for Swift, based off of Faker.js
- andyshep/Waypoints - Easy location tracking in Swift
- Wolox/ReactiveArray - An array class implemented in Swift that can be observed using ReactiveCocoa's Signals
- RobotsAndPencils/RPClarity - A Swift 1.2 playground that shows a technique for blurring an image behind the characters (glyphs) of one or more UILabels
- zixun/ZXOptionBar-Swift - An optionbar view implement by Swift and reuse it's cells like UITableVIew
- txaidw/TWControls - TWControls - Simple Controls (Button, Switch) for SpriteKit, written in Swift!
- thii/TextEthan - Clone of TextEthan - a messaging app that allows anyone to message you, written in Swift.
- tangplin/Scream.swift - UIKit's extensions to use closure in Swift
- hawkfalcon/SpaceEvaders - Game in swift
- explicitcall/Wyrd - asynchronous programming in Swift made easy
- emaloney/CleanroomASL - A Swift-based API for reading from & writing to the Apple System Log (more commonly known somewhat inaccurately as "the console")
- danthorpe/YapDatabaseExtensions - YapDatabase extensions for use with Swift
- NatashaTheRobot/iOS8DynamicTypeDemo - Simple Seinfeld Quotes app build in iOS8 and Swift, with self sizing cells and Dynamic Type
- MrMatthias/SwiftColorPicker - An iOS HSB color picker implemented in Swift
- MauMaxxa/Spinner - A nice and beautiful spinner gears animation made with swift
- 4eleven7/Timesaver - Minimalist clock screensaver for OS X built with Apple's, new programming language, Swift.
- ulrikdamm/Forbind - Functional chaining and promises in Swift
- tmdvs/CoreGraphicsGraph - Draw a line graph with CoreGraphics in Swift. This code is intended to be an example of how you could use CoreGraphics to draw graphs and other similar UI elements.
- shamasshahid/SSRadioButtonsController - A Radio Button Controller class for iOS written in Swift
- samodom/UIKitSwagger - Simpler UIKit development in Swift
- rickyrobinett/SwiftRequest - SwiftRequest is a simple HTTP client for Swift.
- nottombrown/HausClock - Minimalist Chess Clock in Swift
- namanhams/Swift-UIImageView-AFNetworking - Swift version of UIImageView+AFNetworking.
- mdelamata/CoreDataManager-Swift - Swift CoreDataManager for multithreading environments
- lancy98/Calendar - iOS calendar component written in Swift
- ipconfiger/AnyDoor - Swift with no pain
- iMartinKiss/GrandSwiftDispatch - Not so Grand, not so Swift, and not so Dispatch
- hirohisa/Font-Awesome - Use Font Awesome in project written in Swift.
- hatena/swift-Sample-GitHubSearch - The sample code of Swift iOS app
- dsmatter/SwiftSortUtils - Useful functions and extensions for sorting in Swift
- davidkobilnyk/BNRGuideSolutionsInSwift - A port of the Objective-C code in iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide, 4th Edition to Swift. http://developer.apple.com/swift
- daniel-c/iSimulatorExplorer - A GUI tool written in Swift to browse and manage iOS simulators for Xcode 6
- chroman/CRGradientLabel - Custom UILabel subclass with gradient coloured background, written in Swift.
- NachoSoto/swift-genetics - First attempt at Genetics Programming (in Swift)
- DrAma999/AFSwiftDateExtension - Extension to NSDate made in Swift to make life easier
- CryptoCoinSwift/SHA256-Swift - Swift framework wrapping CommonCrypto's SHA256 methods.
- zonble/SwiftSnake - A snake-game written in Swift language
- willdages/closest-beacon-demo - An iBeacon/Swift demo app
- thibaultimbert/swift-experiments - Fun with Swift
- neonichu/Chores - A library for simplifying task execution in Swift.
- kaunteya/InfoButton - Simple and Lightweight Information Button for Mac OSX implemented in Swift
- kaiinui/Swift-UICollectionView-AFNetworking - Sample Swift Project using UICollectionView + AFNetworking Image and DAPagesContainer
- indragiek/AlamofireRACExtensions - ReactiveCocoa Swift extensions for Alamofire
- inamiy/DebugLog - DebugLog macro alternative for Swift.
- beltex/SystemKit - OS X system library in Swift
- asklausen/SKMapsCenter - Maps (iOS, Swift) - maintain center while zooming.
