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Python interface to the Arbor brain simulator mechanisms ABI

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(Experimental) custom mechanisms in python for Arbor


Allows one to define mechanisms in python instead of NMODL or C++

VERY experimental and full of footguns. Likely to break with arbor updates. Makes assumptions on the pointer pack that definitely are not true, and allows you to edit currents, voltages and ions states in ways that might break the arbor solver.

Known to work for arbor==0.9.0

The overhead for calling back to python is quite large at the moment: For a single CV cell, initial tests with the HH model suggests that the call overhead is about 600x over the builtin HH NMODL implementation. For a 1024 CV cell and JAX.jit compilation, this is reduced to ~1.7 times slower execution.

Make sure you use the right indexing method! Else you will access memory you should not access...

For example:

  • pp.v[pp.node_index], pp.i[pp.node_index] (v, g, i via node index)
  • pp.state (state as is)
  • pp.ica[pp.index_ca],pp.ek[pp.index_k] (ions via ion index)


pip install git+


import arbor
import arbor_pycat

class Passive(arbor_pycat.CustomMechanism):
    name = 'passive'
    def init_mechanism(self, pp):
    def compute_currents(self, pp):
        pp.i[pp.node_index] = pp.v[pp.node_index] * 1e-2

class ExampleMech(arbor_pycat.CustomMechanism):
    name = 'example'
    state_vars = [('x', 'mV', 1.),
                  ('y', 'mV', 0.)]
    ions = [arbor_pycat.IonInfo('ca', expected_valence=2, verify_valence=True)]

    def init_mechanism(self, pp):
        pp.v[pp.node_index] = 10

    def advance_state(self, pp):
        dx =  pp.y * pp.dt
        dy = -pp.x * pp.dt
        pp.x += dx
        pp.y += dy

    def compute_currents(self, pp):
        pp.i[pp.node_index] = (pp.v[pp.node_index] + pp.x) * 1e-1

    def write_ions(self, pp):
        pp.eca[pp.index_ca] = +80
        pp.cai[pp.index_ca] = -pp.v[pp.node_index]

cat =

# [...]

decor = (
    .paint('"soma"', arbor.density("example"))
    .paint('"dend"', arbor.density("passive"))

props = arbor.neuron_cable_properties()
props.catalogue.extend(cat, '')

Hodgkin-Huxley example

def exprelr(x): return np.where(np.isclose(x, 0), 1., x / np.expm1(x))
def alpha_m(V): return exprelr(-0.1*V - 4.0)
def alpha_h(V): return 0.07*np.exp(-0.05*V - 3.25)
def alpha_n(V): return 0.1*exprelr(-0.1*V - 5.5)
def beta_m(V):  return 4.0*np.exp(-(V + 65.0)/18.0)
def beta_h(V):  return 1.0/(np.exp(-0.1*V - 3.5) + 1.0)
def beta_n(V):  return 0.125*np.exp(-0.0125*V - 0.8125)

class ExampleMech(arbor_pycat.CustomMechanism):
    name = 'custom_hh'
    kind = 'density'
    state_vars = [('m', '', 0), ('h', '', 0), ('n', '', 0), ('t', '', 0)]
    parameters = [('gna', '',   0.120),
                  ('gk', '',    0.036),
                  ('gl', '',    0.0003),
                  ('ena', '',  55),
                  ('ek', '',  -77),
                  ('el', '',  -65)]

    def init_mechanism(self, pp):
        pp.m = alpha_m(pp.v[pp.node_index]) / (alpha_m(pp.v[pp.node_index]) + beta_m(pp.v[pp.node_index]))
        pp.h = alpha_h(pp.v[pp.node_index]) / (alpha_h(pp.v[pp.node_index]) + beta_h(pp.v[pp.node_index]))
        pp.n = alpha_n(pp.v[pp.node_index]) / (alpha_n(pp.v[pp.node_index]) + beta_n(pp.v[pp.node_index]))

    def advance_state(self, pp):
        pp.t += pp.dt
        pp.m += pp.dt * (alpha_m(pp.v)*(1-pp.m) - beta_m(pp.v)*pp.m)
        pp.h += pp.dt * (alpha_h(pp.v)*(1-pp.h) - beta_h(pp.v)*pp.h)
        pp.n += pp.dt * (alpha_n(pp.v)*(1-pp.n) - beta_n(pp.v)*pp.n)

    def compute_currents(self, pp):
        ina = pp.gna*pp.m**3*pp.h*(pp.v[pp.node_index] - pp.ena)
        ik = pp.gk*pp.n**4*(pp.v[pp.node_index] - pp.ek)
        il =*(pp.v[pp.node_index] - pp.el)
        iapp = 0.05 if pp.t[0] % 100 > 95 else 0
        pp.i[pp.node_index] = ina + ik + il - iapp

Debugging segfaults

Build a debug arbor (in arbor source directory)

$ git checkout 0.9.0
$ cmake .. \
    -G Ninja \
    -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug \
    -DARB_PYTHON_LIB_PATH="`python3 -c 'import site; print(site.getusersitepackages())'`" \
$ ninja install

