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Simplify your online presence with a single link.


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Judgemental Linkarooie

Linkarooie is a robust, open-source alternative to Linktree, built with Ruby on Rails. It provides a centralized platform for managing and sharing your important links, achievements, and online presence. Created as a replacement for the archived BioDrop (LinkFree) project, Linkarooie offers a feature-rich, customizable solution designed for easy deployment and management.

Table of Contents

  1. Features
  2. Tech Stack
  3. Getting Started
  4. Docker Deployment
  5. DigitalOcean Deployment
  6. Configuration
  7. Backup and Restore Process
  8. Geolocation
  9. Customization
  10. Testing
  11. CI/CD
  12. Project Structure
  13. Key Components
  14. Gather Script
  15. Contributing
  16. License
  17. Support
  18. Acknowledgements

Video Demo



  • Custom Links Management:

    • Add, edit, and delete links with titles, URLs, descriptions, and custom icons
    • Toggle link visibility
    • Pin important links to the top of your profile
    • Organize links with custom positioning
  • User Profiles:

    • Customizable profiles with avatars, banners, full names, usernames, and descriptions
    • Tagging system for categorizing profiles
  • User Achievements:

    • Create and showcase personal or professional accomplishments
    • Include achievement titles, dates, descriptions, icons, and URLs
  • Analytics:

    • Track page views, link clicks, and unique visitors
    • View daily metrics for user engagement
    • Geolocation tracking for visitor insights (currently mandatory)
  • Open Graph Image Generation:

    • Automatic creation of social media preview images for improved sharing
  • Responsive Design:

    • Ensures optimal user experience across all devices
  • Background Job Processing:

    • Utilizes Sidekiq for efficient handling of background tasks
  • Asset Management:

    • Implements Vite for modern, efficient frontend asset handling
  • Automated Backups:

    • Daily backups to DigitalOcean Spaces with easy restoration process

Tech Stack

  • Backend:

    • Ruby 3.3.0 (local development)
    • Ruby 3.3.4 (production Docker image)
    • Rails 7.1.3
    • SQLite3 (development)
    • PostgreSQL/MySQL (recommended for production)
    • Sidekiq for background job processing
    • Redis for Sidekiq and caching
  • Frontend:

    • Vite for asset compilation and management
    • Tailwind CSS for styling
    • Stimulus.js for JavaScript sprinkles
    • Chartkick for chart generation
  • Testing:

    • RSpec for unit and integration tests
    • Factory Bot for test data generation
    • Shoulda Matchers for additional RSpec matchers
  • Deployment & Infrastructure:

    • Docker and Docker Compose for containerization
    • GitHub Actions for CI/CD
    • Terraform for infrastructure as code
    • DigitalOcean for hosting (Droplets and Spaces)
  • Additional Libraries:

    • Devise for authentication
    • Geocoder for geolocation services
    • AWS SDK for S3 compatible storage interactions
    • Font Awesome for icons

Getting Started


  • Ruby 3.3.0 or higher
  • Rails 7.1.3 or higher
  • SQLite3
  • Node.js (v20 or higher) and npm
  • Docker and Docker Compose (for containerized deployment)
  • Git

Local Development Setup

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd linkarooie
  2. Install Ruby dependencies:

    bundle install
  3. Install JavaScript dependencies:

    npm install
  4. Set up the database:

    rails db:create db:migrate db:seed
  5. Start the development servers:


    This command starts the Rails server, Vite dev server, and Tailwind CSS watcher.

  6. Visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser to access the application.

Creating a New User

Linkarooie provides an interactive Ruby script for creating new users:

  1. Run the script:

    ruby create_user.rb
  2. Follow the prompts to enter user details, including:

    • Email
    • Password
    • Username (optional)
    • Full name
    • Tags (comma-separated)
    • Avatar URL
    • Banner URL
    • Description

This script allows for easy user creation, especially useful for setting up initial accounts or testing.

Docker Deployment

Linkarooie uses Docker for easy deployment and scaling. The project includes a multi-stage Dockerfile for creating a lean production image.

  1. Build and start the Docker containers:

    docker compose -f up --build
  2. Access the application at http://localhost.