- adrianblp/taylor.swift - Taylor series expansion in Swift
- USDepartmentofLabor/Swift-Federal-Data-SDK - Federal Data SDK built in the Swift programming language. Follow the link for the documentation:
- SemperIdem/TVAnimationsGestures-Swift - 这是一个简单的可展开可合并的表视图,用Swift语言编写
- daltoniam/SwiftLog - Simple and easy logging in Swift.
- danielgindi/ios-charts - An iOS port of the beautiful MPAndroidChart. - Beautiful charts for iOS apps!
- realm/realm-cocoa - Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for Core Data & SQLite
- mortenjust/androidtool-mac - One-click screenshots, video recordings, APK installations for Android phones and smartwatches connected to your Mac
- shinobicontrols/iOS8-day-by-day - Selection of projects accompanying the iOS8-Day-by-Day blog series http://www.shinobicontrols.com/iOS8DayByDay
- lexrus/VPNOn - Turn On your VPN like a hero.
- robb/hamburger-button - A hamburger button transition
- ariok/BWWalkthrough - BWWalkthrough is a class to build custom walkthroughs for your iOS App
- uacaps/PageMenu - A paging menu controller built from other view controllers placed inside a scroll view (like Spotify, Windows Phone, Instagram)
- andreamazz/BubbleTransition - A custom modal transition that presents and dismiss a controller with an expanding bubble effect.
- nickoneill/PermissionScope - Intelligent iOS permissions UI and unified API
- SugarRecord/SugarRecord - CoreData management library written in Swift
- kostiakoval/WatchKit-Apps - Tutorials app for WatchKit
- szk-atmosphere/SAHistoryNavigationViewController - SAHistoryNavigationViewController realizes iOS task manager like UI in UINavigationContoller.
- bennyguitar/News-YC---iPhone - The iPhone version of News/YC, a Hacker News reader and interactive iOS application.
- Yalantis/PullToMakeSoup - Custom animated pull-to-refresh that can be easily added to UIScrollView
- Ahmed-Ali/JSONExport - JSONExport is a desktop application for Mac OS X which enables you to export JSON objects as model classes with their associated constructors, utility methods, setters and getters in your favorite language.
- jathu/UIImageColors - iTunes style color fetcher for UIImage.
- shinobicontrols/iOS9-day-by-day - Selection of projects accompanying the iOS9 Day-by-Day blog series.
- CezaryKopacz/CKWaveCollectionViewTransition - Cool wave like transition between two or more UICollectionView
- FahimF/FloatLabelFields - Text entry controls which contain a built-in title/label so that you don't have to add a separate title for each field.
- gmertk/ParkedTextField - A text field with a constant text/placeholder
- bvogelzang/SevenSwitch - iOS7 style drop in replacement for UISwitch
- stakes/Frameless - A chromeless browser for iOS 8.
- michaelbabiy/RMParallax - The way to impress users on the first app launch.
- MHaroonBaig/MotionKit - Get the data from Accelerometer, Gyroscope and Magnetometer in only Two or a few lines of code. CoreMotion now made insanely simple 📡
- fastred/AHKBendableView - UIView subclass that bends its edges when its position changes.
- scotteg/LayerPlayer - Layer Player explores the capabilities of Apple's Core Animation API
- exchangegroup/Dodo - A message bar for iOS written in Swift.
- aaronabentheuer/AAWindow - UIWindow subclass to enable behavior like adaptive round-corners & detecting when Control Center is opened.
- shu223/watchOS-2-Sampler - Code examples for new features of watchOS 2.
- larcus94/ImagePickerSheetController - ImagePickerSheetController is like the custom photo action sheet in iMessage just without the glitches.
- codepath/ios_guides - Comprehensive open-source iOS guides
- kevinzhow/RealtimeGradientText - Gradient Text in Real
- nixzhu/Proposer - Make permission request easier.
- tomvanzummeren/TZStackView - UIStackView replica for iOS 7.x and iOS 8.x
- indragiek/DominantColor - Finding dominant colors of an image using k-means clustering
- Brimizer/Slidden - An open source, customizable, iOS 8 keyboard.
- Imperiopolis/WatchScreenshotMagic - Quickly generates perfect Apple Watch screenshots.
- AshRobinson/GoogleWearAlert - An Android Wear style confirmation view for iOS
- marcelofabri/BigBrother - Automatically sets the network activity indicator for any performed request.