Build a debug arbor pycat (in arbor_pycat directory)

pip install .
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DPython_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=$(which python3) -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-I ~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/arbor/include" ..
mv ~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/arbor_pycat/

# [ ... ]

gdb --arg python3

Inferior Olive (de Gruijl model) example

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import arbor_pycat._core as acm

# Channel conductance parameters
g_CaL           = 0.045      # Calcium T - (CaV 3.1) (0.7)
g_h             = 0.015      # H current (HCN) (0.4996)
g_K_Ca          = 0.220      # Potassium  (KCa v1.1 - BK) (35)
g_ld            = 1.3e-5     # Leak dendrite (0.016)
g_la            = 1.3e-5     # Leak axon (0.016)
g_ls            = 1.3e-5     # Leak soma (0.016)
g_Na_s          = 0.030      # Sodium  - (Na v1.6 )
g_Kdr_s         = 0.030      # Potassium - (K v4.3)
g_K_s           = 0.015      # Potassium - (K v3.4)
g_CaH           = 0.010      # High-threshold calcium -- Ca V2.1
g_Na_a          = 0.200      # Sodium
g_K_a           = 0.200      # Potassium (20)

# Reversal potential parameters
V_Na            =  55.0      # Sodium
V_K             = -75.0      # Potassium
V_Ca            = 120.0      # Low-threshold calcium channel
V_h             = -43.0      # H current
V_l             =  10.0      # Leak

def single_cell():
    import arbor
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    nml = arbor.neuroml('./C51A.cell.nml').cell_morphology('C51A')
    label = arbor.label_dict()
    decor = (
        .paint('"soma_group"', arbor.density('io_soma_fwd'))
        .paint('"dendrite_group"', arbor.density('io_dend_fwd'))
        .paint('"axon_group"', arbor.density('io_axon_fwd'))
        .set_property(cm=0.01, rL=100, Vm=-60)
    cell = arbor.cable_cell(nml.morphology, decor, label)
    m = arbor.single_cell_model(cell), '')
    m.probe('voltage', where='(root)', frequency=1), 0.025*4)
    t = m.traces[0].time
    v = m.traces[0].value
    plt.plot(t, v)

class Soma:
    state = 'k', 'l', 'h', 'n', 'x'
    def init(v):
        k           = 1 / (1 + jnp.exp(-(v + 61)/4.2))
        l           = 1 / (1 + jnp.exp( (v + 85)/8.5))
        h           = 1 / (1 + jnp.exp( (v + 70)/5.8))
        n           = 1 / ( 1 + jnp.exp(-(v +  3)/10))
        alpha_x     = 0.13 * (v + 25) / (1 - jnp.exp(-(v + 25)/10))
        beta_x      = 1.69 * jnp.exp(-(v + 35)/80)
        x           = alpha_x / (alpha_x + beta_x)
        return jnp.stack([k, l, h, n, x])
    def compute_current(v, state):
        k, l, h, n, x = state
        I_leak = g_ls * (v - V_l)
        Ical   = g_CaL * k * k * k * l * (v - V_Ca)
        m_inf  = 1 / (1 + jnp.exp(-(v + 30)/5.5))
        Ina    = g_Na_s * m_inf**3 * h * (v - V_Na)
        Ikdr   = g_Kdr_s * n**4 * (v - V_K)
        Ik     = g_K_s * x**4 * (v - V_K)
        return I_leak + Ik + Ikdr + Ina + Ical
    def state_gradient(v, state):
        k, l, h, n, x = state
        k_inf       = 1 / (1 + jnp.exp(-(v + 61)/4.2))
        l_inf       = 1 / (1 + jnp.exp( (v + 85)/8.5))
        tau_l       = (20 * jnp.exp((v + 160)/30) / (1 + jnp.exp((v + 84) / 7.3))) + 35
        dk_dt       = k_inf - k
        dl_dt       = (l_inf - l) / tau_l
        h_inf       = 1 / (1 + jnp.exp( (v + 70)/5.8))
        tau_h       = 3 * jnp.exp(-(v + 40)/33)
        dh_dt       = (h_inf - h) / tau_h
        n_inf       = 1 / ( 1 + jnp.exp(-(v +  3)/10))
        tau_n       = 5 + (47 * jnp.exp( (v + 50)/900))
        dn_dt       = (n_inf - n) / tau_n
        alpha_x     = 0.13 * (v + 25) / (1 - jnp.exp(-(v + 25)/10))
        beta_x      = 1.69 * jnp.exp(-(v + 35)/80)
        tau_x_inv   = alpha_x + beta_x
        x_inf       = alpha_x / tau_x_inv
        dx_dt       = (x_inf - x) * tau_x_inv
        return jnp.stack([dk_dt, dl_dt, dh_dt, dn_dt, dx_dt])