The production Docker setup includes:

  • Rails application container
  • Redis container for Sidekiq and caching
  • Sidekiq container for background job processing

Key Dockerfile features:

  • Multi-stage build for a smaller final image
  • Precompilation of assets and bootsnap
  • Non-root user for improved security

DigitalOcean Deployment

Linkarooie is optimized for deployment on DigitalOcean using Terraform for infrastructure management and GitHub Actions for continuous deployment.

Setting up DigitalOcean Infrastructure

  1. Install Terraform and set up a DigitalOcean account.

  2. Configure your DigitalOcean API token:

    export DO_TOKEN=your_digitalocean_api_token
  3. Create a DigitalOcean Droplet:

    cd terraform/droplet
    terraform init
    terraform apply -var="do_token=$DO_TOKEN"
  4. Set up DigitalOcean Spaces for backups:

    cd ../spaces
    terraform init
    terraform apply

Configuring GitHub Actions

  1. Set up the following secrets in your GitHub repository:

    • DROPLET_IP: The IP address of your DigitalOcean Droplet (output from Terraform)
    • DROPLET_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY: The private SSH key to access your Droplet
    • GH_PAT: Your GitHub Personal Access Token
  2. The GitHub Actions workflows will automatically:

    • Run tests and build Docker images on pull requests and pushes to feature branches
    • Deploy to your DigitalOcean Droplet when changes are merged to the main branch

Manual Deployment

You can also trigger a manual deployment using the GitHub Actions workflow dispatch event.


Environment Variables

Create a .env file in the root directory with the following variables:


Ensure all placeholder values are replaced with your actual API keys and tokens.

Database Configuration

  • Development and test environments use SQLite3.
  • For production, configure your preferred database (PostgreSQL recommended) in config/database.yml.

Backup and Restore Process

Linkarooie includes an automated backup system utilizing DigitalOcean Spaces:

Automated Backups

  • The BackupDatabaseJob runs daily at 2 AM.
  • It creates a dump of the SQLite database and uploads it to a DigitalOcean Spaces bucket.
  • Backups are versioned for easy point-in-time recovery.

Restoring from a Backup

Use the provided Rake task to restore from a backup:

rake db:restore BACKUP_FILE=path/to/your_backup_file.sql

For compressed backups:

rake db:restore BACKUP_FILE=path/to/your_backup_file.sql.tar.gz

The restore process:

  1. Drops all existing tables in the database.
  2. Loads the specified backup file.
  3. Applies any pending migrations.


Linkarooie is designed to be highly customizable:

  • Views: Modify ERB templates in app/views/
  • Styles:
    • Edit Tailwind CSS classes directly in views
    • Customize Tailwind configuration in config/tailwind.config.js
    • Add custom styles in app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.scss
  • JavaScript:
    • Add or modify Stimulus controllers in app/javascript/controllers/
    • Update the main JavaScript file at app/javascript/application.js
  • Backend Logic:
    • Controllers are located in app/controllers/
    • Models are in app/models/
  • Background Jobs: Add or modify Sidekiq jobs in app/jobs/
  • Localization: Update language files in config/locales/


Linkarooie uses RSpec for testing. The test suite includes:

  • Model specs
  • Controller specs
  • Feature specs
  • Helper specs

To run the entire test suite:

bundle exec rspec

To run specific tests:

bundle exec rspec spec/models
bundle exec rspec spec/controllers
bundle exec rspec spec/features


Linkarooie utilizes GitHub Actions for continuous integration and deployment:

  1. CI Workflow (ci.yml):

    • Triggered on pull requests to main and pushes to feature branches
    • Sets up Ruby and Node.js environments
    • Installs dependencies
    • Runs tests
    • Builds and pushes Docker image to GitHub Container Registry
  2. Deployment Workflow (deploy.yml):

    • Triggered on merges to main or manual dispatch
    • Builds and pushes Docker image
    • SSHs into the DigitalOcean Droplet
    • Pulls the latest Docker image
    • Runs database migrations
    • Restarts the application containers

Project Structure

├── app/
│   ├── assets/
│   ├── controllers/
│   ├── helpers/
│   ├── javascript/
│   ├── jobs/
│   ├── mailers/
│   ├── models/
│   ├── services/
│   └── views/
├── bin/
├── config/
├── db/
├── lib/
├── public/
├── spec/
├── storage/
├── terraform/
│   ├── droplet/
│   └── spaces/
├── .github/workflows/
├── Dockerfile
├── Gemfile
├── package.json
└── ...