- rounak/TwitterBirdAnimation - Replicating Twitter's bird animation that appears when app starts up
- czechboy0/Buildasaur - Free, local and automatic testing of GitHub Pull Requests with Xcode Bots. Keep your team productive and safe. Get up and running in minutes. @buildasaur
- andreamazz/GearRefreshControl - A custom animation for the UIRefreshControl
- kiavashfaisali/KFWatchKitAnimations - KFWatchKitAnimations creates beautiful 60 FPS animations for Watch by recording animations from the iOS Simulator.
- raywenderlich/SKTUtils - Sprite Kit helper classes and functions. From the book iOS Games by Tutorials.
- pixyzehn/MediumScrollFullScreen - Medium's upper and lower Menu in Scroll.
- ra1028/RAReorderableLayout - A UICollectionView layout whitch can move item with drag and drop.
- mikaoj/BSImagePicker - A multiple image picker for iOS 8
- GetHighstreet/HighstreetWatchApp - The WatchKit App built on the http://highstreetapp.com platform
- cjwirth/RichEditorView - RichEditorView is a simple, modular, drop-in UIView subclass for Rich Text Editing.
- danielbuechele/goofy - OS X client for Facebook Messenger
- nghialv/Transporter - A tiny library makes uploading and downloading easier
- philcn/Auto-Layout-Showcase - Project for demonstrating several auto layout techniques on iOS.
- nghialv/Hakuba - Cellmodel-driven tableview manager
- ptsochantaris/trailer - Managing Pull Requests and Issues For GitHub & GitHub Enterprise
- imgly/imgly-sdk-ios - img.ly SDK for iOS
- ide/UIVisualEffects - Learn how to use UIVisualEffectViews with UIBlurEffect and UIVibrancyEffect in iOS 8 and up
- indragiek/MarkdownTextView - Rich Markdown editing control for iOS
- mobitar/Starburst - A collection of animated loading sequences for Apple Watch
- mfikes/replete - ClojureScript REPL iOS app
- KyoheiG3/DynamicBlurView - DynamicBlurView is a dynamic and high performance UIView subclass for Blur.
- soffes/valio - Valio Con 2014 Schedule
- ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveAnimation - Declarative animations using ReactiveCocoa signals
- jpsim/CardsAgainst - An iOS game for horrible people
- gmertk/GMStepper - A stepper with a sliding label in the middle.
- zhxnlai/ZLBalancedFlowLayout - A UICollectionViewFlowLayout subclass that scales items to take up space, optimized for large item set, inspired by NHBalancedFlowLayout.
- Isuru-Nanayakkara/IJReachability - A simple class to check for internet connection availability in Swift.
- aaronabentheuer/AAFaceDetection - Prototyping-Library providing easy access to iOS face detection features through NSNotification.
- citruspi/Spotify-Notifications - Bridging Spotify and OS X Notification Center
- szk-atmosphere/SABlurImageView - You can use blur effect and it's animation easily to call only two methods.
- nsdictionary/CFCityPickerVC - 城市选取控制器
- coolioxlr/watchOS-2-heartrate - watchOS 2.0 healthkit, heartrate streaming, start workout session
- aryaxt/ScrollPager - A scroll pager similar to the one in
- jpsim/SourceKitten - An adorable little framework and command line tool for interacting with SourceKit.
- dasdom/Tomate - This is in the App Store as Fojusi
- Charimon/iosViews - Sketch plugin to generate ios view code
- kevinzhow/NaughtyImageView - UIImageView Can Animate Sprite Image
- KyoheiG3/AttributedLabel - Easy to use, fast, and higher performance than UILabel.
- C4Framework/C4iOS - C4iOS Development Repository
- TakefiveInteractive/WeatherMap - WeatherMap combines weather info with map display. You can view the ongoing weather change of an entire region in one scroll! A tool designed for those of you who road-trip or travel around often.
- kgn/Hark - An example Text to Speech App
- LoganWright/SimpleChat - An Easy To Use Bubble Chat Interface
- nofelmahmood/CKSIncrementalStore - CoreData Store with Sync for CloudKit
- ra1028/PathDynamicModal - A modal view using UIDynamicAnimator, like the Path for iOS.
- nsdictionary/CFRuntime - 重磅推出:Swift版的MJExtension,运行时、反射与一键字典模型互转
- szk-atmosphere/SACollectionViewVerticalScalingFlowLayout - SACollectionViewVerticalScalingFlowLayout applies scaling up or down effect to appearing or disappearing cells. In addition, animation of UIDynamics applies each cell.
