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simbit (alpha)

Javascript P2P Network Simulator

simbit is a javascript simulation framework with an emphasis on consensus networks like Bitcoin. It is easy to rapidly prototype new structures, protocols and concepts, and to understand their effects on latency-sensitive systems. It is designed for both in-browser realtime simulation/visualization and clustered simulations using Node.

Example visualization


simbit can be invoked with node sim.js or by visiting the index.html page supplied in this repository.

Developing with Simbit

A boring simulation with 100 nodes looks something like this:

var net = require("./network")
var client = new net.Client() // create a new node template

net.add(100, client); // instantiate 100 nodes using the client template * 1000); // runs for 100 seconds

You can set the contents of sim.js to the above code and visit index.html to see it in action. In this simple example, none of the nodes will do anything or connect to each other.

simbit uses a middleware architecture for including modules, and some modules are provided. peermgr provides basic networking mechanisms, latency simulation, peer discovery, buffering and more.

var net = require("./network"),
    peermgr = require("./peermgr") // include peermgr
var client = new net.Client()

client.use(peermgr) // use the peermgr middleware

net.add(100, client) * 1000)

Now look at index.html -- you will notice the nodes discover and connect to each other. The first node (node 0) is used as a bootstrap node by peermgr.

Let's have the client (randomly) select the maximum number of nodes it would like to connect to, when it's initialized.

var net = require("./network"),
    peermgr = require("./peermgr")
var client = new net.Client()

client.init(function() {
	// this function is called when a node is initialized
	this.peermgr.maxpeers = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 8;

net.add(100, client) * 1000)


Tick events are events that occur to clients at some interval of time. peermgr will already use ticks to space out connection and discovery attempts until it reaches maxpeers. We can use ticks ourselves like this:

client.init(function() {
	this.tick(1000, function() {
		// will tick every second

		return false; // if we return false, this tick stops

Delayed events are 'one shot' events that occur after a specified amount of time:

client.init(function() {
	this.delay(3000, function() {
		// this will fire in 3 seconds

Probabilistic events are like delayed events, in that they are one shot events, except that the time until the event is fired is exponentially distributed for discrete event simulation. This is useful for simulating bitcoin mining, for example.

client.init(function() {
	this.prob("heartbeat", (1/1000), function() {
		// We can expect this function to fire in 1000msec on average.



Here's a simple ping/pong protocol which uses peermgr and .on handlers.

client.init(function() {
	this.tick(1000, function () {
		// every second we'll broadcast a ping message to our peers, containing a timestamp

	this.on("ping", function(from, time) {
		// we received a ping message (courtesy of peermgr)
		this.peermgr.send(from, "pong", time); // send back a pong

	this.on("pong", function(from, time) {
		// we received a pong message from another peer
		this.log("roundtrip: " + ( - time))

Also notice that this uses to get the current simulation time in msec, and this.log() for debugging or statistics.


In addition to peermgr, a module btc is being created to simulate the Bitcoin reference client.

You can create your own middleware like so:

module.exports = function (self) {
	self.tick(1000, function() {
		// i am a thread that loves wasting cpu!
		Math.random() + Math.random() + Math.random()

Place the above into, say, waster.js, and require() it in sim.js as well:

var net = require("./network"),
    peermgr = require("./peermgr"),
    waster = require("./waster") // include our new middleware

var client = new net.Client()
client.use(waster) // use the middleware

net.add(100, client) * 1000)

Client-side Delay

If the client needs to simulate a time-consuming computation, it can use .delay() to create an event which occurs once, in the future.

client.init(function() {
	this.on("tx", function(from, tx) {
		// pretend it takes 25msec to verify the transaction
		this.delay(25, function() {
			// this function will be called in 25msec



var net = require("./network")

Property Description
.Client A Client class used by .add()
.add (n, client) Creates n nodes, using client as a template. node is an instance of .Client
.check (t, f) f() is called every t msec of simulation
.run (msec [, next]) Run msec worth of simulation time. next is an optional callback after run completes.
.stop() Stops the simulation, existing .run tasks will end.
.log(str) Logs str to console or to the visualizer


var client = new net.Client()

Property Description
.init(f) f() is called during the node's initialization.
.use(middleware) middleware is constructed with the NodeState as an argument.


Functions like .on() or .tick() send the NodeState as function context to the handler. This can be overwritten by the (optional) thisArg argument.

Property Description
.on(name, f [, thisArg]) Attaches a handler f(from, msg) for event name. If f returns false, the previously attached handler(s) by this name are bypassed.
.tick(t, f [, thisArg]) Attaches a handler f for a tick event that occurs every t msec. If f returns false, the handler is unattached. If it returns an integer, the tick interval is changed to that integer.
.delay(t, f [, thisArg]) f is called once, in t msec.
.prob(name, p, f [, thisArg]) Attaches a handler f for a probabilistic event named name, which uses p as a rate parameter.
.deprob(name) Removes a probabilistic handler named name.
.now() Returns the current time, in msec, from the start of the simulation
.setColor(str) Sets the color of the current node to str
.log(str) Logs str for the node.
.setColor(str) Sets the color of the node to str within the visualizer


var net = require("./network"),
    peermgr = require("./peermgr"), // include peermgr
	client = new net.Client()

client.use(peermgr) // use it

The peermgr middleware is stored in NodeState's peermgr property when it is used by the client.

Property Description
this.peermgr.maxpeers Integer describing the maximum number of peers peermgr should attempt to connect to; best modified at initialization
this.peermgr.send(to, name, msg) Sends a message msg called name to peer number to
this.peermgr.each(cb) Iterates over all active peers by calling cb(peerid) with each peer id
this.peermgr.broadcast(name, msg) Broadcasts a message msg named name to all active peers

To handle messages remote nodes send you, use .on() like so:

client.init(function() {
	this.on("alert", function(from, obj) {
		// received an alert from our peer!
		// contents of message is in obj


The btc middleware is being developed to simulate the bitcoin reference client.

var net = require("./network"),
    peermgr = require("./peermgr"),
    btc = require("./btc"),
	client = new net.Client()


client.init(function() {
	if ( == 0) {
		var tx1 = this.transactions.create([], 1); // creates a transaction with no inputs (like a coinbase) and one output
		var tx2 = this.transactions.create([], 1) // creates a transaction which spends the previous transaction

		// Let's enter the transactions into our local UTXO:
		this.transactions.enter(tx2) // this will appear in mapOrphans until we enter tx1
		this.transactions.enter(tx1) // both tx1 and tx2 will be part of the UTXO now

		// Now let's create inventory objects for these transactions:
		this.inventory.createObj('tx', tx1)
		this.inventory.createObj('tx', tx2)

		this.delay(30000, function() {
			// 30 seconds later, we could start relaying both transactions

net.add(100, client); * 1000)

A blockchain system already functions, performing reorgs, storing orphan blocks, and directing blocks to be relayed.

A miner system is being developed:

var net = require("./network"),
    peermgr = require("./peermgr"),
    btc = require("./btc"),
	client = new net.Client()


var left = 1; // mining resources left

client.init(function() {
	var myResources = Math.random() * left / 3;
	left -= myResources;


	this.on("miner:success", function(from, b) {
		this.log("yay we mined a block (height=" + b.h + ")")

net.add(200, client)


javascript p2p network simulator







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