Key Components

  • User Model: Manages user accounts, profiles, and authentication.
  • Link Model: Handles the creation and management of user links.
  • Achievement Model: Manages user achievements and milestones.
  • Analytics: Tracks and stores user engagement metrics.
  • OpenGraphImageGenerator: Service for creating social media preview images.
  • BackupDatabaseJob: Manages automated database backups.

Gather Script

The script is a utility for collecting project information:

./ [-o output_method] [-f output_file]
  -o, --output         Output method: stdout, clipboard, or file (default: stdout)
  -f, --file           Output file path (required if output method is file)

Note: There is also a gather.rb that works the same.

This script is useful for quickly compiling project details for documentation or sharing.

Useful Rails Console Commands

User Management

  1. Create a User:

      email: "[email protected]",
      password: "Password123",
      username: "newuser",
      full_name: "New User",
      tags: ["Tech", "Music"].to_json,  # Tags as JSON array
      avatar: "",
      avatar_border: "white",
      banner: "",
      description: "User description",
      community_opt_in: true,
      public_analytics: true
  2. List Users:

    User.pluck(:email, :username, :full_name)
  3. Find and Update a User:

    user = User.find_by(email: "[email protected]")
    user.update!(full_name: "Updated Name")
  4. Delete a User:

    user = User.find_by(email: "[email protected]")

Managing Links

  1. List All Links for a User:

    user = User.find_by(username: "newuser")
    user.links.pluck(:title, :url, :pinned, :position)
  2. Create a Link:

    user = User.find_by(username: "newuser")
    user.links.create!(title: "GitHub", url: "", icon: "fa-brands fa-github")
  3. Delete a Link:

    link = Link.find_by(url: "")

Managing Achievements

  1. List Achievements for a User:

    user = User.find_by(username: "newuser")
    user.achievements.pluck(:title, :date, :description, :url)
  2. Create an Achievement:

    user = User.find_by(username: "newuser")
    user.achievements.create!(title: "Achievement", date:, description: "Details")
  3. Delete an Achievement:

    achievement = Achievement.find_by(title: "Achievement")

Analytics and Metrics

  1. View Total Page Views for a User:

    user = User.find_by(username: "newuser")
  2. View Detailed Page Views:

    user = User.find_by(username: "newuser")
    user.page_views.pluck(:path, :visited_at, :referrer, :browser)
  3. Get Unique Visitors for a User:

    user = User.find_by(username: "newuser")

Importing and Exporting Data

  1. Export Users to CSV:

    require 'csv'"users.csv", "wb") do |csv|
      csv << ["Email", "Username", "Full Name", "Tags"]
      User.all.each do |user|
        csv << [, user.username, user.full_name, JSON.parse(user.tags).join(", ")]
  2. Import Users from CSV:

    require 'csv'
    CSV.foreach("path_to_users.csv", headers: true) do |row|
        email: row["Email"],
        username: row["Username"],
        full_name: row["Full Name"],
        tags: row["Tags"].split(',').to_json,
        password: "Password123",
        password_confirmation: "Password123"

Checking User Activity

  1. Users Without Achievements:

    User.left_joins(:achievements).where(achievements: { id: nil }).pluck(:username, :email)
  2. Users with Public Analytics Enabled:

    User.where(public_analytics: true).pluck(:username, :email)


We welcome contributions to Linkarooie! Here's how you can help:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
  5. Open a Pull Request

Please ensure your code adheres to the existing style and passes all tests.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


If you find Linkarooie helpful, please consider:

  • Starring the repository on GitHub
  • Sharing the project with others
  • Contributing to the codebase
  • Reporting issues or suggesting improvements


Linkarooie © 2024 - Simplify Your Online Presence