class Dend:
    state = 'caconc', 'r', 's', 'q'
    def init(v):
        caconc      =  jnp.full_like(v, 3.715)
        alpha_r     =  1.7 / (1 + jnp.exp(-(v - 5)/13.9))
        beta_r      =  0.02*(v + 8.5) / (jnp.exp((v + 8.5)/5) - 1.0)
        r           =  alpha_r / (alpha_r + beta_r)
        alpha_s     =  jnp.where(0.00002 * caconc < 0.01, 0.00002 * caconc, 0.01)
        s           =  alpha_s / (alpha_s + 0.015)
        q           =  1 / (1 + jnp.exp((v + 80)/4))
        return jnp.stack([caconc, r, s, q])
    def compute_current(v, state):
        _, r, s, q  = state
        I_leak      =  g_ld * (v - V_l)
        Icah        =  g_CaH * r * r * (v - V_Ca) * 0
        Ikca        =  g_K_Ca * s * (v - V_K)
        Ih          =  g_h * q * (v - V_h)
        return I_leak + Icah + Ikca + Ih
    def state_gradient(v, state):
        caconc, r, s, q = state
        Icah        =  g_CaH * r * r * (v - V_Ca)
        alpha_r     =  1.7 / (1 + jnp.exp(-(v - 5)/13.9))
        beta_r      =  0.02*(v + 8.5) / (jnp.exp((v + 8.5)/5) - 1.0)
        tau_r_inv5  =  (alpha_r + beta_r)
        r_inf       =  alpha_r / tau_r_inv5
        dr_dt       =  (r_inf - r) * tau_r_inv5 * 0.2
        alpha_s     =  jnp.where(
                0.00002 * caconc < 0.01,
                0.00002 * caconc,
        tau_s_inv   =  alpha_s + 0.015
        s_inf       =  alpha_s / tau_s_inv
        ds_dt       =  (s_inf - s) * tau_s_inv
        q_inf       =  1 / (1 + jnp.exp((v + 80)/4))
        tau_q_inv   =  jnp.exp(-0.086*v - 14.6) + jnp.exp(0.070*v - 1.87)
        dq_dt       =  (q_inf - q) * tau_q_inv
        dCa_dt      =  -3 * Icah - 0.075 * caconc
        return jnp.stack([dCa_dt, dr_dt, ds_dt, dq_dt])

class Axon:
    state = 'h', 'x'
    def init(v):
        h     =  1 / (1 + jnp.exp( (v+60)/5.8))
        alpha_x   =  0.13*(v + 25) / (1 - jnp.exp(-(v + 25)/10))
        beta_x    =  1.69 * jnp.exp(-(v + 35)/80)
        tau_x_inv =  alpha_x + beta_x
        x     =  alpha_x / tau_x_inv
        return jnp.stack([h, x])
    def compute_current(v, state):
        h, x = state
        m_inf     =  1 / (1 + jnp.exp(-(v+30)/5.5))
        I_leak    =  g_la * (v - V_l)
        Ina       =  g_Na_a * m_inf**3 * h * (v - V_Na)
        Ik        =  g_K_a * x**4 * (v - V_K)
        return I_leak + Ina + Ik
    def state_gradient(v, state):
        h, x = state
        h_inf     =  1 / (1 + jnp.exp( (v+60)/5.8))
        tau_h     =  1.5 * jnp.exp(-(v+40)/33)
        dh_dt     =  (h_inf - h) / tau_h
        alpha_x   =  0.13*(v + 25) / (1 - jnp.exp(-(v + 25)/10))
        beta_x    =  1.69 * jnp.exp(-(v + 35)/80)
        tau_x_inv =  alpha_x + beta_x
        x_inf     =  alpha_x / tau_x_inv
        dx_dt     =  (x_inf - x) * tau_x_inv
        return jnp.stack([dh_dt, dx_dt])

def forward(decl, mech_name):
    n = len(decl.state)
    arb_mech = acm.ArbMech()
    for i, name in enumerate(decl.state):
        assert i == arb_mech.add_state(name, '', 0.)
    def get_state(pp): return jnp.stack([pp.state(i) for i in range(n)])
    def set_state(pp, val):
        for i in range(n): pp.state(i)[:] = val[i]
        return jnp.stack([pp.state(i) for i in range(n)])
    def init(pp):
        v = pp.v[pp.node_index]
        val = decl.init(v)
        set_state(pp, val)
    jit_state_gradient = jax.jit(decl.state_gradient)
    def advance_state(pp):
        v = pp.v[pp.node_index]
        x = get_state(pp)
        x = x + pp.dt * jit_state_gradient(v, x)
        set_state(pp, x)
    jit_compute_current = jax.jit(decl.compute_current)
    def compute_currents(pp):
        v = pp.v[pp.node_index]
        x = get_state(pp)
        i = jit_compute_current(v, x)
        pp.i[pp.node_index] = i
    arb_mech.set_write_ions(lambda _: None)

def register():
    forward(Soma, 'io_soma_fwd')
    forward(Dend, 'io_dend_fwd')
    forward(Axon, 'io_axon_fwd')

def build():
    import arbor
    so_name = acm.get_so_name()
    cat = arbor.load_catalogue(so_name)
    return cat



Python interface to the Arbor brain simulator mechanisms ABI






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