- jozsef-vesza/ExpandingStackCells - Expanding table view cells using UIStackView in iOS 9
- seivan/ScalarArithmetic - Better interoperability between different numerical types by using operator overloading and implicit casts conversions
- nothingmagical/coins - Bitcoin value tracker
- FlexMonkey/ParticleLab - Particle system that's both calculated and rendered on the GPU using the Metal framework
- cho45/KeyCast - Record keystroke for screencast
- terhechte/CoreValue - Lightweight Framework for using Core Data with Value Types
- remirobert/RRTagController - RRTagController allows user to select tag and create new one.
- cemolcay/MaterialCardView - Create material design cards quick and easy
- jspahrsummers/enemy-of-the-state - My talk explaining what state is and why it's so harmful
- CardinalNow/iOS-CircleProgressView - CircleProgressView
- remirobert/Kinder - The basics of a Tinder-like swipeable cards interface controller
- felixjendrusch/Pistachio - Generic model framework
- chriseidhof/OLD-functional-view-controllers - More Experiments in Functional View Controllers
- victor/whereami - get your location from the command line
- pixyzehn/MediumMenu - A menu based on Medium iOS app.
- Weebly/TableSchemer - Interactive static table views with ease
- swordray/ruby-china-ios - Ruby China for iOS
- contentful-labs/Stargate - A communication channel from your Mac to your watch.
- cacmartinez/CCMRadarView - CCMRadarView uses the IBDesignable tools to make an easy customizable radar view with animation
- osnr/Screenotate - Automatically annotate your screenshots
- mbogh/NibDesignable - Elegant way of enabling IBDesignable on your nib-based views
- ricardopereira/SocketIO-Kit - Socket.io iOS and OSX Client compatible with v1.0 and later
- KyoheiG3/SpringIndicator - SpringIndicator is indicator and PullToRefresh. Inspired by Material design components.
- nixzhu/Wormhole - A more elegant way for message passing between iOS apps and extensions.
- kyleweiner/KWStepper - A stepper control with flexible UI and tailored UX.
- kzaher/RegX - Prettify plugin for Xcode. It enables alignment of specific source code elements and makes code easier to read and understand.
- adafruit/Bluefruit_LE_Connect - iOS app for use with Bluefruit Bluetooth LE breakout board
- Alliants/ALAccordion - Accordion style container view for iOS
- jessesquires/JSQNotificationObserverKit - Generic notifications and observers for iOS
- dphans/DPTheme - DPTheme help you set default theme color for your app.
- bignerdranch/cocoa-programming-for-osx-5e - Solutions and errata for Cocoa Programming for OS X, 5th Edition. https://www.bignerdranch.com/we-write/cocoa-programming/
- DylanVann/DatePickerCell - Inline/Expanding date picker for table views.
- dasdom/DDHCustomTransition - Helper classes to make basic view controller transitions easier
- cemolcay/SlidingContainerViewController - An android scrollable tab bar style container view controller
- toygard/youtube-parser - YouTube link parser for swift
- robrix/Madness - Recursive Descent Into Madness
- ayanonagon/talks - A very short list of past and future talks
- nixzhu/KeyboardMan - KeyboardMan help you make keyboard animation.
- nghialv/Sapporo - Cellmodel-driven collectionview manager
- BananaKit/BananaKit - (FIXME: come up with witty tagline)
- lvnyk/BezierString - Rendering NSAttributedStrings along arbitrary UIBezierPaths
- SatanWoo/WZStoreHouseTableView - Scalable Table View like Store House app
- regexident/Pulsar - A versatile solution for displaying pulse animations as known from Apple Maps.
- kaphacius/IconMaker - an Xcode plug-in for making app icons
- jdhealy/PrettyColors - Styles and colors text in the Terminal with ANSI escape codes. Conforms to ECMA Standard 48.
- typelift/Concurrent - Functional Concurrency Primitives
- happywatch/watch-simulator - build prototype Apple Watch apps in Xcode before WatchKit becomes available
- TheHolyGrail/KillerRabbit - THGDispatch module, includes GCD bits such as Queues, Groups, Timer, Semaphore, etc.
- artman/Signals - A micro-framework for creating and observing events.
- shmidt/GooglePlacesSearchController - Google Places autocompleting address search controller
- mozhenhau/D3View - D3View,ui util
- kaishin/Verbena - Get image instances from Quartz drawing code.
- brightec/CustomCollectionViewLayout - Custom layout for a collection view using horizontal and vertical scrolling with sticky rows and columns
- soffes/WhatColorIsIt - Time of day as a color as a Mac screen saver
- eface2face/cordova-plugin-iosrtc - Cordova iOS plugin exposing the full WebRTC W3C JavaScript APIs
- ecerney/CollectionViewWaterfallLayout - Pinterest inspired layout for UICollectionViews
- lihei12345/CYFastImage - DEPRECATED
- pistolenernie/Spotify4Me - Implements a Widget for Spotify in the Notification Center of OS X 10.10 Yosemite
- rakaramos/StarButton - A bouncing star animation
- Carthage/ReactiveTask - Flexible, stream-based abstraction for launching processes
- jurre/TravisToday - An OSX Yosemite Today Widget for travis-ci statusses
- felixjendrusch/Marionette - Concise and type safe CALayer animations
- aaronpang/APDynamicHeaderTableViewController - A simple recreation of the header in the Instagram table view
- unicorn/FlourishUI - A highly configurable and out-of-the-box-pretty UI library
- honghaoz/Dynamic-Collection-View-Cell-With-Auto-Layout-Demo - Collection View on iOS with auto layout in UICollectionViewCell to create cells with dynamic heights
- fastred/BouncyView - Action Sheet animation based on Skype's iOS app.
- Eonil/CocoaProgrammaticHowtoCollection - A collection of programmatic how-to code examples for each cases to write a Cocoa GUI (AppKit) app and some non GUI stuffs.
- icanzilb/OneShotLocationManager - A replacement class for CLLocationManager for when you want to easily fetch the current device location
- Antondomashnev/ADChromePullToRefresh - ADChromePullToRefresh
- remirobert/Anim - Animation library, using Core Animation. Designed for iOS.
- choefele/CCHDarwinNotificationCenter - Inter-process signaling for iOS and OS X with addressable receivers using the Darwin notification center.
- Dwive/CVCalendarKit - A wrapper around NSDate which provides a convenience way for dealing with dates.
- Kemcake/RSDotsView - A simple view that show pulsing dots
- indragiek/INDLinkLabel - A simple, no frills UILabel subclass with support for links
- contentful-labs/ContentfulWatchKitExample - Example for a WatchKit app using the Contentful SDK
- icanzilb/EventBlankApp - A free open source iOS app for events or conferences. Read more on the app's webpage:
- a2/arex-7 - An iOS application for remembering to take your medications. (Pronounced like the letters R-X.)
- m0ppers/syncthing-bar - A statusbar for syncthing on Mac OS X
- ataugeron/SpriteKit-Spring - SpriteKit API reproducing UIView's spring animations with SKAction
- azamsharp/WatchNotes - Notes on your wrist!
- voyage11/AutoLayoutBasics - Using Auto Layout in XCode 6 for iOS 7 and 8. How to use storyboard constraints with Compact, Any, Regular Height and Width together with Storyboard Preview Function.
- sandofsky/soon - Countdown App
- radex/DiffyTables - Practical and efficient WatchKit tables
- tiagomnh/LicensingViewController - UIViewController subclass with a simple API for displaying licensing information.
- GuyKahlon/BackMenu - This is a simple iOS menu control inspired by Creative Labs applications of Facebook (Paper, Slingshot, Groups).
- andydrizen/UIViewRecorder - Record and export a view hierarchy to PNG or JPEG frames for flip book style animations (as used in WatchKit).
- NatashaTheRobot/watchkit - Sharing Data with WatchKit Examples
- 441088327/SYKeyboardTextField - SYKeyboardTextField is a lightweight, simple, non-invasive keyboard accompanying input box! Write in Swift!
- nguyenhuy/AsyncMessagesViewController - A smooth, responsive and flexible messages UI library for iOS.
- tfrank64/TiltingLoader - An interactive loading view you can tilt while you wait.
- pi3r0/PHFParallaxBackgroundCell - Framework with animate background cell to create a parallax effect
- pixyzehn/AirbnbViewController - Airbnb 4.7's three-dimensional slide menu. Unfortunately, this menu was obsoleted in Airbnb 5.0.
- zhwayne/ElegantProgress - 一枚优雅的小清新拟物化进度条
- nicolasgomollon/LPRTableView - A drop-in replacement for UITableView and UITableViewController that supports long-press reordering of cells.
- kubatru/JTSplashView - Create the beautiful splash view.
- paoloboschini/Icomations - Swifty hamburger animations
- nixzhu/Ruler - Size matters, you need a ruler.
- maxday/MDRotatingPieChart - An iOS library to draw beautiful pie charts
- VojtaStavik/ProtocolUI - ProtocolUI is a simple helper file providing very basic infrastructure for customizing UI elements via protocol extensions.
- nakajijapan/PhotoSlider - PhotoSlider can a simple photo slider and delete slider with swiping.
- lingochamp/FuriganaTextView - A simple wrapper view for UITextView that can display Furiganas.
- blackmirror-media/BMInputBox - BMInputBox
- ashfurrow/Nimble-Snapshots - Nimble matchers for FBSnapshotTestCase
- aleclarson/hex-kit - Convert hex triplets into UIColors and CGColors!
- vani2/SmoothStatusBar - Smooth Status Bar like Instagram or Mailbox
- soffes/bar - My Apartment Cocktail Menu
- sheagcraig/yo - Send Notification Center messages from the command line
- okmr-d/App-Launching-like-Twitter - Twitter-like animated Splash (startup animation)
- m2mtech/calculator-2015 - Calculator of the cs193p lecture (Winter 2015)
- mamaral/MAPageViewController - MAPageViewController is a simple wrapper around the most common boiler-plate UIPageViewController setup.
- SwiftEducation/WordCollage - An iOS app that displays a collage of fun topics, as a means for learning about Xcode, Auto Layout constraints, size classes, and action connections.
- SoCM/iOS-FastTrack-2014-2015 - Source code and assets for iOS fast-track 2014-2015
- ColinEberhardt/ReactiveTwitterSearch - A ReactiveCocoa 3.0 MVVM example
- tokorom/SegueContext - You can pass the context to destination view controller easily
- XWebView/XWebView - An extensible WebView for iOS (based on WKWebView)
- matthewpalmer/Regift - Easily convert a video to a GIF on iOS.
- exchangegroup/Cosmos - A star rating control for iOS / Swift
- devxoul/allkdic - [올ㅋ사전] 맥에서 단축키를 누르면 영어사전이 뙇!!!!
- SebastianOsinski/SwiftRandom - Collection of functions for generating psuedorandom variables from various distributions
- RuiAAPeres/Rinku - A simple networking library
- JaviSoto/Talks - A repo with the talks I've given at conferences, etc
- fmscode/JSONtoFoundation - OS X utility that converts a JSON object to a Foundation object that can be used in Cocoa/Cocoa Touch development.
- artman/Geometry - UIView and CGRect extension that adds properties to manipulate them efficiently
- airspeedswift/SwooshKit - Library of code from the Airspeed Velocity blog
- pixyzehn/MediumProgressView - A progress view based on Medium web app.
- paulgavrikov/xiaomi-miband-cocoa - Access Xiaomi MiBand from OS X via Bluetooth LE.
- jspahrsummers/Notifications - Demo iPhone app for viewing your GitHub notifications
- wircho/Curly - iOS library adding closure (block or callback) functionality to several native classes (alert views, buttons, sliders, storyboard segues, gesture recognizers, etc)
- alexfish/stylize - Modern NSAttributedString
- LiorNn/DragDropCollectionView - A UICollectionView which allows for easy drag and drop to reorder cells. Mimicks the drag and drop on the iOS Springboard when reordering apps (wiggle animation included!). Done entirely in Swift
- KittenYang/KYFloatingBubble - 类似iOS7中Game Center浮动气泡的效果。iOS7 Game Center Floating Bubble Effects.
- tylyo/APLineChart - IOS Line Chart
- ole/iphone-6-plus-rendering - Quick and dirty test apps to understand how the built-in downsampling to screen resolution works on the iPhone 6 Plus.
- exchangegroup/keychain-swift - iOS/Swift helper functions for saving text in Keychain securely.
- thorikawa/CircleCI-iOS-TestFlight-Sample - Demonstrate how to deploy an iOS app automatically to testflight using CircleCI
- remirobert/Camembert - Use sqlite3 for iOS and OS X simply.
- liushuaikobe/beauties - 😋 Give you a pretty girl every weekday.
- delannoyk/GIFRefreshControl - GIFRefreshControl is a pull to refresh that supports GIF images as track animations.
- crosswalk-project/crosswalk-ios - Crosswalk Project for iOS
- manavgabhawala/CocoaMultipeer - This repository is a peer to peer framework for OS X, iOS and watchOS 2 that presents a similar interface to the MultipeerConnectivity framework (which is iOS only) that lets you connect any 2 devices from any platform. This framework works with peer to peer networks like bluetooth and ad hoc wifi networks when available it also falls back onto using a wifi router when necessary. It is built on top of CFNetwork and NSNetService
- felixjendrusch/Pistachiargo - Model framework using Argo
- delannoyk/KDEDateLabel - KDEDateLabel is an UILabel subclass that updates itself to make time ago's format easier.
- aclissold/CardView - A simple iOS material design card view
- Artwalk/TimeHacker-OSX - Live a better life with TIME
- fastred/HamburgerButton - Animated hamburger button.
- NikantVohra/HackerNewsClient-iOS - An iOS client for Hacker News
- FlexMonkey/ParticleCam - Metal based particle system influenced by iPad camera
- rheinfabrik/Heimdall.swift - Easy to use OAuth 2 library for iOS, written in Swift by Rheinfabrik.
- marcelfalliere/HomeKit - HomeKit sample code to add accessories to your primary home, and manages rooms, services, and update characteristics values
- hyperoslo/Pages - UIPageViewController made simple
- bobmoff/ScrollKit - Simple example of how to use UIScrollView in a SpriteKit project
- ReactKit/ReactKitCatalog - ReactKit UI examples.
- BradLarson/HealthKitHeartRateExporter - A simple sample application for exporting heart rate samples from HealthKit.
- nebhale/WhiskyNotebook - Whisky Notebook iOS Application
- hirohisa/PageController - Infinite paging controller, scrolling through contents and title bar scrolls with a delay
- behoernchen/Iconizer - Create Xcode asset catalogs swift and painless.
- NatashaTheRobot/ScrollViewAutolayoutExample - Two text fields centered in a ScrollView using AutoLayout
- KaanEmec/MaterialTextField - Simple UITextfield Subclass with cool material design animations.
- zhangao0086/iOS_AnimatedTransition - 自定义切换动画与交互动画
- saiwu-bigkoo/iOS-ViewPagerIndicator - Paging indicator widgets,iOS版的分页指示器,可以配合UIScrollView使用完成分页控制
- pietbrauer/CarthageLicenseScript - Download Licenses for Carthage
- honghaoz/AutoKeyboardScrollView - AutoKeyboardScrollView is an UIScrollView subclass which makes showing and dismissing keyboard for UITextFields much easier
- hgwhittle/HGWActivityButton - A UIButton subclass with a custom, built-in activity indicator
- happywatch/heartbeat - a prototype app for the Apple Watch designed for machine learning in healthcare
- ashfurrow/NSSpain2014 - Annotated playground for my presentation at NSSpain 2014
- Unicorn-Swift/Swift-Example-UIPageViewController - A simple example of a UIPageViewController built for iOS with Swift
- BourneWeng/MagicMove - 自定义转场动画示例
- taichino/PopupTest - Statusbar app on Mac with popup (Yosemite or later)
- robb/Monocle - Pretty much only a Lens
- raulriera/UpvoteControl - UIControl for up vote widgets found in Product Hunt and Reddit
- gali8/G8MaterialKitTextField - MKTextField Validation
- micazeve/MAActivityIndicator - Dot activity indicator
- jquave/CameraTutorial - Camera tutorial on JamesonQuave.com
- brewfactory/BrewMobile - iOS client for the Brewfactory project
- VincentSit/ChinaMobilePhoneNumberRegex - 匹配中国大陆手机号码
- SwiftEducation/Stopwatch - An iOS app that uses elapsed time as a context for practicing MVC, discovering the basics of threads, and applying NSTimer.
- ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveAnimation-MacDemo - OS X demo for ReactiveAnimation
- ashfurrow/MBLTDev - Sample code for MBLTDev
- DigitalLeaves/PlaceholderTextViewDemo - A IBDesignable subclass of UITextView with a placeholder behaving like a UITextfield
- Brick - A generic view model for both basic and complex scenarios.
- Katana - Swift apps a la React and Redux.
- Spots - Spots is a cross-platform view controller framework for building component-based UIs.